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WHAT’S RXJAVA ▸ Handle a sequence of data over time as a stream ▸ Instead of gathering them, responding to each of them 1 2 3 4 5 6

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WHAT’S RXJAVA ▸ Handle a sequence of data over time as a stream ▸ Instead of gathering them, responding to each of them 1 2 3 4 5 6 for (int i : data) {
 if ( i % 2 == 0) {
 list.add( i * i )

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WHAT’S RXJAVA ▸ Handle a sequence of data over time as a stream ▸ Instead of gathering them, responding to each of them 1 2 3 4 5 6 if ( % 2 == 0) x x square( ) 4 16 36

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WHAT’S RXJAVA ▸ Handle a sequence of data over time as a stream ▸ Instead of gathering them, responding to each of them Observable.just(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) .filter(x -> x % 2 == 0) .map(x -> x * x) .subscribe(System.out::println);

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WHAT’S NEW IN RXJAVA 2 ▸ Reactive Streams compliant ▸ Single/Maybe/Completable friendly ▸ Performance improvement

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WHAT’S NEW IN RXJAVA 2 ▸ Reactive Streams compliant ▸ Single/Maybe/Completable friendly ▸ Performance improvement

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Reactive Streams?

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REACTIVE STREAMS ( ▸ Developed by some committers of Reactive Programming libraries ▸ The libraries implementing Reactive Streams can be integrated with each other ▸ Results in a Java 9 Flow API (https://

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REACTIVE STREAMS ▸ “a standard for asynchronous stream processing with non-blocking backpressure" ▸ Specification (4 interfaces) ▸ Publisher / Subscriber / Subscription / Processor ▸ Stream manipulation (filter, map, etc.) is not included (

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REACTIVE STREAMS public interface Publisher {
 public void subscribe(Subscriber super T> s);
 } ▸ Emit events to the given Subscriber ▸ It is like Observable in RxJava 1.x

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REACTIVE STREAMS public interface Subscriber {
 public void onSubscribe(Subscription s);
 public void onNext(T t);
 public void onError(Throwable t);
 public void onComplete();

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REACTIVE STREAMS public interface Subscriber {
 public void onSubscribe(Subscription s);
 public void onNext(T t);
 public void onError(Throwable t);
 public void onComplete();
 } ▸ Subscriber can request how many events it wants via the Subscription

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REACTIVE STREAMS public interface Subscriber {
 public void onSubscribe(Subscription s);
 public void onNext(T t);
 public void onError(Throwable t);
 public void onComplete();
 } ▸ onSubscribe onNext* (onError | onComplete)? ▸ onSubscribe, onNext, onError MUST throw NullPointerException if the given parameter is null

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REACTIVE STREAMS public interface Subscription {
 public void request(long n);
 public void cancel();
 } ▸ Subscriber can request events through the Subscription (request) ▸ Subscriber can signal to the Publisher that it no longer needs events (cancel)

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REACTIVE STREAMS public interface Processor extends Subscriber, Publisher {
 } ▸ Processor represents a processing stage ▸ It is just like Subject in RxJava 1.x

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What’s Backpressure?

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IF WITHOUT BACKPRESSURE Publisher Subscriber process( ) Num processed: 0

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process( ) IF WITHOUT BACKPRESSURE Publisher Subscriber Num processed: 2 OutOfMemoryError

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WITH BACKPRESSURE Publisher Subscriber process( ) subscribe & request 1

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process( ) WITH BACKPRESSURE Publisher Subscriber

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process( ) WITH BACKPRESSURE Publisher Subscriber request 1

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process( ) WITH BACKPRESSURE Publisher Subscriber No OutOfMemoryError #

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2 TYPES OF DATA SOURCE ▸ Controllable (Backpressure-aware) ▸ Disk read ▸ Database ▸ Uncontrollable (Not Backpressure-aware) ▸ GUI events

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WHAT’S NEW IN RXJAVA 2 ▸ (cont’d) Reactive Streams compliant ▸ Single/Maybe/Completable friendly ▸ Performance improvement

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REACTIVE STREAMS COMPLIANT ▸ Package: rx. → io.reactivex. ▸ Class: Subscriber → Observer/Subscriber, Subscription → Disposable, etc. ▸ Method: onCompleted() → onComplete(), etc.

