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Are you failing at being agile? Antonio Perić-Mažar, Locastic 28.09.2019. - #digitallabin

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Antonio Perić-Mažar CEO @ Locastic Co-founder @ Litto Co-founder @ Tinel Meetup Co-founder @ Blockada t: @antonioperic m: [email protected]

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Locastic Helping clients create web and mobile apps since 2011 • UX/UI • Mobile apps • Web apps • Training & Consulting @locastic

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“We do a daily standup in the morning; we are an Agile shop”.

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“We do a daily standup in the morning; we are an Agile shop”. - no, you are not

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• Software development agency • 20+ employees • More than one project running at same time • Different clients, different locations of clients Context

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We stared with the waterfall.

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We stared with the waterfall. And we fall. Hard.

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Let’s go AGILE!

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Let’s do SCRUM!

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Well, this is fun and ok, but still… results are better, but…

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1st problem:
 we focused to much on framework

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Scrum is a great option when you’re a team at a software vendor with a clear focus to deliver a specific product.

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Scrum is a great option when you’re a team at a software vendor with a clear focus to deliver a specific product. External dependencies (clients)

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If you are doing SCRUM, you are not Agile company, you need to have Agile mindset.

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We cannot sell the waterfall and do it agile!

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Ideal project: - time&materials - no budget - no deadlines - no/flexible scope

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Ideal project: - time&materials - no budget - no deadlines - no/flexible scope doesn’t exist

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• Flexible budget + Project idea • Fixed budget + Project idea • Flexible budget + Project specification (and/or wireframes/ prototypes) • Fixed budget + Project specification (and/or wireframes/prototypes). Type of projects

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• Flexible budget + Project idea • Fixed budget + Project idea -> AVOID! • Flexible budget + Project specification (and/or wireframes/ prototypes) • Fixed budget + Project specification (and/or wireframes/prototypes). Type of projects

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If the scope, the deadline and the price have already been set at the beginning, it no longer makes sense to try and implement an agile framework such as Scrum.

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Time&Materials model

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• Huge level of trust • Easily overcome as soon as one has completed an agile project together • Requires education of the client and huge level of empathy on both sides • Today is much easier to sell it then 5 years ago, it is almost a standard • Empathy, understanding and patience on both sides Time&Materials model

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Clients still want estimates

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Involve the project team in the acquisition phase as early as possible

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UX/UI first development

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#1 value Customer collaboration over contract negotiation

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Forget the service provider role (and work as a team with your client) - add empathy

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Product Owner

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Implement one measure at a time

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#2 value Individuals and interactions over processes and tools

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#3 value Working software over comprehensive documentation

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• It should be clear at first glance what feature the task is related to • Description of a task should always begin with its purpos • A task should always be written in a way that is relevant for the whole tea • A task should list all important steps for completing it • Criteria should be very specific and related to the task, and should contain real testable example • Each task should contain a direct link to a wireframe and/or design view Anatomy of a Task

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#4 value Responding to change over following a plan

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The Law of the customer an obsession with delivering value to customers as the be-all and end-all of the organization.

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The Law of the small team a presumption that all work be carried out by small self -organizing teams, working in short cycles and focused on delivering value to customers—and

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The Law of the network a continuing effort to obliterate bureaucracy and top-down hierarchy so that the firm operates as an interacting network of teams, all focused on working together to deliver increasing value to customers

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#bestAdviceEver Stop being heroic command giver, and start being humble gardener

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• People and project are more important then process (methodology) • Scrum is just a framework that we adjusted to ourself • It is a philosophy not a process • It is probably the best solution at the moment for chaotic systems • It is easy to learn in theory, but it is very hard to practice it, especially with external parties (clients) How we see Agile today

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• Agile is way of thinking, and it should be integrated to each part of the team/company: • it should be a way of thinking • a way of writing the tasks • a way of signing the contracts • a way of doing business development • and etc. How we see Agile today

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• it is good for organisation and task management • it delivers new features constantly, client can see the progress and client is more involved in entire process • usually clients are more happy • if everything is setup well, it is very easy to rotate team members Advantages

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• client is part of development process, and software development is no longer strange thing for them • there is no bunch of documentation • entire team is more focuses on delivering high quality product Advantages

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• It is very hard to get client on location all the time • Product owner role is very hard, and usually clients don’t have person who is ready to take that role • in this situation team need to have one more person who will do training and consulting to help client with assignments • Client almost always wants to know price and deadlines • in this case sometimes SCRUM/AGILE is not possible and it becomes just a show Disadvantages

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• Sometimes clients don’t get the concepts of agile, as they are used in traditional processes • If team and client are not on the same location, it makes process slower • Client is usually more involved in the beginning • It is not for inexperienced teams Disadvantages

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• Lean Development • Extreme programming, pair programming • BDD, TDD, DDD… • CI/CD • Automation of processes (testing, deploying, etc) Agile is not just SCRUM

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Where we are going with agile today?

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Moving to Kanban more!

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Be Agile with Agile!

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• increased number of releases • reduced number of bugs • better and more quality metrics per teams • design process are drastically improved • moral of teams and people is increasead • clients are more happy Results

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“I’m sick of it. I can’t wait for the day when everyone realises how much of a fad-diet, religious-cult-inspired, money-making exercise it is for a group of consultants. I can’t wait for people to wake up to the fact that the only good parts of Agile are just basic common sense and don’t need a ‘manifesto’ or evangelists to support them.”. - the rant of Luke Halliwell some ten years ago

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The is no one-size-fits- all approach for agencies.

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Without an Agile mindset, Agile remains an inert, lifeless set of ceremonies.

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Thank you!

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Questions? Antonio Perić-Mažar t: @antonioperic m: [email protected]