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@maraujop DSLs Can't parse that!♫ Miguel Araujo

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Text processing is hard Shell scripting with pipes are not for average user It’s a day to day problem everywhere I’m not into Excel

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What are they?

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DSLs Examples SQL SELECT name FROM Users WHERE age > 28;

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DSLs Examples CSS h1 { fontSize: 24; fontWeight: ‘bold’; }

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DSLs Examples Template A Django template {{ title }} {% for name in names %} {{ forloop.index }} hello {{ name }} {% endfor %}

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Create a language? but how?

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Lexical Analysis lexer (scanner) tokens (language elements) streams patterns for matching

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Python lexer python_line = “i for in [1,2]" token_gen = tokenize.generate_tokens( StringIO(python_line).readline ) def handle_token( type, token, (srow, scol), (erow, ecol), line ): print "%d,%d-%d,%d:\t%s\t%s" % ( srow, scol, erow, ecol, tokenize.tok_name[type], repr(token) )

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Python lexer 1,4-1,5: NAME 'i' 1,0-1,3: NAME 'for' 1,6-1,8: NAME 'in' 1,9-1,10: OP '[' 1,10-1,11: NUMBER '1' 1,11-1,12: OP ',' 1,12-1,13: NUMBER '2' … 2,0-2,0: ENDMARKER '' python_line = “i for in [1,2]" for token in tokens: handle_token(token)

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Syntax Analysis parser Syntax trees (structure) tokens grammar rules

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CPython parser and compile parser AST tokens Python grammar lexer compile() bytecode

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DSLs are a little different parser Structured Python code tokens Your grammar lexer executes()

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Lexers and parsers difficult to build lexers regex parsers LR, LALR, SLR

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Internals Compilers Principles, Techniques and Tools

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Generator tools Lex Yacc Lexical Analyzer generator Yet Another Compiler Compiler

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Generator tools Flex Bison A fast scanner generator The YACC- compatible Parser Generator

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PLY PLY • Performance • Extensive error checking • Useful diagnostics (Python Lex Yacc) by David M. Beazley

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Creating a lexer with PLY

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TOKENS token.type token.value OPERATOR +

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LEXER PATTERNS t_TOKEN_TYPE = r’regex’ def t_TOKEN_TYPE(token): r’regex’ return token Default token type token value

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CREATING A LEXER WITH PLY FIRST functions in order THEN Tokens defined by strings in decreasing regular expression length

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Simple Arnold Example

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ARNOLD LEXER def t_KILLER_SENTENCE(token): "no\ problemo|it's\ showtime” token.type = "OPERATOR" return token

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ARNOLD LEXER from ply import lex tokens = ['OPERATOR'] t_ignore = ‘\t\n' def t_error(t): print "Illegal character '%s'" % \ t.value[0] t.lexer.skip(1) lex.lex()

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ARNOLD LEXER from lex import lex lex.input(text) while True: token = lex.token() if token is None: break print token

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ARNOLD LEXER LexToken(OPERATOR,'no problemo',1,0) LexToken(OPERATOR,"it's showtime",1,12) LexToken(OPERATOR,'no problemo',1,26) text = """ no problemo it's showtime no problemo """

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ARNOLD LEXER Illegal character 'c' Illegal character 'o' Illegal character 'n' Illegal character 's' Illegal character 'i' … text = """ consider that a divorce no problemo it's showtime no problemo """

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Creating a parser with PLY

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GRAMMAR TREE expression expression expression OPERATOR NUMERAL NUMERAL 4 + 4

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ARNOLD GRAMMAR BNF statement : | statement OPERATOR Backus-Naur Form

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ARNOLD GRAMMAR IN PLY def p_statement(p): """statement : | statement OPERATOR""" if len(p) == 1: p[0] = [] else: p[0] = p[1] + [Sentence(p[2])] YaccProduction p[1] p[2]

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ARNOLD GRAMMAR IN PLY def p_statement(p): """statement : | statement OPERATOR""" if len(p) == 1: p[0] = [] else: p[0] = p[1] + [Sentence(p[2])]

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ARNOLD GRAMMAR IN PLY def p_statement(p): """statement : | statement OPERATOR""" if len(p) == 1: p[0] = [] else: p[0] = p[1] + [Sentence(p[2])] statement OPERATOR [ ]

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PLY GRAMMAR ERROR HANDLING def p_error(p): if p is None: print “"" Syntax error most likely at the end of the text """ else: print "Syntax error!! at %s" % p print "Stopped at %s" % p.lexer.token() sys.exit(1)

