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KubeCon + CloudNativeCon 2018 Seattle Recap ~ Vitess ~ Cloud Native Meetup Tokyo #6 KubeCon + CNCon Recap 2019.1.9 @CyberAgent © cyberblack28

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Profile Twitter:cyberblack28 Hatena Blog: Job Educational Solution Architect Developer Advocate/Technical Evangelist Infrastructure Engineer Frontend Engineer Community Music,Live,FES !! Take a picture !! ISBN-10: 4798155373 ISBN-13: 978-4798155371 I wrote the Chapter 6 Rancher 2.0 part. Release on March 15, 2018 ! #rancherjp #kujiraya #deepcn

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Agenda 1. Session’s Summary 2. Vitess 3. Details of session

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Session’s Summary

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Session’s Summary Documents Slide Movie Vitess at HubSpot: How We Moved Hundreds of MySQL Databases into Kubernetes Session

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Session’s Summary 20173F!HubSpot2 AEMNMySQL4ABD/6):8 1000=EC2++ 1. <> % -, ,0 92'865)%@ /37?(*&") ;.P! `RZ(%H b_MySQL'!#$5CG%(eU7` = )Lfh/*Sa-1(dg (VitessD`Kubernetes OperatorBIcK"X ) KubernetesMySQL.,0+(O9T:#\V&!Q@ #Vitess [4?^-1& #%Y:J& MySQL cloud-native nirvana

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Vitess Intro: Vitess Deep Dive: Vitess Slide Movie Slide Movie

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Vitess What’s Vitess • MySQLSharding 8I?4HK 0CB>@. &'#( $!* . ! #, • 201852653CNCF)1% 16J=+ %:9@G Incubation • YouTube<7 20115)1"-2D? • GoEgRPC.2%;AGo,Java,Python,PHP.2%. (./F

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Vitess Vitess Stats • Started 2010first commit • 7,000+ stars • 15,000+ commits • 100+ contributors • 500+ Slack members • v3.0 Release (MySQL8,MariaDB10.3)

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Vitess The adoption is increasing !! 10,000+ Tablets on Kubernetes 20% Migrated to Vitess Cash App fully runs on Vitess Cash App =

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Vitess Architecture application vttablet mysqld vtctl Topology vttablet mysqld vttablet mysqld vtctld application application application vtgate interact with topology command runtime admin command line GUI server server server

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Vitess Vitess on Kubernetes application vttablet mysqld vtctl etcd vttablet mysqld vttablet mysqld vtctld application application application vtgate interact with topology command runtime admin command line GUI tablet tablet tablet vtgate service etcd service vtctld service Shard0 Shard1 Shard2 PV Pod Pod Pod Pod Pod Pod Pod PV PV Master Replica Ronly

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Vitess Technical terms vtgate application!-)64J0vttablet(KN@2M706I31MB(#EL5:9ND tablet mysqld&vttablet)<>B vttablet MySQL(mysqld))("/.EL5:9ND64J) '64J!-MySQL0 #., . vtctld Vitess6I;=)(GUI))&'.HTTP9ND vtctl Vitess6I;=)OCLIP#.$+)8GMCI3M?NK Topology Vitess6I;=) 0#.H=AN=;B1Kubernetes%*etcdetcd %*ZooKeeper0 9FNB

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Vitess Sharding • 2.&! "- ,0 • Shard/* '!#$ Vitess’s Sharding • Vertical Sharding3+ 21%" ,0 • Horizontal Sharding)( 1. 1% Shard"- 1% " ,0

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Vitess Table Sharding VSchema Sharding( ! VTworkerVSchema&-Sharding$' VSchema&- +# Shard Keyspace, Shard % application 1) "*

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Vitess Reference Docs • Vitess is a database clustering system for horizontal scaling of MySQL • Vitess Twitter • CrashAcademy CNDJP #8 Vitess • Vitess Slack • Vitess Github

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Vitess Rancher & Vitess Introduction to Vitess: Using Vitess on Kubernetes Rancher Labs Official BlogRancherVitess

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Details of session

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Details of session What’s HubSpot ? SaaS

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Details of session Background Web 10AWS EC2 EBS S3 ELB 2500EC2 30Google Cloud Platform

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Details of session Consideration for Microservice and Globalization Web EC2 EBS S3 ELB 2500EC2 Singularity Cloud Load Balancing Compute Engine + Singularity + 1530+ 18000

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Details of session Reason why we decided to Vitess • • Kubernetes • •

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Details of session About release 500 Helm Operator

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Details of session Custom Resources

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Details of session Anatomy of a Pod PersistentVolume Directory Data Pull Log

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Details of session Lots of other work • VtgatePool CRD CRD • JdbcgRPC • TLS • Orchestrator IntegrationMySQL high availability and replication management tool • SQL GrammarSQL

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Details of session Migration

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Details of session Protecting against cluster maintenance Pod '&" $ PodDisruptionBudget# !%

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Details of session Injecting Vault secrets into Pods Secret CRDUpdater Operator

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Details of session Parameterizing configuration in Docker images Configmap Python Docker

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Details of session Terminating Pods gracefully Vttablet Pod

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Details of session Optimizing Vitess Backups EBS Pod PV Pod

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Details of session Controlling StatefulSet rollouts Replica-Replica-Master OperatorStatefulSet

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Details of session Lessons learned: It’s a transplant

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Details of session Summary • YouTube7F: • -2# 13?8GA&,' !? • KubernetesD>; 6 • "%/4<@EB8$0)3C9 • .*!(+" Vitess as a Service 5 = !?

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Thank you for your attention !!