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Gateway APIs and API Gateways Modern Ingress Demystified Sergey Marunich,

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Outline ● Recap: Ingress ● Gateway API ● Envoy Gateway ● [Envoy] [API] Gateway ● Where Next?

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Ingress Networking

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Service A Backend * Service A Service A

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Service A Backend Load Balancer * Service A Service A

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Service A Backend Load Balancer Node port * Service A Service A

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Backend Load Balancer Node port Cluster IP * Service A Service A Service A

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Backend Proxy Proxy Proxy Proxy Ingress Load Balancer Node port Cluster IP * Service A Service A Service A

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Service A Backend Proxy Proxy Proxy Proxy Ingress Load Balancer Node port Cluster IP * Cluster IP Service A Service A

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Service A Backend Proxy Proxy Proxy Proxy Ingress Load Balancer Node port Cluster IP * Cluster IP Service A Service A

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Service A Backend Proxy Proxy Proxy Proxy Ingress Load Balancer Node port * Service A Service A Ingress Controller Service A

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Service A Backend Proxy Proxy Proxy Proxy Ingress Load Balancer Node port * Service A Service A Ingress Controller Service A K8s API Server etcd

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Service A Backend Proxy Proxy Proxy Proxy Ingress Load Balancer Node port * Service A Service A Ingress Controller Service A K8s API Server etcd Ingress

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The Ingress API

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Ingress API apiVersion: kind: Ingress metadata: name: minimal-ingress spec: rules: - host: http: paths: - path: /test backend: service: name: test port: number: 80

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Ingress API apiVersion: kind: Ingress metadata: name: minimal-ingress annotations: / spec: rules: - host: http: paths: - path: /test backend: service: name: test port: number: 80

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Ingress API apiVersion: kind: Ingress metadata: name: minimal-ingress annotations: "nginx" / spec: rules: - host: http: paths: - path: /test backend: service: name: test port: number: 80

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Ingress API apiVersion: kind: Ingress metadata: name: minimal-ingress annotations: / spec: ingressClassName: nginx rules: - host: http: paths: - path: /test pathType: Prefix backend: service: name: test port: number: 80

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Ingress API apiVersion: kind: IngressClass metadata: name: nginx spec: controller:

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Ingress API apiVersion: kind: IngressClass metadata: name: nginx spec: controller: --- kind: Deployment spec: template: spec: containers: - name: nginx args: - /nginx-ingress-controller - '' - ''

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Ingress API apiVersion: kind: Ingress metadata: name: minimal-ingress annotations: / | more_set_headers "Request-Id: $req_id"; spec: ingressClassName: nginx rules: - host: http: …

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Ingress API: Implementations ● Nginx ● Haproxy ● Apache ● Traefik ● Contour ● Ambassador ● Kong ● Tyk ● Avi ● Istio ● etc

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Gateway API

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xkcd, Creative Commons Attribution 2.5

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Recap: The Storage API StorageClass PersistentVolume Pod PersistentVolume Claim Pod Pod (AWS, gp2) (10Gi, ReadOnce) PersistentVolume Claim Infra provider / cluster builder: Infra admin: App dev: PersistentVolume

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The Gateway API

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The Gateway API ● Not built-in yet; packaged as CRDs ● >1 resource ● ○ GatewayClass/v1beta1 ○ Gateway/v1beta1 ○ HTTPRoute/v1beta1 ○ TLSRoute/v1alpha1 - SNI routing ○ GRPCRoute/v1alpha1 ○ TCPRoute/v1alpha1 ○ UDPRoute/v1alpha1

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GatewayClass apiVersion: kind: GatewayClass metadata: name: my-class spec: controllerName:

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apiVersion: kind: Gateway metadata: name: my-envoy-gateway spec: gatewayClassName: my-class listeners: - name: http protocol: HTTP port: 80 - name: https protocol: HTTPS port: 443 Gateway

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HTTPRoute apiVersion: kind: HTTPRoute metadata: name: http-log spec: parentRefs: [{name: my-gateway}] hostnames: [""] rules: - matches: - path: {value: /http-log, type: PathPrefix} backendRefs: - {group: "", kind: Service, name: http-log, port: 80, weight: 1}

