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炎炎夏⽇日學 Android Johnny Sung Part1: Kotlin 語法介紹

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Mobile device developer Johnny Sung

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⼤大綱 • Kotlin 語法介紹 • Android 元件介紹 • Hello Android

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環境準備 • 電腦⼀一台 • 安裝 Android Studio & Android SDK • Android ⼿手機⼀一⽀支(極建議,非必要) • 夠快的網路路 Wifi • 你最愛的飲料⼀一杯

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純命令列列環境 • 電腦版 IntelliJ 新增 Kotlin JVM 專案 • IntelliJ IDEA CE • Kotlin 線上編譯器 • Java 線上編譯器

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純命令列列環境 線上版 電腦版 • 優點:跨平台,不需安裝,
 不佔硬碟空間,快速⽅方便便使⽤用。 • 缺點:編輯器語法⾃自動完成較陽春,
 無⾃自動格式化。 • 優點:編譯較快,
 編輯器語法⾃自動完成較完整, • 缺點:需安裝,佔硬碟空間。

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IntelliJ IDEA CE

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Kotlin 線上編譯器

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Java 線上編譯器

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No content

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變數 (Variable)

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var glass: String = "檸檬紅茶茶" 變數名稱 型態 值 宣告(指定給...) (初始化)

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• 數字 • String 字串串 (陸譯:字符串串) • Boolean 布林林 (陸譯:布爾) • Array 陣列列 (陸譯:數組) • Char 字元 (陸譯:字符) • Double ⾼高精度浮點數 (64 bit) • Float 浮點數 (32 bit) • Long 長整數 (64 bit) 基礎資料型態 • Int 整數 (32 bit) • Short 整數 (16 bit) • Byte 整數 (8 bit)

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var val 宣告⼀一個可修改的變數 宣告⼀一個不可改的常數

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var number: Int? = null var number2: Int = 1 變數名稱 型態 值 變數名稱 型態 值 有問號 沒有問號

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Int? Int 有問號 沒有問號 變數可以為空值 變數不可為空值

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 (變數可修改) val
 (變數不可改) 型態有問號
 (可以為空值) ✅ ❌ 型態沒有問號
 (不可為空值) ✅ 
 (需給初始值) ✅ 

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var myString1: String = "abc" var myString2: String? = null val myString3: String = "abc" 宣告⼀一個 myString 的字串串,初始為 "abc" (不為 null,⼀一定要給值) 宣告⼀一個可為 null 的字串串叫 myString,初始為 null 宣告⼀一個不可改的字串串叫 myString,值為 "abc"

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 (Conditions & Flows)

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(⾃自動判斷為布林林值,省略略型態寫法) var temperature = 15 if (temperature > 40) { print("是熱⽔水") } else { print("是冷⽔水") }

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var isCreature = true if (isCreature) { print("是⽣生物") } else { print("不是⽣生物") } (⾃自動判斷為布林林值,省略略型態寫法)

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常⽤用運算元 == 等於 > ⼤大於 >= ⼤大於等於 < ⼩小於 <= ⼩小於等於 && AND || OR ! NOT 真值表 A B A && B A || B false false false false false true false true true false false true true true true true

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Switch when

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val viewType: Int = 1 when (viewType) { 1, 2 -> { // Do something with value 1 or 2 } 3 -> { // Do something with value 3 } else -> { // Do something with default } }

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switch (viewType) { case 1: case 2: // Do something with value 1 or 2 break; case 3: // Do something with value 3 break; default: // Do something with default } val viewType: Int = 1 when (viewType) { 1, 2 -> { // Do something with value 1 or 2 } 3 -> { // Do something with value 3 } else -> { // Do something with default } } Java Kotlin

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Java Kotlin if (item instanceof ModelA) { // ... } else if (item instanceof ModelB) { // ... } else if (item instanceof ModelC) { // ... } else { // ... } when (item) { is ModelA -> { // ... } is ModelB -> { // ... } is ModelC -> { // ... } else -> { // ... } } 型態判斷 型態判斷

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for 迴圈

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( 0 到 1 0 ) for (i in 0..10) { println(i) } 開始值 結束值 關鍵字的點點 賦予計數的變數名

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開始值 結束值 關鍵字 downTo 賦予計數的變數名
 (計數器的變數) for (i in 10 downTo 0 step 1) { println(i) } 步進值 ( 10 到 0 )

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Java Kotlin for (i in 10 downTo 0 step 1) { println(i) } for (int i = 10; i >= 0; i--) { System.out.println(i); } for (i in 0..10) { println(i) } for (int i = 0; i <= 10; i++) { System.out.println(i); } ( 0 到 10 ) ( 10 到 0 ) ( 0 到 10 ) ( 10 到 0 )

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陣列列 (Array)

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Java Kotlin String[] strings = new String[]{"a", "b"}; 陣列列型態 陣列列型態 val strings: Array = arrayOf("a", "b") ArrayList strings = new ArrayList<>(); strings.add("a"); strings.add("b"); strings.add("c"); val strings:ArrayList = ArrayList() strings.add("a") strings.add("b") strings.add("c") ArrayList 型態 ArrayList 型態

