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@lemiorhan #DevoxxPL Platinum Sponsor: GITANTI PATTERNS How To Mess Up With Git and Love It Again LEMi ORHAN ERGiN Agile Software Craftsman, iyzico

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/lemiorhan @lemiorhan LEMi ORHAN ERGiN agile software craftsman @ iyzico agile practice lead at iyzico developing software since 2001 ex-Sony and ex-eBay employee consultant, architect, trainer, developer founder of Software Craftsmanship Turkey ex community leader of Agile Turkey got 1 million+ views for his slides

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git is powerful but you have to know using it properly

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Are you using git if all you do is commit-push-pull use dropbox instead ANTIPATTERN DANGER as if it is dropbox ?

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learn how git works no worries, I will cover how git behaves

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the way it keeps FILES & FOLDERS working copy staging area objects database repository the way it keeps REFERENCES directed acyclic graph keeping snapshots traversing graph branches, tags, heads git has 2 mechanisms

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Source Code Working Copy you want to version changes

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Source Code Working Copy $ git init Object Database .git Folder / Object Database Cache Staging Area / The Index initializing repo

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Source Code Working Copy $ git init --bare Object Database .git Folder / Object Database Cache Staging Area / The Index Remote Upstream Repo / Remote Repo Server initializing bare repo

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Object Database .git Folder / Object Database Cache Staging Area / The Index Remote Upstream Repo / Remote Repo Server Source Code Working Copy $ git add . preparing commits

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folder folder folder file file file $ git add . preparing commits

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Object Database .git Folder / Object Database Cache Staging Area / The Index Remote Upstream Repo / Remote Repo Server Source Code Working Copy $ git add . preparing commits

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Object Database .git Folder / Object Database Cache Staging Area / The Index Remote Upstream Repo / Remote Repo Server Source Code Working Copy $ git commit -m “initial commit” commi!ing

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$ git commit -m “initial commit” commi!ing folder folder folder file file file commit branch HEAD For more details, refer to book Git Internals by Scott Chacon

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folder folder folder file file file commit $ git commit -m “second commit” commi!ing folder commit branch HEAD folder file folder For more details, refer to book Git Internals by Scott Chacon

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folder folder folder file file file commit $ git commit -m “third commit” commi!ing folder commit folder file folder folder commit branch HEAD file For more details, refer to book Git Internals by Scott Chacon

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Object Database .git Folder / Object Database Cache Staging Area / The Index Remote Upstream Repo / Remote Repo Server Source Code Working Copy $ git commit -m “initial commit” commi!ing

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Object Database .git Folder / Object Database Cache Staging Area / The Index Remote Upstream Repo / Remote Repo Server Source Code Working Copy $ git remote add origin http://upstream.repo $ git push -u origin master pushing to remote

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Object Database .git Folder / Object Database Cache Staging Area / The Index Remote Upstream Repo / Remote Repo Server Source Code Working Copy new changes from others are pushed

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Object Database .git Folder / Object Database Cache Staging Area / The Index Remote Upstream Repo / Remote Repo Server Source Code Working Copy $ git fetch fetching changes

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Object Database .git Folder / Object Database Cache Staging Area / The Index Remote Upstream Repo / Remote Repo Server Source Code Working Copy $ git merge FETCHED_HEAD updating working copy

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Object Database .git Folder / Object Database Cache Staging Area / The Index Remote Upstream Repo / Remote Repo Server Source Code Working Copy $ git pull git fetch + git merge ge!ing changes to source code

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Object Database .git Folder / Object Database Cache Staging Area / The Index Remote Upstream Repo / Remote Repo Server Source Code Working Copy want to update last commit

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Object Database .git Folder / Object Database Cache Staging Area / The Index Remote Upstream Repo / Remote Repo Server Source Code Working Copy $ git reset --soft $ git commit --amend / so" reseting cannot be reached Only the cache for the commit you reseted is removed from staging area for your current branch

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folder folder folder file file file commit folder commit folder file folder folder commit branch HEAD file For more details, refer to book Git Internals by Scott Chacon $ git reset --soft $ git commit --amend / so" reseting

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folder folder folder file file file commit folder commit folder file folder folder commit branch HEAD file For more details, refer to book Git Internals by Scott Chacon $ git reset --soft $ git commit --amend / so" reseting

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Object Database .git Folder / Object Database Cache Staging Area / The Index Remote Upstream Repo / Remote Repo Server Source Code Working Copy want to squash or change last commits