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BACKPRESUURE-AWARE NAMES 1.x 2.x BP 2.x No BP Observable Flowable Observable Subscriber Subscriber Observer Subject Processor Subject Subscription Disposable/ Subscription Disposable BP: Backpressure

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AVOID NULLS Observable.just(null); // NPE Observable.fromCallable(() -> null)
 System.out ::println,
 Throwable ::printStackTrace /* NPE */);
 .map(v -> null)
 System.out ::println,
 Throwable ::printStackTrace /* NPE */);

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ADVANTAGES OF REACTIVE STREAMS ▸ Integration with other libraries (Akka, Actor, etc.) ▸ Might make it easy to work with Java 9 APIs

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WHAT’S NEW IN RXJAVA 2 ▸ Reactive Streams compliant ▸ Single/Maybe/Completable friendly ▸ Performance improvement

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 onSubscribe (onSuccess | onError)? ▸ Maybe:
 onSubscribe (onSuccess | onError | onComplete)? ▸ Completable:
 onSubscribe (onComplete | onError)? At most one element → No Backpressure

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SINGLE/MAYBE/COMPLETABLE ▸ toList() / toMap() Observable (1.x) → Single (2.x)

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SINGLE/MAYBE/COMPLETABLE ▸ firstOrDefault() / all() / any() / count() … Observable (1.x) → Single (2.x)

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SINGLE/MAYBE/COMPLETABLE ▸ takeFirst() / takeLast(1) … Observable (1.x) → Maybe (2.x) takeFirst

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TAKE ADVANTAGE OF SINGLE/MAYBE/COMPLETABLE ▸ The code becomes more clear and efficient ▸ retrofit2-rxjava2-adapter supports Single and Completable @GET(“/api/items/{id}") Single getItem(@Path("id") int id); @POST(“/api/items") Completable postItem(@Body Item item);

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WHAT’S NEW IN RXJAVA 2 ▸ Reactive Streams compliant ▸ Single/Maybe/Completable friendly ▸ Performance improvement

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PERFORMANCE IMPROVEMENT ( RxJava 1 (*) lower score is better RxJava 2

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PERFORMANCE IMPROVEMENT ▸ Less overhead with Observable (no BP) ▸ Leaner architecture with fewer indirections

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So should I move to RxJava 2? ¯\_(π)_/¯

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YOU SHOULD ▸ RxJava 1.x EOL announced ▸ Feature freeze (2017 Jun) ▸ End of life (2018 March) ▸ Single / Maybe / Completable is useful ▸ Get used to the new terminologies and rules (e.g. avoiding nulls) earlier

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LIBRARIES AROUND RXJAVA ▸ RxAndroid supports RxJava 2 # ▸ Retrofit supports RxJava 2 # ▸ RxBinding supports RxJava 2 # ▸ RxJava2Interop ( RxJava2Interop)

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SOME HINTS FOR MIGRATION ▸ Read What’s different in 2.0 ('s-different-in-2.0)

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SOME HINTS FOR MIGRATION ▸ Avoid passing nulls PublishSubject subject = PublishSubject.create(); subject.onNext(. );

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SOME HINTS FOR MIGRATION ▸ Avoid passing nulls enum Irrelevant { INSTANCE } PublishSubject subject = PublishSubject.create(); subject.onNext(Irrelevant.INSTANCE);

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SOME HINTS FOR MIGRATION ▸ Avoid passing nulls ▸ Warning: “passing 'null' argument to parameter annotated as @NotNull"

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SOME HINTS FOR MIGRATION ▸ Avoid passing nulls ▸ Warning: “passing 'null' argument to parameter annotated as @NotNull" ▸ Search Structurally

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SOME HINTS FOR MIGRATION ▸ Avoid passing nulls ▸ Warning: “passing 'null' argument to parameter annotated as @NotNull" ▸ Search Structurally ▸ Be cautious on map() operator .map(key -> map.get(key))

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SOME HINTS FOR MIGRATION ▸ Avoid passing nulls ▸ RxJava2Extensions ( akarnokd/RxJava2Extensions)

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SUMMARY ▸ What’s New in RxJava 2 ▸ Reactive Streams compliant ▸ Single/Maybe/Completable friendly ▸ Performance improvement ▸ Advantages of RxJava 2 ▸ Try RxJava 2!

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INTERESTED IN REACTIVE PROGRAMMING? ▸ I wrote an article about RxJava practices Publish at Apr. 11 2017 • Kotlin • RxJava • Firebase • Testing • Analytics