Added Dialogflow API timeout if it failed.
[1/9] 選択したエージェントが ServiceNow CRM 内にレコードを作成せず、発信通話が記録されない場合の 修正。 [1/9]Fix for when an agent selected do not create record within the ServiceNow CRM and no outbound calls were recorded.
[1/9] 通話管理の強化: 国際通話の許可/拒否に関するルール テーブルの列を並べ替えられるようになりま した。 [1/9]Enhanced Call Management: The rules table columns for allowing/denying international calls can now be sorted.
[1/9] エージェント内線番号の拡張 : 最大 10 文字の内線番号を使用できるようになりました。 [1/9]Expanded Agent Extensions: You can now use extension numbers up to 10 characters in length.
[1/9] エージェントの次のステータスの選択をキャンセルできない問題を修正しました。 [1/9]Fixed an issue where the agent's next status selection could not be canceled.
Dialogflow CX Standard NLU agents will be migrated to Advanced NLU starting March 1, 2024. For more information, see the email announcement.
The Custom Extractor with generative AI has General Availability and is ready for production workloads. For more information, see the Custom Extractor with generative AI or check out the demo.
adaptation is now available for latest_long
models in 13 languages. Also, its quality
was substantially improved for latest_short
models. To determine whether this feature
is available for your language, see Langu
age support.
Model tuning for the textembedding-gecko
models is available in GA.
You can use supervised fine-tuning to tune the textembedding-gecko
For more information, see Tune text