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Object Database .git Folder / Object Database Cache Staging Area / The Index Remote Upstream Repo / Remote Repo Server Source Code Working Copy $ git reset --mixed mixed reseting cannot be reached entries for commits, files and folders are removed from staging area

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Object Database .git Folder / Object Database Cache Staging Area / The Index Remote Upstream Repo / Remote Repo Server Source Code Working Copy want to get rid of last commits

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Object Database .git Folder / Object Database Cache Staging Area / The Index Remote Upstream Repo / Remote Repo Server Source Code Working Copy $ git reset --hard hard reseting cannot be reached removed from staging area removed from working copy

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are you brave enough to jump to any commit ? jump to a branch create a branch from a commit create a branch from a tag ANTIPATTERN DANGER $ git checkout feature/PA-121 $ git checkout -b fix/missing-sign-parameter 2449be8 $ git checkout -b hotfix/v1.1 tags/v1

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are you sure? are you brave enough to jump to any commit ?

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do you have loooooong living topic branches ? ANTIPATTERN DANGER

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do you have loooooong living topic branches ? welcome to merge hell

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before merging do you validate commits back to source ? ANTIPATTERN DANGER code review, continuous integration, automated testing…

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before merging do you validate commits back to source ? are you sure?

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merge and unmerge do you o!en want to just before releases ? ANTIPATTERN DANGER

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merge and unmerge do you o!en want to just before releases ? master HEAD TAG/v13 version 14 $ git cherry-pick Every-Single-Commit-We-Want-To-Deploy

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the commit graph ? do you fully understand ANTIPATTERN DANGER

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the commit graph ? do you fully understand topic and shared branches, tracking branches, tags, HEADs, merge commits, reverted commits…

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Commit Early, Commit O"en Perfect Later, Publish Once

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STEP 0 split your big feature into mini shippable tasks master HEAD TOPIC ORIGIN/master refactorings tasks, like rest endpoints testable, deployable each task will have a branch, not a feature

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STEP 1 commit early commit o!en no need to compile no need for CI it’s only for versioning do not push master HEAD TOPIC ORIGIN/master

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always pull with rebase $ git pull --rebase origin master to get forced pushes securely to rebase your commits master HEAD TOPIC STEP 2 ORIGIN/master

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always pull with rebase $ git pull --rebase origin master to get forced pushes securely to rebase your commits master HEAD TOPIC STEP 2 ORIGIN/master

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always pull with rebase $ git pull --rebase origin master to get forced pushes securely to rebase your commits master HEAD TOPIC STEP 2 ORIGIN/master if you branch is pushed already $ git push -f

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always pull with rebase $ git pull --rebase origin master to get forced pushes securely to rebase your commits master HEAD TOPIC STEP 2 ORIGIN/master if you branch is pushed already $ git push -f Sync source branch a!erwards $ git fetch origin master:master

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perfect later make it single commit $ git reset HEAD~3 or $ git rebase -i HEAD~3 HEAD TOPIC STEP 3 ORIGIN/master tests are passing app is working code is reviewed (*) master

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$ git reset HEAD~3 (then commit) or $ git rebase -i HEAD~3 HEAD TOPIC STEP 3 ORIGIN/master perfect later make it single commit tests are passing app is working code is reviewed (*) master

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Use feature flags/toggles HEAD TOPIC STEP 4 ORIGIN/master if feature should be disabled merge back to source $ git checkout master $ git merge topic master

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Use feature flags/toggles master HEAD TOPIC STEP 4 ORIGIN/master if feature should be disabled merge back to source $ git checkout master $ git merge topic

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Continuous Integration validates master branch continuously master HEAD TOPIC ORIGIN/master Pull requests can be used to review code and to validate before merging back to master Scrum tasks are mapped to commits, not stories Github Flow can be used to govern overall TAMING THE POWER OF GIT make git the king again Feature flags should be used whenever possible Commit early & o"en perfect later, publish once philosophy Deliver frequently be prepared to send every single commit Deleting branches a"er merge will make your commit graph readable

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Any Other Cures?

