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Besides To. (these will be up at a8er the show) @benjammingh for Besides To 2018 1

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Who's this clown? [^2] • Security Engineer at Stripe. • Infrastructure security at Etsy. • Infra stuff at Puppet (Labs). • Once wore shorts and skateshoes to Montreal in winter, because they're very smart. @benjammingh for Besides To 2018 2

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"Of course it is you idiot, I paid $2,695 for an RSA 4cket" @benjammingh for Besides To 2018 4

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Cybersecurity Market Reaches $75 Billion In 2015; Expected To Reach $170 Billion By 2020 @benjammingh for Besides To 2018 5

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Again, real Freedom Dollars. @benjammingh for Besides To 2018 6

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• Cybersecurity Ventures predicts global cybersecurity spending will exceed $1 trillion from 2017 to 2021 • Gartner forecasts global enterprise security spending will grow 8% to $96.3 billion I could go on... @benjammingh for Besides To 2018 7

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The people in security actually making money who aren't giant vendors @benjammingh for Besides To 2018 8

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The criminals! @benjammingh for Besides To 2018 9

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@benjammingh for Besides To 2018 10

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• Cybercrime Damages $6 Trillion By 2021 • Global ransomware damage costs are predicted to exceed $5 billion in 2017 • "Ransomware: Are health systems opening bitcoin wallets?" • Verizon Data Breach InvesKgaKons Report, in case you've been living under a rock • ThreatbuP's bePer version from 2016 @benjammingh for Besides To 2018 11

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So [cyber] security is a very serious business @benjammingh for Besides To 2018 12

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"The security of your data, the func3onality of your servers, and your confidence in Linode are extremely important to all of us." -Linode completely owned - 2016 @benjammingh for Besides To 2018 13

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"Earning your trust through the opera1on of a secure service will always be our highest priority." - Slack's breach report - 2015 @benjammingh for Besides To 2018 14

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"Your trust is a top priority for Target" - Message from Target CEO about being hella owned @benjammingh for Besides To 2018 15

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"Security is (our|a) (top|number one) priority at $company" @benjammingh for Besides To 2018 16

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How serious? @benjammingh for Besides To 2018 17

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Uber serious! @benjammingh for Besides To 2018 18

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Uber will pay $148M to US states to se5le claims from 2016 breach @benjammingh for Besides To 2018 19

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Uber net worth: $5.9b Uber net worth - $148M: $5.752b @benjammingh for Besides To 2018 20

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@benjammingh for Besides To 2018 21

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Did Uber throw its CSO under the bus? @benjammingh for Besides To 2018 22

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Fired Uber cybersecurity chief Joe Sullivan was just hired to run security at start-up Cloudflare @benjammingh for Besides To 2018 23

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Intel @benjammingh for Besides To 2018 24

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@benjammingh for Besides To 2018 25

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@benjammingh for Besides To 2018 26

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"[Intel] is off to an excellent start in the first half of the year and expects 2018 to be another record year" @benjammingh for Besides To 2018 27

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So.... No implica*ons for one of the largest and most ingrained vulnerabili*es in compu*ng, affec*ng pre9y much every device nearly ever made. In fact, they made more money, as they probably sold some more chips. @benjammingh for Besides To 2018 28

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Intel CEO Brian Krzanich Resigns... @benjammingh for Besides To 2018 29

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Timing of $24 million stock sale by Intel CEO draws scru=ny Also note: “Security is job number one for Intel and our industry,” — Brian Krzanich @benjammingh for Besides To 2018 30

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"These processors are buggy as hell, and some of these bugs .... will ASSUREDLY be exploitable" — Theo "the people's pirate" de Raadt @benjammingh for Besides To 2018 31

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Intel CEO Brian Krzanich Resigns... ... over rela)onship with employee @benjammingh for Besides To 2018 32

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Sony (Pictures) @benjammingh for Besides To 2018 33

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Sony Pictures got a bit owned @benjammingh for Besides To 2018 34

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@benjammingh for Besides To 2018 35

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"Sony administrators reportedly shut down much of its worldwide network and disabled VPN connec;ons and Wi-Fi access in an effort to control the intrusion" "the company had told him their email systems were down and they had been told to go home because the company's networks had been hacked" This isn't even the biggest Sony breach there's been. @benjammingh for Besides To 2018 36

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How data breaches affect stock market share prices • "In the long term, share prices con4nue to rise on average" • "Larger breaches had less of an impact on share price than smaller breaches" • "The sensi4vity of breached data had a less clear impact on share price in the long term" @benjammingh for Besides To 2018 37

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@benjammingh for Besides To 2018 38

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Other, different, examples @benjammingh for Besides To 2018 39

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"No security report in an M&A has ever stopped the sale, it's just lowered the price" — Rich Smith, 2015...ish? probably @benjammingh for Besides To 2018 40

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"So what are you saying Benjamin?" @benjammingh for Besides To 2018 41

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Security is unlikely the most important thing your company does @benjammingh for Besides To 2018 42

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Shipping/selling product is probably more important @benjammingh for Besides To 2018 43

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Security is a part of that, it is not all of that @benjammingh for Besides To 2018 44

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Security informs and advises the business @benjammingh for Besides To 2018 45

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Security as a business unit, IS a compromise @benjammingh for Besides To 2018 46

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Your job is not to make everything 100% secure As then it would be impossible to do anything @benjammingh for Besides To 2018 47

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Your job is balance the risk trade- offs between your company being secure, and moving fast @benjammingh for Besides To 2018 48

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Examples: Alex Stamos @benjammingh for Besides To 2018 49

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Examples: Alex Stamos @benjammingh for Besides To 2018 50

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Alex Stamos • Le$ Yahoo! 2015 because of them working with NSA or FBI • Le$ Facebook 2018 due to, well, a lot @benjammingh for Besides To 2018 51

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Alex Stamos "The security team generally pushed for more disclosure about how na8on states had misused the site, but the legal and policy teams have priori8zed business impera8ves, said the people briefed on the ma

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Alex Stamos So even the CSO at the top companies in the world, the ones who pioneer amazing security products (osquery, End to end encryp=on in WhatsApp) is not above compromise as a business unit. @benjammingh for Besides To 2018 53

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Ben, what doth this mean? This isn't a tale of them and us, this is sta2ng your job is help the business to its goals. @benjammingh for Besides To 2018 54

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Ben, what doth this mean? This again is not saying that security is unimportant or ignored, just not the be all and end all. @benjammingh for Besides To 2018 55

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Ben, what doth this mean? Security can be the centre of your world, it's not the centre of capitalism. @benjammingh for Besides To 2018 56

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Ben, what doth this mean? This is a good thing! @benjammingh for Besides To 2018 57

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Ben, what doth this mean? If /Dev(Sec)?Ops/ has taught us anything its talking and working together IS BETTER. @benjammingh for Besides To 2018 58

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Ben, what doth this mean? This is just a natural extension of this. @benjammingh for Besides To 2018 59

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We're done, thank the maker! Go forth and work with your teams and your company, not against them! @benjammingh for Besides To 2018 60

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• Twidder: @benjammingh • LinkedIn: • SpeakerDeck: • Stripe: Careers <--- Engineering blog @benjammingh for Besides To 2018 61