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陣列列搭配 for 迴圈是好⿇麻吉 ☺

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Java Kotlin val strings = arrayOf("a", "b", "c") for ((index, value) in strings.withIndex()) { println("The element at $index is $value") } String[] strings = new String[]{"a", "b", "c"}; for (int index = 0; index < strings.length; index++) { String value = strings[index]; System.out.println("The element at " + index + " is " + value); }

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Kotlin 型態省略略 val strings = arrayOf("a", "b") val strings = ArrayList() strings.add("a") strings.add("b") strings.add("c") 型態省略略 val num = 1 val str = "hello" 型態省略略 型態省略略 val str:String = "hello" val num:Int = 1

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Java Kotlin for (int i = 0; i < strings.length; i++) { String string = strings[i]; // ... } for (String string : strings) { // ... } for (string in strings) { // ... } String[] strings = new String[]{"a", "b"}; 陣列列 陣列列 val strings: Array = arrayOf("a", "b") for (i in 0 until strings.size) { // ... }

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val ice = arrayOf( arrayOf("a0", "a1", "a2", "a3", "a4"), arrayOf("b0", "b1", "b2", "b3", "b4"), arrayOf("c0", "c1", "c2", "c3", "c4"), arrayOf("d0", "d1", "d2", "d3", "d4") )

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function (method)

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fun plus(a: Int, b: Int): Int { return a + b } 參參數1 參參數1型態 參參數2 參參數2型態 函式名字 回傳值型態 (宣告) (呼叫) val c = plus(1,3)

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Anonymous function 匿名函式

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Callback 回呼

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my_button.setOnClickListener { // ... }

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my_button.setOnClickListener(object : View.OnClickListener { override fun onClick(v: View?) { // ... } }) my_button.setOnClickListener { // ... }

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val doneCallback: () -> Unit = { // I'm done! } doneCallback() doneCallback.invoke() (宣告) (呼叫) 變數型態 呼叫

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val doneCallback: (String) -> Unit = { str -> println(str) } (宣告) (呼叫) 變數型態 呼叫 doneCallback.invoke("The result")

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var doneCallback: ((String) -> Unit)? = null doneCallback = { str -> println(str) } doneCallback?.invoke("The result") (宣告) (呼叫) 可能為 null 的型態 如果是 null 就不呼叫 if (doneCallback != null) { doneCallback.invoke("The result") }

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錯誤處理理 try { // ... throw IllegalArgumentException("Invalid argument.") // ... } catch (e: Exception) { e.printStackTrace() } 拋出錯誤 接住錯誤

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class & method (Function)

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class MyClass { private val str = "hello" public fun printHello() { println(str) } } 類別名 類別變數 類別⽅方法

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public class MyClass { private String str = "hello"; public void printHello() { System.out.println(str); } } class MyClass { private val str = "hello" public fun printHello() { println(str) } } Java Kotlin

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class 類別 object 物件

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class MyDataModel { var name: String? = "" var num: Int = 0 } val model = MyDataModel() = "John" model.num = 123 建立 MyDataModel 物件

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Java Kotlin class Student { private String name; public Student(String name) { = name; } public void printName() { System.out.println(name); } } class Student { var name: String constructor(name: String) { = name } fun printName(){ println(name) } } 建構⼦子

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建構⼦子的變形 class Student { var name: String constructor(name: String) { = name } fun printName(){ println(name) } } class Student(var name: String) { fun printName(){ println(name) } }

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static Method

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class MyClass { companion object { fun staticMethod() { } } } public class MyClass { public static void staticMethod() { } } Java Kotlin

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Kotlin class MyClass { companion object { fun staticMethod() { } } } object MyClass { fun staticMethod() { } }

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 (Object-oriented programming) • 抽象(Abstraction) • 封裝(Encapsulation) • 繼承(Inheritance) • 多型(Polymorphism) 陸譯:⾯面向对象程序设计

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interface Animal { fun sound() } class Cat : Animal { override fun sound() { println("喵喵喵~") } } class Dog : Animal { override fun sound() { println("汪汪汪~") } } 繼承(或實作) val pet: Animal = Cat() pet.sound() // 喵喵喵~

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class HairClipperForDog { fun haircut(dog: Dog) { println("(理理髮器聲...)") dog.sound() println("頭⽑毛理理好了了!") } } class HairClipperForCat { fun haircut(cat: Cat) { println("(理理髮器聲...)") cat.sound() println("頭⽑毛理理好了了!") } } val myCat = Cat() val catClipper = HairClipperForCat() catClipper.haircut(myCat) val myDog = Dog() val dogClipper = HairClipperForDog() dogClipper.haircut(myDog)

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class HairClipper { fun haircut(animal: Animal) { println("(理理髮器聲...)") animal.sound() println("頭⽑毛理理好了了!") } } %E6%97%A5%E8%B1%A1%E9%BB%91%E9%91%BD%E9%9B%BB%E5%8B%95%E7%90%86%E9%AB%AE%E5%99%A8%E5%85%85%E6%8F%92%E6%9C%89%E7%B7%9A%E7%84%A1%E7%B7%9AZOH-2600C-5289698.html

