SELECT name, address
FROM businesses
WHERE business_type = ‘pub’
AND postcode_area = ‘EC2M’
Where is the nearest pub?
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Natural = Easy
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Language is huge
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• OED: 171,000 words in current use (47k obsolete)
• Average person: 10,000-40,000 words
(according to: The Guardian 1986, BBC 2009, and several random people on the Web)
• Average person? (Lies, damn lies and statistics)
• Active vs Passive vocabulary
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Language is confusing
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That that is is that that is
not is not is that it it is
(That’s proper English)
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That that is, is.
That that is not, is not.
Is that it? It is.
More fun at:
Pics: and
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Language is ambiguous
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Word ambiguity
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“They ate pizza with anchovies”
Syntactic ambiguity
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Common sense
is implied
(but computers don’t really have it)
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Natural Language Processing
NLP vs Text Mining vs Text Analytics
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NLP Goals
Text Data
Useful Information
Actionable Insights
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NLP Applications
• Text Classification
• Text Clustering
• Text Summarisation
• Machine Translation
• Semantic Search
• Sentiment Analysis
• Question Answering
• Information Extraction
• Map a token into its stem
• Fish, Fishes, Fishing ‛ Fish
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from nltk.stem
import PorterStemmer
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from nltk.stem
import SnowballStemmer
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• Map a token into its lemma
• Go, goes, going, went ‛ Go
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from nltk.stem
import WordNetLemmatizer
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Stop-word Removal
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from nltk.corpus import stopwords
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>>> stop_list = [ … ] # custom
>>> s = "a piece of butter"
>>> [tok for tok in word_tokenize(s)
if tok not in stop_list]
['piece', 'butter']
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from nltk import bigrams
from nltk import trigrams
from nltk import ngrams
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Good for capturing phrases:
“bad movie”, “good olive oil”, …
How about stop-words?
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… Now what?
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Exploring Text Data
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from collections import Counter
frequencies = Counter(all_tokens)
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Visualising Text Data
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pip install wordcloud
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Can we do something
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–J.R. Firth 1957
“You shall know a word
by the company it keeps.”
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• From Bag-of-Words to Word Embeddings
(e.g. word2vec)
• Similar context = close vectors
• Semantic relationships: vector arithmetic!
• pip install gensim
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from gensim.models import Word2Vec
model = Word2Vec(sentences)
model.most_similar(positive=['king', 'woman'],
[('queen', 0.50882536), ...]
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More NLP Libraries
• spaCy — “industrial-strength NLP”
Designed for speed and accuracy
• scikit-learn — Machine Learning
Good support for text
(e.g. TfidfVectorizer)
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• 80/20 rule: preprocessing is 80%?
• Counting words vs Neural Networks
(in less than 1h!)
• Rich Python ecosystem
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Thank You