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The Web in 2020 Wohin sich das Web bewegt Christian Liebel @christianliebel Consultant

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Hello, it’s me. Christian Liebel Follow me: @christianliebel Email: christian.liebel Cross-Platform Development & Serverless Cloud Architectures Wohin sich das Web bewegt The Web in 2020

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- My personal summary of this year’s TPAC - Modern Web APIs and initiatives discussed about/presented during TPAC - Live demos of many modern Web APIs The Web in 2020 Wohin sich das Web bewegt What to Expect

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Technical Plenary and Advisory Committee Meetings The Web in 2020 Wohin sich das Web bewegt

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The Web in 2020 Wohin sich das Web bewegt Fukuoka, Japan

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The Web in 2020 Wohin sich das Web bewegt

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The Web in 2020 Wohin sich das Web bewegt Advisory Committee Advisory Board Technical Architecture Group Technical Groups elects elects majority reviews (Oversimplified)

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The Web in 2020 Wohin sich das Web bewegt WebXR WebAuthn Payment Request API Badging API Wake Lock API Shape Detection API Async Clipboard API Native File System API

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The Web in 2020 Wohin sich das Web bewegt WebXR WebAuthn Payment Request API Badging API Wake Lock API Shape Detection API Async Clipboard API Native File System API

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The Web in 2020 Wohin sich das Web bewegt Reality–Virtuality Continuum (Milgram et al. 1994) Reality Virtuality Augmented Reality Augmented Virtuality.. HoloLens HTC Vive Mixed Reality ARKit Cardboard

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API if ('xr' in navigator) { const supported = await navigator.xr.isSessionSupported('immersive-vr'); if (supported) { const session = navigator.xr.requestSession('immersive-vr'); const canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); const gl = canvas.getContext('webgl', { xrCompatible: true }); session.updateRenderState({ baseLayer: new XRWebGLLayer(session, gl) }); const refSpace = await session.requestReferenceSpace('local'); session.requestAnimationFrame(onXRFrame); } } The Web in 2020 Wohin sich das Web bewegt WebXR

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The Web in 2020 Wohin sich das Web bewegt WebXR WebAuthn Payment Request API Badging API Wake Lock API Shape Detection API Async Clipboard API Native File System API

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Motivation - Cooperation with FIDO alliance - W3C Recommendation (official standard) - Alternative, passwordless authentication method - Authentication via internal authenticator (e.g. Touch ID, Win Hello) - Ideally backed by internal hardware module (TPM) - Scoped per origin - Eliminates password theft, phishing and replay attacks - User-friendly The Web in 2020 Wohin sich das Web bewegt WebAuthn

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API if ('PublicKeyCredential' in window) { const credential = await navigator.credentials.create({ publicKey }); // OR const credential = await navigator.credentials.get({ publicKey }); } The Web in 2020 Wohin sich das Web bewegt WebAuthn

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The Web in 2020 Wohin sich das Web bewegt WebXR WebAuthn Payment Request API Badging API Wake Lock API Shape Detection API Async Clipboard API Native File System API

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Traditional checkout forms are… The Web in 2020 Wohin sich das Web bewegt Payment Request API repetitive tedious (sometimes) not touch-friendly

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API if ('PaymentRequest' in window) { const request = new PaymentRequest(methodData, details, options); // Configure request } The Web in 2020 Wohin sich das Web bewegt Payment Request API

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UI The Web in 2020 Wohin sich das Web bewegt Payment Request API

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Next Steps Payment Request Handler API is in the works Goal: Progressive Web Apps can register as a payment handler Extension point for third-party payment service providers The Web in 2020 Wohin sich das Web bewegt Payment Request API

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The Web in 2020 Wohin sich das Web bewegt WebXR WebAuthn Payment Request API Badging API Wake Lock API Shape Detection API Async Clipboard API Native File System API

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The Web in 2020 Wohin sich das Web bewegt

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Cross-Vendor Initiative Led By… The Web in 2020 Wohin sich das Web bewegt Project Fugu – A More Capable Web »Let’s bring the web back – API by API« Thomas Steiner, Google

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The Web in 2020 Wohin sich das Web bewegt Project Fugu

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The Web in 2020 Wohin sich das Web bewegt Project Fugu navigator.share({ url: '' }); ShareIntent DataTransferManager … NSSharingServicePicker

