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Raise your pricing. And double it. And triple it again. 196

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197 product focus :( testing pricing and onboarding plans for big Cos adding 1 sales rep

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After launch, your 
 has to be around 400€ 198

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Dumbest SaaS mistake: 
 pricing does not increase with usage 199

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You never invest enough in your partnerships 200

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Hijack and automate a step in an existing process 202

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Distill complex KPIs from enriched data sets 203

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Invest efforts only in 
 premium integrations 204

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Summing up • No UI (or minimal) • Simple value proposal but with a terrific UX • ARPC around 400€/mo • Pricing scales with usage • Marketing leveraged over partnerships • Hijack and automate and existing process • Offer complex KPIs with enriched data • Less but more comprehensive integrations 205

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206 are you ready?

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207 DuckSheets

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208 DuckSheets 
 gathers data from all the SaaSes your company uses, 
 stores it into your favorite spreadsheet 
 tool and helps you to generate useful charts and relevant KPIS for your business

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209 At the end of the day, most SaaS companies biggest competitor is an ugly and cryptical spreadsheet shared internally by email
 Diego Marino, Visionary, circa 2010

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210 spreadsheets (b2b) vs datawarehouses (B2B)

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No UI 211

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No UI 212 Per every user with a mouse and a keyboard, there are tons of 
 microservices and APIs (and AI folks wanting to train their algorithms enriching their datasets)

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Simple value proposal 
 but with a terrific UX 213 gathers data you have stores it into sw you already use helps you generate biz KPIs seamlessly automagically

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ARPC around 400€/mo 214 It will save us dozens of hours every month of tedious manual work! And being less than $500/mo, you can easily expense it! $500 is cheaper than the cost of this meeting

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Pricing scales with usage 215 • Per source (premiums, ex Zendesk cheaper than SFDC) • Per connections (max profiles per GAnalytics account) • Per events (after # rows, price bumps) • Per output (GSpreadSheets cheaper than Office365) • Per … (something that helps auto segment largest customers either per size or support/compliance needs)

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Leveraging partnerships 216 Because no company takes seriously data export, and you bring more value to their tools if you help them combine their data with other sources. And they already have 
 the customers you want.

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Hijack and automate an existing process 217 We are saving dozens of hours every month of tedious manual work! Now I have real-time reports of standardized data i can trust! awesomesauce!

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Offer complex KPIs with enriched data 218 MRR, ARR, ARPA, Revenue 
 or Customer Churn, ASP, etc 
 [and automatically segmented/filtered by dozens of attributes] CAC, Cohorts, ROI, LTV, CPC, WTL, Funnels, etc 
 [and automatically segmented/filtered by dozens of attributes]

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Only premium integrations 219

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Analytics Value Chain 220 xQL Curated Forensics Analysis Reports Store SaaS Integrations Instrument Capture Alerts Triggers Data Lake InApp Collect Store Analyze Act

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221 xQL Curated Forensics Analysis Reports Store SaaS Integrations Instrument Capture Alerts Triggers Data Lake InApp xQL Curated Forensics Analysis Reports Store SaaS Integrations Instrument Capture Alerts Triggers Data Lake InApp DucksBoard DuckSheets

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222 1) Reconsider your UI investment. Twice. Thrice. 2) Instrument your UX to get millions of events/mo 3) Raise your price. Leverage your price elasticity 4) Hijack a painful step in an existing process 5) Don’t touch a bad customer even with a 10ft pole 6) It’s better to be loved by 10 than to be liked by 1000s @diegomarino Take-home advice