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@MoOx Do you need redux? 1 @MoOx

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@MoOx Redux
 is a predictable state container for JavaScript apps. 2

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@MoOx 3 State UI Actions Reducer transformed into dispatches passed to returns new

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@MoOx - behave consistently - run in different environments (client, server, and native) - are easy to test 4 Redux helps you write applications that

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@MoOx - live code editing (hot reloading) - time traveling debugger. 5 Redux provides a
 great developer experience

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@MoOx - persist state (local storage) & boot from it (CSR & SSR) - serialize actions & save/reuse those - easy undo/redo / time traveling - share business logic between apps 6 Redux allows you to

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@MoOx (Not tied to React) 7

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@MoOx 8 @MoOx Redux is nice, makes app structuring foreseeable, forces developers to think about their model

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@MoOx But… 9

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@MoOx 10

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@MoOx 11

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@MoOx “Let’s use Redux everywhere” 12

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@MoOx “Let’s use Redux for a form input” 13

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@MoOx Redux for a form input? 14

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@MoOx If you abuse Redux,
 all your components might end up being connect()ed 15 Is this what you want?

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@MoOx Be careful not to use redux for everything 16 By the guy that did redux-form, but later

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@MoOx Redux + redux-thunk 17 Need at least 3 or 4 files. Reusability--

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@MoOx React Context API 
 A Replacement for Redux? 18

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@MoOx Redux uses context 19

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@MoOx Think McFly, think! 20

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@MoOx What is setState() again? 21

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@MoOx 22

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@MoOx 23

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@MoOx setState() and passing props might be enough 24 (if your store is at the top of your app, you can pass things down)

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@MoOx setState() 25 Everything fits in a file. Reusability++

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 react-component.html#setstate 26

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@MoOx 27

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@MoOx 28

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@MoOx 29

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@MoOx You might not need redux 30 @MoOx

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@MoOx 31

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@MoOx 32

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@MoOx 33

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@MoOx 34

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@MoOx 35

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@MoOx 36

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@MoOx 37

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@MoOx Local state is fine 38

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@MoOx 39

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@MoOx Redux without redux 40

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@MoOx “Should you do this to your stateful components? Probably not. Not unless you have a plan to benefit from this additional indirection” 41

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@MoOx What redux does, ReasonReact and Elm do 42 Actions are types, reducers are functions,
 state is immutable, but at the language level

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@MoOx 43

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@MoOx “done in collaboration with the ReactJS team” 44

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@MoOx - Does my app need this? - Does my team need this? - Does my product need this? @MoOx 45 Before adding Redux (and other fancy things)

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@MoOx Do my users need this? 46

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@MoOx Redux is nice But not required 47

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@MoOx Use Redux when it’s necessary not before 48 Like any other tool

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@MoOx Let’s love Redux Let’s hate Redux 49

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@MoOx (More “you might not need”?) 50

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@MoOx 51 Questions ? @MoOx Maxime Thirouin