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Ciro Nunes FRONTEND ENGINEER @cironunesdev

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Belo Horizonte

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UNIT TESTS automatic are

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UNIT TESTS automatic fast are

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UNIT TESTS automatic fast are documentation

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1. Unit testing 101 2. Setup Angular testing environment 3. Test Angular services and components AGENDA

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class.Calculator.{. ..add(firstNumber,.secondNumber).{. ....return.firstNumber.+.secondNumber;. ..}. } calculator.ts

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import.{Calculator}.from.'./calculator';. describe('Calculator',.().=>.{. ..let.calc;. ... ..beforeEach(().=>.{.;. ..});. ...'sums.two.numbers',.().=>.{. ....expect(calc.add(2,.5)).toBe(7);. ..});. }); calculator.spec.ts

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import.{Calculator}.from.'./calculator';. describe('Calculator',.().=>.{. ..let.calc;. ... ..beforeEach(().=>.{.;. ..});. ...'sums.two.numbers',.().=>.{. ....expect(calc.add(2,.5)).toBe(7);. ..});. }); calculator.spec.ts

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import.{Calculator}.from.'./calculator';. describe('Calculator',.().=>.{. ..let.calc;. ... ..beforeEach(().=>.{.;. ..});. ...'sums.two.numbers',.().=>.{. ....expect(calc.add(2,.5)).toBe(7);. ..});. }); calculator.spec.ts

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import.{Calculator}.from.'./calculator';. describe('Calculator',.().=>.{. ..let.calc;. ... ..beforeEach(().=>.{.;. ..});. ...'sums.two.numbers',.().=>.{. ....expect(calc.add(2,.5)).toBe(7);. ..});. }); calculator.spec.ts

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import.{Calculator}.from.'./calculator';. describe('Calculator',.().=>.{. ..let.calc;. ... ..beforeEach(().=>.{.;. ..});. ...'sums.two.numbers',.().=>.{. ....expect(calc.add(2,.5)).toBe(7);. ..});. }); calculator.spec.ts Executed 1 of 1 SUCCESS

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describe('Calculator',.().=>.{. ..describe('#add',.().=>.{});. ..describe('#subtract',.().=>.{});. ..describe('#multiply',.().=>.{});. ..describe('#divide',.().=>.{});. }); calculator.spec.ts

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describe('Calculator',.().=>.{. ..beforeEach(...);. ..describe('#add',.().=>.{.'sums.two.numbers',.().=>.{. ......expect(calc.add(2,.5)).toBe(7);. ....});.'sums.three.numbers',.().=>.{. ......expect(calc.add(5,.10,.20)).toBe(35);. ....});. ..});. }); calculator.spec.ts

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describe('Calculator',.().=>.{. ..beforeEach(...);. ..describe('#add',.().=>.{.'sums.two.numbers',.().=>.{. ......expect(calc.add(2,.5)).toBe(7);. ....});.'sums.three.numbers',.().=>.{. ......expect(calc.add(5,.10,.20)).toBe(35);. ....});. ..});. }); calculator.spec.ts

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describe('Calculator',.().=>.{. ..beforeEach(...);. ..describe('#add',.().=>.{.'sums.two.numbers',.().=>.{. ......expect(calc.add(2,.5)).toBe(7);. ....});.'sums.three.numbers',.().=>.{. ......expect(calc.add(5,.10,.20)).toBe(35);. ....});. ..});. }); calculator.spec.ts Executed 2 of 2 (1 FAILED)

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calculator.ts class.Calculator.{. ..add(...numbers).{. ....return.numbers.reduce((current,.total).=>.{.;. ....},.0);. ..}. }

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calculator.ts class.Calculator.{. ..add(...numbers).{. ....return.numbers.reduce((current,.total).=>.{.;. ....},.0);. ..}. } Executed 2 of 2 SUCCESS

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1. Keep tests small as possible (single purpose) 2. Test the public interfaces STRATEGIES

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Whenever you can, write unit tests. They are cheap, fast and they can run often.