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use terminal GUIs are prison balls of developers it’s ok to use GUIs while checking diffs, resolving conflicts and viewing commit graph

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do not lose take extra care while using hard reset $ git reset --merge HEAD~ Use stash $ git stash save “updates local settings to keep db safe” $ git reset --hard HEAD~ $ git stash apply stash@{0} Create a new branch $ git checkout -b feature/PA-121 $ git add settings.xml $ git commit -m “adds new settings config” Use hard reset with merge and commit into it uncommited changes

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TOPIC HEAD MASTER long living branches with care handle Squash all commits in your topic branch and 
 make them available in working copy $ git merge --squash fix Squash commit -- not updating HEAD Automatic merge went well; stopped before committing as requested $ git add . $ git commit -m “adds a feature” $ git branch -D topic

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long living branches with care handle TOPIC HEAD MASTER $ git merge --squash fix Squash commit -- not updating HEAD Automatic merge went well; stopped before committing as requested $ git add . $ git commit -m “adds a feature” $ git branch -D topic Squash all commits in your topic branch and 
 make them available in working copy

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stop adding prevent commits from being big ball of muds every change

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stop adding prevent commits from being big ball of muds every change local change sets at JetBrains IDEs

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stop adding every change partial add

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messages are read! # WHAT # (this commit will...) # WHY and HOW # Explain why this change is being made # RELATED # Provide links or keys to any relevant issues or other resources # REMEMBER # use lower case in the subject line # start with a verb in imperative tone in the subject line # do not end the subject line with a period # separate subject from body with a blank line # use the body to explain what and why vs. how # can use multiple lines with "-" for bullet points in body $ git config --global commit.template ~/.git-commit-template.txt $ git config --global commit.cleanup strip .git-commit-template.txt use git commit templates to create be"er commit messages com t m i

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messages are read! use git commit templates to create be"er commit messages com t m i

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RECAP what was really happened at that time? LET’S

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master TAG/v1.1 login HEAD DETACHED HEAD STATE $ git checkout cecd95914 Note: checking out 'cecd95914'. You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this state without impacting any branches by performing another checkout.

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master TAG/v1.1 login HEAD DETACHED HEAD STATE $ git rebase (and conflicts happen) $ git checkout HEAD~2 $ git checkout 43e3ab01 $ git checkout tags/v1.1 WHEN IT HAPPENS

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master TAG/v1.1 login HEAD poor little developer...

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master TAG/v1.1 login HEAD $ git checkout master

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master TAG/v1.1 login HEAD $ git reflog aa67e3a2c HEAD@{0}: rebase finished: returning to refs/heads/fix/java-sql-Date-violates-LSR aa67e3a2c HEAD@{1}: rebase: fixes UnsupportedOperationException while calling toIstant() method of java.sql.Date a45f3c4e5 HEAD@{2}: rebase: checkout develop 630ddad6e HEAD@{3}: checkout: moving from develop to fix/java-sql-Date-violates-LSR b26cf7a1a HEAD@{4}: rebase: checkout develop 630ddad6e HEAD@{5}: checkout: moving from develop to fix/java-sql-Date-violates-LSR b26cf7a1a HEAD@{6}: pull: Fast-forward 8b59f8f50 HEAD@{7}: checkout: moving from fix/java-sql-Date-violates-LSR to develop

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$ git reflog 630ddad6e the one we are searching for master TAG/v1.1 login HEAD aa67e3a2c HEAD@{0}: rebase finished: returning to refs/heads/fix/java-sql-Date-violates-LSR aa67e3a2c HEAD@{1}: rebase: fixes UnsupportedOperationException while calling toIstant() method of java.sql.Date a45f3c4e5 HEAD@{2}: rebase: checkout develop 630ddad6e HEAD@{3}: checkout: moving from develop to fix/java-sql-Date-violates-LSR b26cf7a1a HEAD@{4}: rebase: checkout develop 630ddad6e HEAD@{5}: checkout: moving from develop to fix/java-sql-Date-violates-LSR b26cf7a1a HEAD@{6}: pull: Fast-forward 8b59f8f50 HEAD@{7}: checkout: moving from fix/java-sql-Date-violates-LSR to develop

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master typofix TAG/v1.1 login HEAD $ git branch typofix 630ddad6e

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master typofix TAG/v1.1 login HEAD $ git branch typofix 630ddad6e KEEP CALM, NOTHING WILL BE LOST

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LEMi ORHAN ERGiN agile software craftsman @ iyzico /lemiorhan @lemiorhan DO NOT FORGET VIA MY DEVOXX MOBILE APP TO GIVE FEEDBACK TO LEMI