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val hairClipper = HairClipper() val myDog = Dog() hairClipper.haircut(myDog) val myCat = Cat() hairClipper.haircut(myCat)

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Java Kotlin interface Animal { public void eat(); } class Cat implements Animal { @Override public void eat() { // ... } } class Dog implements Animal { @Override public void eat() { // ... } } interface Animal { fun eat() } class Cat : Animal { override fun eat() { // ... } } class Dog : Animal { override fun eat() { // ... } }

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變數轉型 • 基本型別的轉型 • 有對應函式能使⽤用

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變數轉型 • 物件的轉型 • 要是繼承樹裡的才能轉型 open class Father { // ... } class Brother: Father() { // ... } var a: Father = Brother() var b = a as? Brother 如果轉型失敗就回傳 null 變數型態為:Brother?

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Collections • Map • HashMap • TreeMap • List • ArrayList • LinkedList • Stack • Queue • Set • SortedSet • HashSet • TreeSet [ 清單類 ] [ 不重複類 ] [ key-value 類 ]

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ArrayList val strings:ArrayList = ArrayList() strings.add("a") strings.add("b") strings.add("b") strings.add("a") ArrayList 型態 ( 有順序的清單 ) a b b a

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Java Kotlin String[] strings = new String[]{"a", "b"}; 陣列列型態 陣列列型態 val strings: Array = arrayOf("a", "b") ArrayList strings = new ArrayList<>(); strings.add("a"); strings.add("b"); strings.add("c"); val strings:ArrayList = ArrayList() strings.add("a") strings.add("b") strings.add("c") ArrayList 型態 ArrayList 型態

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Array 陣列列 ArrayList 可修改數量量 數量量不可修改 (數量量在宣告時即固定,不可修改)

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我有問題 (

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為何宣告不可改的東⻄西⼜又可以改? val strings:ArrayList = ArrayList() strings.add("a") strings.add("b") strings.add("c") 宣告不可改 為什什麼⼜又可以改?

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HashSet val hashSet = HashSet() hashSet.add("a") hashSet.add("a") hashSet.add("b") hashSet.add("b") a b ( 不允許重複的資料集 )

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HashMap val students = HashMap() students.put("A001", "王⼤大明") students.put("A002", "黎黎曉彤") students.put("A003", "桃⼤大姐") students.put("A001", "王⼤大明") 王⼤大明 黎黎曉彤 桃⼤大姐 A001 A002 A003 (⽤用 key-value 存放的不重複資料集 )

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猛虎出柙雙劍合璧版--最新 OCA / OCP Java SE 7 Programmer 專業認證

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猛虎出柙雙劍合璧版--最新 OCA / OCP Java SE 7 Programmer 專業認證

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程式設計原則 - SOLID by Robert C. Martin

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SOLID • 單⼀一職責原則 Single responsibility • 開放封閉原則 Open-Close • ⾥里里⽒氏替換原則 Liskov substitution • 接⼝口隔離原則 Interface segregation • 依賴反轉原則 Dependency inversion by Robert C. Martin

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 (Single responsibility principle, SRP) 每個 類別 (class)、函數 (method) 負責的功能,都應該只做⼀一件事。

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泛型 (Generic)

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<物品名稱> <物品>

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ArrayList val strings:ArrayList = ArrayList() strings.add("a") strings.add("b") strings.add("c") ArrayList 型態 泛型帶入的型別

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class HairClipperForDog { fun haircut(dog: Dog) { println("(理理髮器聲...)") dog.sound() println("頭⽑毛理理好了了!") } } class HairClipperForCat { fun haircut(cat: Cat) { println("(理理髮器聲...)") cat.sound() println("頭⽑毛理理好了了!") } } val myCat = Cat() val catClipper = HairClipperForCat() catClipper.haircut(myCat) val myDog = Dog() val dogClipper = HairClipperForDog() dogClipper.haircut(myDog)

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class HairClipper { fun haircut(animal: T) { println("(理理髮器聲...)") animal.sound() println("頭⽑毛理理好了了!") } } %E6%97%A5%E8%B1%A1%E9%BB%91%E9%91%BD%E9%9B%BB%E5%8B%95%E7%90%86%E9%AB%AE%E5%99%A8%E5%85%85%E6%8F%92%E6%9C%89%E7%B7%9A%E7%84%A1%E7%B7%9AZOH-2600C-5289698.html ⾃自⼰己取的型態 T 只限於 Animal 繼承樹上的

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val myDog = Dog() val hairClipperForDog = HairClipper() hairClipperForDog.haircut(myDog) val myCat = Cat() val hairClipperForCat = HairClipper() hairClipperForCat.haircut(myCat)

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延伸閱讀 Kotlin Bootcamp for Programmers Developing Android Apps with Kotlin

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延伸閱讀 Kotlin Tutorials Learn Kotlin

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Tea time~ ☕