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੗ӝࣗѐ 2020֙ 4ਘ Classmethod ੑࢎ ೠҴীࢲ Ӕޖ ઺ ઱۽ ೐ۿ౟ূ٘, ࢲߡܻझ ଃী ҙब

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ݾର - SPAীࢲ੄ SSR - SEO - Rendering - Next.js - Demo - ࢲߡܻझ ߓನ - AWS Amplify - Serverless Framework

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SPAীࢲ SSRਸ ৵?

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Googlebot Rendering on the Web: Performance Implications of Application Architecture (Google I/O ’19) ୭न JSܳ ૑ਗೞৈࢲ CSRਸ ࢎਊೞח SPAب оמ

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Google Search Console URL Inspection Toolਸ ࢎਊ೧ࢲ पઁ ੜ ੘زغҊ ੓ח૑ ഛੋ

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ఋ Ѩ࢝ূ૓੄ SEO ఋ Ѩ࢝ূ૓ٜ਷ ই૒ SPAܳ ৮੹൤ ૑ਗೞҊ ੓૑ח ঋ਺

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Ҵղ Ѩ࢝ূ૓ ࠺ਯ Ҵղীࢲ੄ ݽٚ ࢲ࠺झী ؀ೠ Ѩ࢝ূ૓ ࠺ਯ Ҵղীࢲ੄ Ҵղ ࢲ࠺झী ؀ೠ Ѩ࢝ূ૓ ࠺ਯ

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Googleীࢲ੄ ֢୹݅ ೙ਃೞ׮ݶ CSRੋ SPAܳ ࢎਊ೧ب оמ ׮ܲ Ѩ࢝ূ૓ীࢲ੄ ֢୹ب Ҋ۰ೠ׮ݶ SSRਸ ࢎਊೞৈ SEO ೱ࢚

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Rendering on the Web: Performance Implications of Application Architecture (Google I/O ’19) ੉࢚੸ੋ ۪؊݂ SSR, CSR݅ ࢎਊೞח Ѫ੉ ইפۄ ಕ੉૑ী য਎ܻח ۪؊݂੉ ೙ਃ

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۪؊݂ ߹ ର੉

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۪؊݂ ߹ ର੉

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Next.js React ੗୓੸ਵ۽ب SSR੉ оמೞ૑݅ SSR, Hydration, Pre-renderingਸ ખ ؊ औѱೞӝ ਤ೧ Next.jsܳ ࢎਊ

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AWSীࢲ SPA੄ SSRਸ ࢲߡܻझ۽ যڌѱ?

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AWS Amplify৬ Serverless Framework

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যڃ ഋక۽ ߓನ غ঻ਸөਃ?

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Next.js জ ࢤࢿ ߂ Amplify ࢤࢿ Next.js ೐۽ં౟ ࢤࢿ Next.js ೐۽ં౟ী Amplify ୶о npm install aws-amplify @aws-amplify/ui-react ೐۽ં౟ী was-amplify ୶о

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API ୶о Amplify cli۽ API ୶о झః݃ ੘ࢿ

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Amplifyী ݅ٚ APIܳ AWSী ಹए, ੘ࢿೠ झః݃۽ ௏٘о ੗زࢤࢿ ؽ src/graphql/

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nextjsaws: component: “@sls-next/[email protected]" ࢲߡܻझ ೐ۨ੔ਕ௼۽ ߓನ మ೒݁ ࢤࢿ serverless.yml ౵ੌ੄ ղਊਸ ׮ ૑਍ റ ਤ ௏٘ ੘ࢿ ߓನ ઺

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Ѿҗ ഛੋ

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੉റ Gtihub Actions ١ਸ ࢎਊೞৈ CI/CD ө૑ ࢸ੿೧فݶ ݒ਋ рಞ

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ଵҊ AWS Amplify Next.js ౚషܻ঴

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