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PLY PARSER from yacc import yacc text = """ consider that a divorce no problemo it's showtime """ tree = yacc.parse(text) > [, , ]

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TIPS You won’t get it right the first time As always practice makes perfect Read other grammars beforehand Think and plan ahead

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TEXTUS Text processing is hard Shell scripting with pipes are not for average user It’s a day to day problem everywhere I’m not into Excel

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TEXTUS every word like “precio” ; count ; every row from “[“ to “]” ; match $name“:”$email ; print “upper(#{name}) -> #{email}” every word ; match {matricula} ; find repeated ;

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TEXTUS elements word column email number paragraph row selectors first every last odd even free text modifiers like “text” length like regex date / phone / …

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TEXTUS structured modifiers separated by “;” indicators 1 1-6 1,6 1,-2 >6 operators count average unique find unique find repeated group by group by day max min sum count_if group by month group by year …

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TEXTUS conditions where != = in not in > < >= <= context changes without headers save as $var_name

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TEXTUS statement selectorStatement selector element selector block_element condition rangeSelector FIRST EVERY selector element free_text_modier

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TEXTUS input selectorStatement element block_element condition rangeSelector element free_text_modier SELECTOR SELECTOR SELECTOR 45 rules -> 43 rules

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Bad rule example condstmt : WHERE column_selector EQUALS PATTERN | WHERE column_selector NOT_EQUALS PATTERN | WHERE column_selector NOT_IN VARIABLE | WHERE column_selector IN VARIABLE | WHERE range_selector EQUALS PATTERN | WHERE range_selector NOT_EQUALS PATTERN | WHERE range_selector NOT_IN VARIABLE | WHERE range_selector IN VARIABLE

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Simplify grammar rules condstmt : WHERE column_selector condition | WHERE range_selector condition condition : EQUALS PATTERN | NOT_EQUALS PATTERN | EQUALS VARIABLE | NOT_EQUALS VARIABLE

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condition rules def p_condition(p): """ condition : EQUALS PATTERN | NOT_EQUALS PATTERN | NOT_IN VARIABLE | IN VARIABLE """ p[0] = [p[1], p[2]] p[0] = {‘operator’: p[1], ‘value’: p[2]]

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def p_condition_statement(p): """ condition_statement : WHERE column_selector condition """ p[0] = Condition( column_selector=p[2], operator=p[3][0], pattern=p[3][1], ) condition rules p[0] = [p[1], p[2]] Condition !

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Parser tree ? [, , , ] without headers ; column 2 ; every email ; count ; Condition -> process(text, context)

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class OperatorStatement(object): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.operation = args[0] def process(self, text, context): if isinstance(text, basestring): raise ParseException( "Operation needs to go after selectors” ) return getattr(self, self.operation.replace(' ', '_'))(text) def count(self, text): if isinstance(text, list): return len(text) elif isinstance(text, dict): results = defaultdict(int) for col_name, col_values in text: results[col_name] += 1 return results

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Interpreter tree = yacc.parse(rule) context = Context() for processor in tree: text = processor.process(text, context) return text

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TEXTUS Testing def test_csv_column_every_email_count(self): text = """ Sara;eASYDK;[email protected] James;oASKDK;[email protected] Jane;oASWDK;wrongemail@; """ rules = “““without headers ; column 3 ; every email ; count ;""" result = process_text( textwrap.dedent(text), rules ) assert result == 2

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Solving a real CSV problem name;barcode;state; Miguel;123;valid; Raul;124;valid; Maria;125;valid; Miguel;123;void; name;barcode;state; Raul;124;valid; Maria;125;valid;

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TEXTUS name;barcode;state; Miguel;123;valid; Raul;124;valid; Maria;125;valid; Miguel;123;void; every row where column "state" = "void" ; column "barcode" ; save as $invalid_barcodes ; every row where column "barcode" not in $invalid_barcodes ;

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TEXTUS name;barcode;state; Miguel;123;valid; Raul;124;valid; Maria;125;valid; Miguel;123;void; column "barcode" ; find repeated ; save as $invalid_barcodes ; every row where column "barcode" not in $invalid_barcodes ;

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TEXTUS name;barcode;state; Miguel;123;valid; Raul;124;valid; Maria;125;valid; Miguel;123;void; column "barcode" ; find unique ; save as $valid_barcodes ; every row where column "barcode" in $valid_barcodes ;

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Thanks! @maraujop