Why Node?
● Asynchronous
● Robust
● Blazingly FAST
● Javascript / Browserify / React
● Largest growth year over year
● Largest frontend tool belt
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● Event Based Development
● Real Time Applications
● Single Threaded
● Non Blocking I/O
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● Very small footprint / stack
● Hundreds thousand production installations
● Easily Scalable
● Every major company is deploying node
○ Yahoo
○ Paypal
○ eBay
○ LinkedIn
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Blazingly Fast
● Superior V8 engine under the hood
● 2x speed compared to Threaded langs
○ Java
○ Ruby
● Wins both in RPS and Response Time
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Why Blazingly Fast
source: http://strongloop.com/strongblog/node-js-is-faster-than-java/
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Javascript & the Web
● Javascript is the Lingua Franca of the web
● Huge & Growing developer pool
● Minimum context switching for back / front
● Websockets / Isomorphic applications
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Largest Growth
source: http://www.modulecounts.com/
● 95k NPM Modules
● Grows at 159m/day
● Second is Maven with 73/d
That was Jul 2014...
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Largest Growth
source: http://www.modulecounts.com/
● 351k NPM Modules
● Grows at 421/day
This is Nov 2016
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Largest Frontend Tool Belt
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A Quick Look Under the Hood
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● No Frameworks
● Small reusable libraries
● Open Source
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A Typical Node Web App
Your App
Core HTTP ExpressJS
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Middleware Pattern
HTTP Request
Express JS
Matched Route
CORS Middleware
CSRF Middleware
Auth Middleware
Main Task
HTTP Response