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Towards True End-to-End Learning and Optimization michell.s.handaka [at] GDP Labs Confidential

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Deep Learning learns features from data GDP Labs Confidential

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Deep Learning learns features from data GDP Labs Confidential

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Deep Learning learns features from data GDP Labs Confidential

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Deep Learning end-to-end learning: joint optimization of a single loss function GDP Labs Confidential

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Deep Learning end-to-end learning: joint optimization of a single loss function GDP Labs Confidential

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Towards True End-to-End Learning and Optimization Deep Learning AutoML deep learning “end-to-end” expert chooses architecture & hyperparameters learning box meta-level learning and optimization GDP Labs Confidential

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Learning Box can be Any Machine Learning Pipeline ● data preprocessing ● feature engineering ● model selection ● hyperparameter tuning ● ensembles GDP Labs Confidential

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Bayesian Optimization Bayesian optimization λ f(λ) GDP Labs Confidential

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[Bardenet et al., ICML 2013; Swersky et al., NIPS 2013; Feurer, Springenberg, Hutter, AAAI 2015 ] [Domhan, Springenberg, Hutter, IJCAI 2015] [Klein, Bartels, Falkner, Hennig, Hutter, AISTATS 2017] Beyond Black Box Bayesian Optimization [Thornton, Hutter, Hoos, Leyton-Brown, KDD 2013] GDP Labs Confidential

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Speeding Up Automatic Hyperparameter Optimization of Deep Neural Networks by Extrapolation of Learning Curves [Domhan, Springenberg, Hutter, IJCAI 2015] GDP Labs Confidential

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Typical Learning Curves for Iterative Training with SGD Markov Chain Monte Carlo to quantify model uncertainty GDP Labs Confidential

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Predictive Termination if P < 5%, terminate if P > 5%, continue training GDP Labs Confidential

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Qualitative Analysis GDP Labs Confidential

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Quantitative Analysis 2 fold speed up of Deep Neural Network structure & hyperparameter optimization GDP Labs Confidential

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Fast Bayesian Optimization of Machine Learning Hyperparameters on Large Datasets [Klein, Bartels, Falkner, Hennig, Hutter, AISTATS 2017] GDP Labs Confidential

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problem: training is very slow for large datasets approach: scaling up from subsets of the data e.g. Support Vector Machine computational cost grows quadratically in dataset size s error shrinks smoothly with dataset size s GDP Labs Confidential

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● automatically choose dataset size for each evaluation ● entropy search based on a probability distribution of where the maximum lies ● pick configuration and dataset size pair to maximally decrease entropy per time spent GDP Labs Confidential

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● 10 - 500 fold speed up for optimizing SVMs ● 5 - 10 fold speed up for optimizing Convolutional Neural Networks Quantitative Analysis GDP Labs Confidential

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Bayesian Optimization with Robust Bayesian Neural Networks [Springenberg, Klein, Falkner, Hutter, NIPS 2016] GDP Labs Confidential

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f(λ, D) ✓ f(λ, t) ✓ f(λ, s) ✓ f(λ, D, t, s)? ● a lot of data points ● expensive black box evaluations ● cheap incremental evaluations ● Gaussian Process Model will not scale Stochastic Gradient Hamiltonian Monte Carlo GDP Labs Confidential

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Empirical Evaluation Scalable Bayesian Optimization Using Deep Neural Networks (DNGO) [Snoek et al., ICML 2015] DNN with Bayesian Linear Regression in last layer both algorithms are effective SGHMC is more robust as good as Bayesian optimization with Gaussian Processes but much more flexible e.g. reasoning over many related datasets GDP Labs Confidential

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Conclusion ● Bayesian optimization enables true end-to-end learning ● large speed ups by going beyond black box optimization ● learning across datasets ● learning curve extrapolation ● dataset subsampling GDP Labs Confidential

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References ● Domhan et al. Speeding up automatic hyperparameter optimization of deep neural networks by extrapolation of learning curves. IJCAI 2015. ● Klein et al. Fast Bayesian optimization of machine learning hyperparameters on large datasets. AISTATS 2017. ● Springenberg. Bayesian optimization with robust Bayesian neural networks. NIPS 2016. ● Snoek et al. Scalable Bayesian optimization using deep neural networks. ICML 2015. ● Hutter. Towards true end-to-end learning and optimization. ECML 2017. ● Hutter. Black box hyperparameter optimization and AutoML. AutoML 2017. ● Hutter. Beyond black box optimization. AutoML 2017. ● ● ● ● ● ● ● GDP Labs Confidential