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Mastering Feature Flags Best Practices and Implementation with Firebase Remote Config Domen Lanišnik Android Engineer, Lyft

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Agenda ● Basics ● Benefits and drawbacks ● Best practices ● Advanced uses ● Getting started with Firebase Remote Config ● Summary

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What is a Feature Flag ● Simple boolean variable ● Control remotely whether a feature is enabled ● No need to rebuild and re-release the app Feature Flag Turned OFF Feature Flag Turned ON

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What is a Feature Flag if (isFeatureEnabled("shareFeatureEnabled")) { // show Share button } if (isFeatureEnabled("useNewComposeScreen")) { // open new Compose based screen } else { // open old View based screen }

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Why Use Feature Flags ● Protect against critical bugs or crashes ● Decouple from the release process ● Control which users get the feature ● Avoid long-lived feature branches ● Support one-time features ● Run A/B experiments

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What to Watch Out For ● Overusing feature flags (complexity) ● Dependant feature flags ● Increased testing difficulty ● Stale feature flags (tech debt)

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Best Practices ● Put new features under feature flags and ship early ● Have a clear naming convention ● Define ownership ● Perform regular reviews for stale flags ● Avoid dependent flags

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Different Types of Feature Flags ● Int, String, Double, Lists, Json, … ● Allows for different configurations ● Enables experimenting with different values

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Kill Switches ● Used for critical paths ● Refreshed often ● Disable an important feature in case of an issue ● Should not be same as the main feature flag

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A/B Testing ● Divide the user base into two groups ● Gather analytics and metrics ● Decide whether to ship the new feature

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How to Start Using Feature Flags ● Implement your own feature management service ● Use existing open-source libraries ● Use a third-party feature management service

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Firebase Remote Config ● Cloud service for changing behavior and appearance of apps ● Third-party feature management service ● Offers everything out-of-the-box ● Update values through console or backend APIs ● Android, iOS, Flutter, Web, and Backend

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Implementation Steps 1. Set up (new) Firebase Project 2. Integrate Firebase SDKs into your app 3. Configure the Remote Config object 4. Fetch and activate values 5. Read values from Remote Config backend 6. Listen for updates

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1. Set up a new Firebase Project

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1. Set up a new Firebase Project

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1. Set up a new Firebase Project

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1. Set up a new Firebase Project

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2. Integrate the SDK

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2. Integrate the SDK

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2. Integrate the SDK

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2. Integrate the SDK

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2. Integrate SDK dependencies { // Import the BoM for the Firebase platform implementation(platform("")) // Add the dependencies for the Remote Config and Analytics libraries implementation("") implementation("") }

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2. Integrate the SDK

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3. Create a new Feature Flag

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3. Create a new Feature Flag

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3. Create a new Feature Flag

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3. Create a new Feature Flag

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4. Initialize Remote Config class FeatureChecker { private val remoteConfig = FirebaseRemoteConfig.getInstance() init { val configSettings = remoteConfigSettings { minimumFetchIntervalInSeconds = 3600L } remoteConfig.setConfigSettingsAsync(configSettings) } }

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5. Set Default Values remoteConfig.setDefaultsAsync( mapOf( "detailsScreenEnabled" to false, "descriptionMaxLineCount" to 2L, "detailsNavigation" to "BOTTOM_SHEET" ) )

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6. Fetch Remote Values suspend fun fetchFeaturesConfig(): Boolean { return remoteConfig.fetchAndActivate().await() } ● Blocking during app startup (splash screen) ● Async and update immediately ● Async and use new values next time

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7. Read Values fun isFeatureEnabled(featureFlagName: String): Boolean { return remoteConfig.getBoolean(featureFlagName) } fun getLongValue(key: String): Long { return remoteConfig.getLong(key) }

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6. Read Values class ViewModel(private val featureChecker: FeatureChecker) : ViewModel() { private val _detailsScreenEnabled: MutableStateFlow = MutableStateFlow(false) val detailsScreenEnabled: StateFlow = _detailsScreenEnabled init { viewModelScope.launch { _detailsScreenEnabled.update { featureChecker.isFeatureEnabled("detailsScreenEnabled") } } } }

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6. Using it in Compose with a ViewModel val detailScreenEnabled = viewModel.detailsScreenEnabled .collectAsState() .value if (detailsButtonEnabled) { IconButton( onClick = {}, ) { Icon( Icons.Default.ArrowForward, contentDescription = "Open details" ) } }

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8. Observe Updates in Real-Time ● Receive new values as soon as published ● Opens HTTP connection to Remote Config backend Source:

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8. Observe Updates in Real-Time suspend fun observeFeatureConfigChanges() = callbackFlow { firebaseRemoteConfig.addOnConfigUpdateListener(object : ConfigUpdateListener { override fun onUpdate(configUpdate: ConfigUpdate) { firebaseRemoteConfig.activate().addOnCompleteListener { trySend(configUpdate.updatedKeys) } } override fun onError(error: FirebaseRemoteConfigException) { close(error.cause) } }) awaitClose { } }

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8. Observe Updates in Real-Time featureChecker.observeFeatureConfigChanges() .filter { it.contains("detailsScreenEnabled") } .map { featureChecker.isFeatureEnabled("detailsScreenEnabled") } .collectLatest { featureEnabled -> _detailsScreenEnabled.update { featureEnabled } }

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7. Observe Updates in Real-Time

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Additional Capabilities ● A/B experiments ○ Used with Google Analytics ● Personalization ○ Uses ML to deliver custom experience to each user ○ Automatically achieve maximum conversion ○ Can be useful for showing ads, adjusting difficulty level in a game, …

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Setting up an A/B Experiment ● how to set up ● how to target specific users ● code examples

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Firebase Remote Config Limitations ● Free to use for unlimited daily active users ● Maximum 2000 parameters ● Parameter keys can be up to 256 characters long ● Maximum 500 conditions ● Throttling (default is 12 hours) ● Up to 300 total A/B experiments (max 24 running)

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Summary ● Feature flags are a powerful tool ● Make building and releasing mobile apps both safer and faster ● Benefits outweigh the drawbacks ● Stick to the best practices ● Easy to get started with Firebase Remote Config

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Thank you! domenlanisnik @DomenLanisnik @domen.lanisnik