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HTTPRoute apiVersion: kind: HTTPRoute metadata: name: http-log spec: parentRefs: [{name: my-gateway}] hostnames: [""] rules: - matches: - path: {value: /http-log, type: PathPrefix} filters: - {type: URLRewrite, urlRewrite: {path: {type: ReplacePrefixMatch, replacePrefixMatch: / }}} backendRefs: - {group: "", kind: Service, name: http-log, port: 80, weight: 1}

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What else does it look like? ● Heavily based on the Istio API ● In turn, Istio implements the Gateway API ○ Currently beta ○ Will be default when gw-api hits v1 ● Also implemented by the SMI Meshes (Linkerd2, Consul, Open Service Mesh, etc)

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A Mesh API? ● Gain resources to describe East-West (service mesh) ● GAMMA group trying to get meshes to adopt the GW API, and conversely to get GW API to model mesh concerns ( ● Istio 1.16: Kubernetes Gateway API Implementation Promoted to Beta Istio’s implementation of the Gateway API has been promoted to Beta. This is a significant step toward our goal of making the Gateway API the default API for traffic management in the future.

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Reference Implementation: Envoy Gateway

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What’s a standard? Nginx-ingress currently the de facto standard ● Surely the most common, certainly when you discount cloud providers’ ingress ● Only one mentioned in the main upstream docs

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An Envoy-Based Gateway ● But nginx isn’t very modern ○ Reads its config from a file, not an API ○ The operator hides this, and that’s fine; that’s its job ○ But those reload events cause the drop of in-flight requests, which isn’t ok ○ Plus other operational issues ○ Hard to extend ● Envoy is more modern, and designed for this kinda stuff ○ xDS API ○ It’s proven itself as Ingress, Sidecar, even GFE ● A new gateway in town!

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Another One? ● Contour, Emissary (formerly Ambassador) agreed to rebase onto the EG code, but will keep their brands, add value

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🍺 An offering to the demo gods...

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An Adventure in Metrics ● Pod: ○ Container : no metrics port ○ Container kube-rbac-proxy: https metrics port, just controller_runtime’s default stats ● Pod: ○ Container Envoy: prom-format metrics on admin at localhost:19000 (unreachable)

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Other Features ● cert-manager has experimental support (hard to demo locally)

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A Work-in-Progress ● v0.3 targeting December ○ Full compliance to the Gateway API ○ Doesn’t seem to mean other basics, like metrics ● To follow the project ○ ○ Envoy Slack #gateway-dev

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Gateway API API Gateway

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What Even is an API Gateway? You might think ● TLS termination ● Load Balancing ● L7 Routing ● WAF ● Rate-limiting and quotas ● Bot-blocking ● OIDC auth ● Caching ● Body validation and transformation ● Version and staging support ● etc

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What Even is an API Gateway? “Basic” features ● TLS termination ● Load Balancing ● L7 Routing “API Gateway” features ● WAF ● Rate-limiting and quotas ● Bot-blocking ● OIDC auth ● Caching ● Body validation and transformation ● Version and staging support ● etc

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Envoy (API) Gateway ● Extensible code ● Extensible API ● New, clean codebase

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Gateway API models API Gateways ● Gain resources to describe API Gateway features ○ Auth one in progress ● On-going discussion about making the API extensible to model the different features in all the implementations, but in a consistent, first-class way ● “GEP” - Gateway Enhancement Proposal ( ● Graduation path ○ Vendor extension ○ GW-API extension ○ GW-API core

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A Work-in-the-Future ● Needs the API ● Needs the Extensions ● None being worked on yet (that I know of) ● Except Coraza: a Golang implementation of mod_security

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Where Next? ● Release of Envoy Gateway 0.3 ● Emissary, Contour rebasing eventually ● Get Gateway API into upstream k8s ● Extend the GW-API to model API-GW concerns ○ Solve problems like modelling deploy of redis for global ratelimits ● Build API-GW feature plugins ● Gateway API v1? ● Envoy Gateway 1.0?

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Recap ● Ingress API sucks ● Gateway API doesn’t ○ Ingress ○ East-West ○ API Gateway ● Envoy Gateway exists. It hasn’t got far but you can try it at home. ● Envoy Gateway will become an API Gateway ○ That needs lots of work

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Thanks! Slides Videos Demo code tetratelabs Questions @smarunich