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Motivation - Communicate updates without distracting the user (in constrast to push notifications) - Typically displays a badge on the home screen, task bar or dock - Appearance varies from platform to platform The Web in 2020 Wohin sich das Web bewegt Badging API

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API Set the badge navigator.setAppBadge(5); Clear the badge navigator.clearAppBadge(); The Web in 2020 Wohin sich das Web bewegt Badging API

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Demo • Install (link: (Windows / macOS, not Android). • Paste this code in the @ChromeDevTools console: ``` let c = 0; const h = document.querySelector('.horn'); h.addEventListener('click', _ => { navigator.setExperimentalAppBadge(++c); }); ``` • Honk. • T̶h̶a̶n̶k̶ Hate me. The Web in 2020 Wohin sich das Web bewegt Badging API 9 DEMO

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The Web in 2020 Wohin sich das Web bewegt WebXR WebAuthn Payment Request API Badging API Wake Lock API Shape Detection API Async Clipboard API Native File System API

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Motivation - Devices can go to sleep in order to reduce energy consumption - Different types of sleep: - Turn off the display (screen sleep) - Turn off the CPU (system sleep) - However, this can get bothersome in some situations (e.g. while watching a movie etc.) - The Wake Lock API prevents the device from going to sleep for a given period of time The Web in 2020 Wohin sich das Web bewegt Wake Lock API

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API let wakeLockObj; if ('getWakeLock' in navigator) { try { wakeLockObj = await navigator.getWakeLock('screen'); console.log('', 'getWakeLock', wakeLockObj); } catch (ex) { console.error('', 'getWakeLock', err); } } The Web in 2020 Wohin sich das Web bewegt Wake Lock API

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The Web in 2020 Wohin sich das Web bewegt WebXR WebAuthn Payment Request API Badging API Wake Lock API Shape Detection API Async Clipboard API Native File System API

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Faces Barcodes Text Use Cases The Web in 2020 Wohin sich das Web bewegt Shape Detection API

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Face Detection API if ('FaceDetector' in window) { const img = document.querySelector('img'); const faceDetector = new FaceDetector(); const faces = await faceDetector.detect(img) faces.forEach(face => { console.log('Face found!', face.boundingBox); }); } The Web in 2020 Wohin sich das Web bewegt Shape Detection API

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Related: WebML Machine Learning for the Web (WebML) Goal: Low-level Web API for machine learning (Web Neural Network API) Microsoft, Google, Apple, Mozilla on board The Web in 2020 Wohin sich das Web bewegt Shape Detection API

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The Web in 2020 Wohin sich das Web bewegt WebXR WebAuthn Payment Request API Badging API Wake Lock API Shape Detection API Async Clipboard API Native File System API

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API Copy Content await navigator.clipboard.writeText('foo'); await navigator.clipboard.write(/* data */); Paste Content const content = await navigator.clipboard.readText(); const content = await; The Web in 2020 Wohin sich das Web bewegt Async Clipboard API

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The Web in 2020 Wohin sich das Web bewegt WebXR WebAuthn Payment Request API Badging API Wake Lock API Shape Detection API Async Clipboard API Native File System API

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Motivation - Currently, websites only have very limited access to the file system - Some applications heavily rely on working with files (e.g. Visual Studio Code) - Wouldn’t it be great if your web application could open files or folders from the native file system? The Web in 2020 Wohin sich das Web bewegt Native File System API

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API (may change!) if ('chooseFileSystemEntries' in window) { const handle = await window.chooseFileSystemEntries(); const file = await handle.getFile(); // do something with the file } else { // use fallback API or disable feature in app } The Web in 2020 Wohin sich das Web bewegt Native File System API

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API (may change!) const handle = await self.chooseFileSystemEntries({ type: 'openFile', multiple: false, readOnly: false, accepts: [{ description: 'Images', extensions: ['jpg', 'gif', 'png'] }] }); The Web in 2020 Wohin sich das Web bewegt Native File System API

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The Web in 2020 Wohin sich das Web bewegt Where’s the Web Heading to?

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- Web is getting more and more capable - The Web is establishing itself as an application platform - But: Web is threatened by alternative approaches and platforms, support for modern Web API varies from platform to platform - You can make a difference! - File bugs in browser engine bugtrackers - File Fugu requests: The Web in 2020 Wohin sich das Web bewegt Where’s the Web Heading to?

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Thank you for your kind attention! Christian Liebel @christianliebel [email protected]