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├──.angularOcliObuild.js. ├──.angularOcli.json. ├──.config. ├──.e2e. ├──.karmaOtestOshim.js. ├──.karma.conf.js. ├──.package.json. ├──.protractor.conf.js. ├──.public. ├──.src. ├──.tslint.json. ├──.typings. └──.typings.json

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├──.angularOcliObuild.js. ├──.angularOcli.json. ├──.config. ├──.e2e. ├──.karmaOtestOshim.js. ├──.karma.conf.js. ├──.package.json. ├──.protractor.conf.js. ├──.public. ├──.src. ├──.tslint.json. ├──.typings. └──.typings.json └──.client. ....├──.app. ....│...├──.routeOconfig.ts. ....│...├──.testOproject.html. ....│...├──.testOproject.spec.ts. ....│...└──.testOproject.ts. ....├──.app.ts. ....├──.favicon.ico. ....├──.index.html. ....├──.tsconfig.json. ....└──.typings.d.ts

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@Component({. ..selector:.'taOuser'. }). export.class.TaUser.{. ..@Input().user;. ..@Input().msg;. } ta-user.ts

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. . {{}}.is.{{.user.age.}} . {{.user.favoriteColor.}}. . {{.msg.}} ta-user.html

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import.{.,. ..describe,. ..expect,. ..injectAsync,. ..TestComponentBuilder. }.from.'angular2/testing';. import.{TaUser}.from.'./taOuser'; ta-user.spec.ts

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import.{.,. ..describe,. ..expect,. ..injectAsync,. ..TestComponentBuilder. }.from.'angular2/testing';. import.{TaUser}.from.'./taOuser'; ta-user.spec.ts

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import.{.,. ..describe,. ..expect,. ..injectAsync,. ..TestComponentBuilder. }.from.'angular2/testing';. import.{TaUser}.from.'./taOuser'; ta-user.spec.ts Inject providers in it blocks

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import.{.,. ..describe,. ..expect,. ..injectAsync,. ..TestComponentBuilder. }.from.'angular2/testing';. import.{TaUser}.from.'./taOuser'; ta-user.spec.ts

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import.{.,. ..describe,. ..expect,. ..injectAsync,. ..TestComponentBuilder. }.from.'angular2/testing';. import.{TaUser}.from.'./taOuser'; ta-user.spec.ts Instantiate components in it blocks

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import.{.,. ..describe,. ..expect,. ..injectAsync,. ..TestComponentBuilder. }.from.'angular2/testing';. import.{TaUser}.from.'./taOuser'; ta-user.spec.ts

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import.{.,. ..describe,. ..expect,. ..injectAsync,. ..TestComponentBuilder. }.from.'angular2/testing';. import.{TaUser}.from.'./taOuser'; ta-user.spec.ts

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describe('TaUser.Component',.().=>.{.'',. ....injectAsync([TestComponentBuilder],(tcb:TestComponentBuilder).=>.{ ta-user.spec.ts

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describe('TaUser.Component',.().=>.{.'',. ....injectAsync([TestComponentBuilder],(tcb:TestComponentBuilder).=>.{. ....return.tcb.createAsync(TaUser).then((fixture).=>.{. ......let.componentInstance.=.fixture.componentInstance;. ......let.element.=.fixture.nativeElement;. ......componentInstance.user.=.{.name:.'Ciro',.age:.18,.favoriteColor:.'black'.};. ......fixture.detectChanges();. ......expect(element.querySelector('h1').innerText). .........toBe('');. ....});. ..})); ta-user.spec.ts

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ComponentFixture componentInstance nativeElement debugElement elementRef detectChanges() destroy()

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@Injectable(). export.class.TaUserService.{. ..getUser(username:.string).{.,.reject).=>.{. ......let.user.=.users.filter(u.=>;. ......if.(user.length).{. ........resolve(user[0]);. ......}.else.{. ........reject('Not.found.');. ......}. ....});. ..}. } ta-user-service.spec.ts

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import.{.,. ..describe,. ..expect,. ..beforeEachProviders,. ..inject,. ..fakeAsync,. ..tick. }.from.'angular2/testing';. import.{TaUserService}.from.'./taOuserOservice'; ta-user-service.spec.ts

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import.{.,. ..describe,. ..expect,. ..beforeEachProviders,. ..inject,. ..fakeAsync,. ..tick. }.from.'angular2/testing';. import.{TaUserService}.from.'./taOuserOservice'; ta-user-service.spec.ts Loads the providers using Angular's DI

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import.{.,. ..describe,. ..expect,. ..beforeEachProviders,. ..inject,. ..fakeAsync,. ..tick. }.from.'angular2/testing';. import.{TaUserService}.from.'./taOuserOservice'; ta-user-service.spec.ts

