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Enterprise Architectural Patterns Microservices
 Governance, Discovery, Configuration Isa Goksu
 Head of Enterprise Architecture! Istanbul Stock Exchange

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Istanbul Coders ❖ We are…! ❖ Enthusiastic Peeps! ❖ Evangelists! ❖ Volunteers! ❖! ❖ [email protected]

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Agenda ❖ Enterprise Applications! ❖ Enterprisy Concerns ! ❖ Microservices! ❖ Solving

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Enterprise Applications ❖ What? (n-tiered; UI, Business, Persistence)! ❖ Types! ❖ Monolithic / COA! ❖ Service Based / Traditional SOA / ESBs! ❖ Microservices / HATEOAS

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Enterprisy Concerns ❖ Tons of them…! ❖ Development! ❖ Configuration! ❖ Integration! ❖ Transactional Guarantees! ❖ Maintenance! ❖ Deployment! ❖ Monitoring (logs, events, system, etc)! ❖ Performance / Load! ❖ Fungible Resources

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Traditional SOA ❖ Mostly vendor products! ❖ Not really a bus (more like service broker)! ❖ They are lying

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Traditional SOA ❖ Planned design! ❖ Change controls! ❖ Heavy configuration (u need dedicated folks)! ❖ Only EA group can tell you what to do! ❖ UDDI sh*t (sorry man, didn’t even work)! ❖ Hard deployments

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–Melvyn Conway “organizations which design systems ... are constrained to produce designs which are copies of the communication structures of these organizations..”

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Nope, thanks!

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Microservices ❖ Evolutionary architecture! ❖ Unix style (rock solid for more than 40 years)! ❖ Pipes of Business Values (single value each time)! ❖ Small footprint (less than 1K LoC)! ❖ Any technology (java, c#, ruby, python, etc)! ❖ No contracts (consumer driven contracts, tolerant reads)

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Compare Yourself

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Typical Implementations ❖ Service Orchestrations! ❖ SPOF! ❖ There has to be an orchestrator! ❖ Choreographic alignment! ❖ Entities! ❖ Capabilities! ❖ Choreographies

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Choreographic Alignment

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Service Harness

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Extra Needs ❖ Governance! ❖ Service Discovery! ❖ Configuration Management! ❖ Transactional Guarantees! ❖ Maintenance

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ZooKeeper ❖ Distributed Configuration! ❖ Distributed Synchronization! ❖ Distributed Registry! ❖ Watches, Ephemeral, etc

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Configuration ❖ environment (dev/test/uat/pre-prod/prod)! ❖ app id (uuid)! ❖ key-value pairs

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Service Discovery ❖ DBED + TXT Records! ❖ Tagging system inside ZooKeeper! ❖ XMPP-based

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–Thanks for listening Q/A