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Build & deploy PHP applications* brief introduction

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Who am I ? Anton Babenko @antonbabenko Tech lead at Symfony2/PHP/MySQL

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Develop > Build > Test > Deploy

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Develop > Build > Test > Deploy Develop locally, run some tests, commit and push code…

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Develop > Build > Test > Deploy ?

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Develop > Build > Test > Deploy Automate

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Develop Build Test Deploy Automate and get: ● Faster development cycle ● Easier handover to new team members ● Improves quality ● Reduces errors ● Saves time ● Establish routine process which team can rely on

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Develop Build Test Deploy What to automate: ● Dependency & configuration management ○ Using Puppet, Chef, Ansible, bash scripting ● Compilation, minification of your assets ● Running tests ● Creation of documentation and changelogs ● Packaging ● Deployment

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Develop Build Test Deploy How to build?

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Develop Build Test Deploy How to build? Why do you need a build tool? ● To prepare a project to act in a specific environment Should be no room for misconfiguration ● Staging should have environment similar to production

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Develop Build Test Deploy Example flow: ● Get project files from VCS ● Configure ● DB Migration ● Run package managers and builders (npm, bower, grunt) ● Upload ● Cache warmup ● Clear opcache

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Develop Build Test Deploy Popular build & deployment tools for PHP projects: ● Bash scripting (Still hit #1) ● Apache Ant ● Phing ● Capistrano ● Fabric ● or use PaaS

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Develop Build Test Deploy PHP PaaS Providers: PagodaBox AppFog Heroku fortrabbit Engine Yard Cloud Red Hat OpenShift Platform dotCloud AWS Elastic Beanstalk cloudControl Windows Azure Zend Developer Cloud Google App Engine Jelastic

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Develop Build Test Deploy ● Bash scripting = be creative as you wish ● Jenkins CI + Apache Ant + = great starting point ● Phing = “Apache Ant written in PHP” ● Capistrano ● Fabric

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Develop Build Test Deploy ● Bash scripting = be creative as you wish ● Jenkins CI + Apache Ant + = great starting point ● Phing = “Apache Ant written in PHP” ● Capistrano = for builds and deployments ● Fabric

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Develop Build Test Deploy Capistrano is an open source tool for running scripts on multiple servers. It’s primary use is for easily deploying applications. capifony is a deployment recipes collection that works with both symfony and Symfony2 applications. Source:

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Develop Build Test Deploy # gem install hipchat newrelic_rpm if exists?(:config_hipchat_token) require 'hipchat/capistrano' set :hipchat_token, "#{config_hipchat_token}" set :hipchat_room_name, "Developers chat" end # Recipe: # if exists?(:config_newrelic_license) require 'new_relic/recipes' set :newrelic_license_key, "#{config_newrelic_license}" set :newrelic_appname, "You name it" after "deploy", "newrelic:notice_deployment" end Capifony sugar (1/4):

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Develop Build Test Deploy after "symfony:composer:install", "symfony:verify_console" namespace :symfony do task :verify_console do capifony_pretty_print "--> Run app/console to verify if parameters.yml has all required keys and application is runnable" if capture("#{try_sudo} sh -c 'cd #{latest_release} && #{php_bin} #{symfony_console} > /tmp/app_console_output 2>&1 ; echo $?'").to_s.strip != "0" run "cat /tmp/app_console_output && rm -rf /tmp/app_console_output" raise"There was an unrecoverable error.") end capifony_puts_ok end end Capifony sugar (2/4):

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Develop Build Test Deploy # Update assets_version # Source: namespace :assets_version do task :increment do capifony_pretty_print "--> Increment assets_version" run "#{try_sudo} sh -c 'cd #{latest_release} && #{php_bin} #{symfony_console} assets_version:increment --env=#{symfony_env_prod}'" capifony_puts_ok end end Capifony sugar (3/4):

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Develop Build Test Deploy # Run migration on one DB server instead of all: role :web, "", "" role :app, "", "" role :db, "", :primary => true role :db, "" role :db, "" Capifony sugar (4/4):

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Develop Build Test Deploy Capifony questions? Want something with GUI?

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Develop Build Test Deploy Questions? Questions? Questions? Questions?

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