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import.{.,. ..describe,. ..expect,. ..beforeEachProviders,. ..inject,. ..fakeAsync,. ..tick. }.from.'angular2/testing';. import.{TaUserService}.from.'./taOuserOservice'; ta-user-service.spec.ts Inject the loaded providers in the it block

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import.{.,. ..describe,. ..expect,. ..beforeEachProviders,. ..inject,. ..fakeAsync,. ..tick. }.from.'angular2/testing';. import.{TaUserService}.from.'./taOuserOservice'; ta-user-service.spec.ts

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import.{.,. ..describe,. ..expect,. ..beforeEachProviders,. ..inject,. ..fakeAsync,. ..tick. }.from.'angular2/testing';. import.{TaUserService}.from.'./taOuserOservice'; ta-user-service.spec.ts Allows to test asynchronous in a sync fashion

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import.{.,. ..describe,. ..expect,. ..beforeEachProviders,. ..inject,. ..fakeAsync,. ..tick. }.from.'angular2/testing';. import.{TaUserService}.from.'./taOuserOservice'; ta-user-service.spec.ts

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describe('TaUserService.Service',.().=>.{. ..beforeEachProviders(().=>.[TaUserService]); ta-user-service.spec.ts

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describe('TaUserService.Service',.().=>.{. ..beforeEachProviders(().=>.[TaUserService]);. ..describe('#getUser',.().=>.{.'should.get.the.user',. ......inject([TaUserService],.fakeAsync((service:.TaUserService).=>.{. ......let.user;. ......service.getUser('cironunes').then((value).=>.{. ........user.=.value;. ......});. ......tick();. ......expect(user.age).toBe(24);. ......expect(user.favoriteColor).toBe('black');. ....}))); ta-user-service.spec.ts

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describe('TaUserService.Service',.().=>.{. ..beforeEachProviders(().=>.[TaUserService]);. ..describe('#getUser',.().=>.{.'should.get.the.user',. ......inject([TaUserService],.fakeAsync((service:.TaUserService).=>.{. ......let.user;. ......service.getUser('cironunes').then((value).=>.{. ........user.=.value;. ......});. ......tick();. ......expect(user.age).toBe(24);. ......expect(user.favoriteColor).toBe('black');. ....}))); ta-user-service.spec.ts

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1. Unit tests helps us to test applications automatically SUMMARY

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1. Unit tests helps us to test applications automatically 2. Good tests are small and test the public interface SUMMARY

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1. Unit tests helps us to test applications automatically 2. Good tests are small and test the public interface 3. The CLI is the recommended way to get up and running SUMMARY

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1. Unit tests helps us to test applications automatically 2. Good tests are small and test the public interface 3. The CLI is the recommended way to get up and running SUMMARY 4. The testing library wraps Jasmine and provide convenient features

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1. Unit tests helps us to test applications automatically 2. Good tests are small and test the public interface 3. The CLI is the recommended way to get up and running SUMMARY 4. The testing library wraps Jasmine and provide convenient features 5. beforeEachProviders + inject/injectAsync to use the DI system

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1. Unit tests helps us to test applications automatically 2. Good tests are small and test the public interface 3. The CLI is the recommended way to get up and running SUMMARY 4. The testing library wraps Jasmine and provide convenient features 5. beforeEachProviders + inject/injectAsync to use the DI system 6. provide to mock dependencies

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7. TestComponentBuilder returns the ComponentFixture instance SUMMARY

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7. TestComponentBuilder returns the ComponentFixture instance 8. The ComponentFixture contains the component instance SUMMARY

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7. TestComponentBuilder returns the ComponentFixture instance 8. The ComponentFixture contains the component instance 9. The ComponentFixture contains the DOM element SUMMARY

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7. TestComponentBuilder returns the ComponentFixture instance 8. The ComponentFixture contains the component instance 9. The ComponentFixture contains the DOM element SUMMARY 10. fakeAsync and tick to test async code in a sync fashion

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7. TestComponentBuilder returns the ComponentFixture instance 8. The ComponentFixture contains the component instance 9. The ComponentFixture contains the DOM element SUMMARY 10. fakeAsync and tick to test async code in a sync fashion 11. injectAsync will be deprecated in favor of async

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1. Pipes 2. HTTP 3. Observables What wasn’t covered

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THANK YOU! @cironunesdev