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Diagram Like A Principal Engineer by Jeremy Lindblom @jeremeamia

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1. Principal Engineers Engineering across team boundaries

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$200k-$400k+ “Total Compensation” includes all salary, bonuses, equity, stock, and benefits. 3 Potential Compensation Sources: and Glassdoor

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Software Engineer Leveling 4 JUNIOR SENIOR ⬗ Compensation is typically based on a predefined range for your level.

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Software Engineer Leveling 5 JUNIOR PRINCIPAL SENIOR

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Software Engineer Leveling 6 JUNIOR STAFF SENIOR PRINCIPAL

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Software Engineer Leveling 8 DISTINGUISHED FELLOW JUNIOR STAFF SENIOR PRINCIPAL ⬗ No standards ⬗ Company-specific ⬗ Depends on company size

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Principles of a Principal 1. Always Curious 2. Good Communication 3. Team Acceleration 4. Inter-team Focus 5. Engineering Experience 9

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“The biggest issue on software teams is making sure everyone understands what everyone else is doing.” – Martin Fowler 10

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Communication: Listen & Learn 11 ⬗ Customers ⬗ Company, orgs, & teams ⬗ Key people ⬗ Existing solutions ⬗ Current initiatives ⬗ Implementation details

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Communication: Give & Guide 12 ⬗ Share information & skills ⬗ Define problems & solutions ⬗ Create documentation & diagrams ⬗ Create interfaces & contracts ⬗ Connect people

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Principal Engineers… often serve as the “public API” for the orgs/teams they represent. 13

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14 Don’t be a Gate. Be a Gateway.

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2. Diagrams Boxes, lines, & arrows Boxes Arrows &

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16 What to Diagram? ⬗ Structures – Systems and components, AND their relationships, at various layers of abstraction ⬗ Behaviors – Processes, workflows, data flows, state machines, etc.

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17 When to Diagram? ⬗ Before implementation (Design ahead of projects and/or sprints) ⬗ During implementation (As part of a ticket or as things change) ⬗ After implementation (For documentation or onboarding) ANY TIME!

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18 How to Diagram? ⬗ Standards: UML, ERD, C4, etc., or ad hoc ⬗ Mediums: Pen/Marker vs. Computer ⬗ Method: Drawing vs. Coding

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Unified Modeling Language - UML 1. Software industry standard 2. Born in 1994 (Rational Software, now IBM) 3. Plenty of tooling available 19

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Unified Modeling Language - UML 20

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22 Activity Diagrams ⬗ Workflows, actions, etc. ⬗ Supports conditional and parallel logic ⬗ Fairly easy to read, Even for non-tech

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23 Class Diagrams ⬗ Great for OOP, DB, and system design ⬗ Be as simple or detailed as you like ⬗ Focuses on relationships

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25 Class Diagrams - Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)

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26 Sequence Diagrams ⬗ Implementation details ⬗ In reference to user ⬗ Shows e2e flow ⬗ Swimlanes can be classes, services, DBs, etc.

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27 Why Diagram? 1. Improve development speed and quality Frontend developers use UI Mockups. Backend developers use UML diagrams.

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28 Why Diagram? 2. You were asked to Sometimes other orgs (internal or external) want to see certain kinds of diagrams. 💡 Tip: Know your audience.

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29 Why Diagram? 3. Prevent catastrophe! Remove confusion and provide A well-defined goal.

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30 When I Should Have Diagrammed Lyrics by Jeremy Lindblom Original song by Bruno Mars “When I Was Your Man”

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31 Same code but it seems just a little bit brittle now. My commits in the git log, but it don’t look the same. When my team talks about it, all I do is just wonder how Nothing turned out how I planned it out in my brain🧠.

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32 It all just feels like foo— bar! 💩 Mmm, too new, too junior to realize…

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33 That I should have diagrammed it, and shared the plan. Made sure we could understand it, before the work began. Showed you all my boxes📦 and arrows ⇄, so you could write a well-made program. Now there’s tech debt growing in a backlog without an end.

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34 How could’ve we developed this in such a silly way? I guess a sequence diagram or two would’ve helped us see. Now we’ll never, never get to clean up this mess we’ve made! Oh—. And that haunts👻 me every time I open my IDE.

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35 It all just feels like foo— bar! 💩 Mmm, too new, too junior to realize…

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36 That I should have diagrammed it, and shared the plan. Made sure we could understand it, before the work began. Showed you all my boxes📦 and arrows ⇄, so you could write a well-made program. Now there’s tech debt growing in a backlog without an end.

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37 At our team retro—, I was the first to say that it’s all wrong—! But I know it’s probably much too late⏰, To refactor this code to make it all be great, So I just want you to know—.

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38 That I should have diagrammed it, and shared the plan. Made sure we could understand it, before the work began. Showed you all my boxes📦 and arrows ⇄, so you could write a well-made program. Now there’s tech debt growing in a backlog without an end.

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39 Yeah, just tech debt and groaning😩, because I didn’t diagram.

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3. Diagramming Tools A step above pen and paper

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Types of Diagramming Tools Desktop Drawing (Visio, Rational Rose) Online Drawing (Lucid Chart, Miro, Gliffy, Code-based (Mermaid.js, PlantUML, 41

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Mermaid.js “Mermaid lets you create diagrams and visualizations using text and code.” 42

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Mermaid.js flowchart LR A((Start)) --> B[Call API] B --> C{Success?} C -->|Yes| D[Return Result] D --> E((End: Success)) C -->|No| F{Too Many Attempts?} F -->|Yes| G((End: Error)) F -->|No| H[Retry Call] H --> C 43

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Selecting a Tool 1. Collaboration (sharing, access, cost) 2. Maintenance (keeping it up-to-date) 3. Embeddability (in docs or repos) 4. Customization 5. Easy to Learn 6. Usability 44

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45 Let’s Draw Code!

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46 Thanks! Any questions? Jeremy Lindblom @jeremeamia