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Introduction to Imaginary World NEW DEBUG!! ~ 転職してプログラマーになったら 一切エラーがでないんだが ~ // たふみ, DE LIKER // 2020·05·17

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$ whoami たふみ ( @CreatorQsF ) Designer + Developer

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$ whoami たふみ ( @CreatorQsF ) Designer + Developer

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Why Go? ● Nice Standard Pkgs? ● Clear Dependencies? ● Less Syntax Sugar? ● Single Binary? ● Cross Compile? ● Simple Syntax? ● Fast Build? ● gofmt?

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No ( Actually, Definitely “Yes” )

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Retrieved from

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Retrieved from

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Complex Number v

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Polar Coordinates System Complex Number

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Polar Coordinates + Complex

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Polar Coordinates + Complex

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Fortran real re, im complex z z = (1.0,2.0) re = real(z) ! Re im = aimag(z) ! Im end

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Python z = 1 + 2i

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C99 // GNU Extention #include ... double _Complex x = 1.0 + 2.0i; // C99 Spec #include ... float _Complex x = 1.0 + 2.0 * _Complex_I; Ref

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C99 // GNU Extention #include ... double _Complex x = 1.0 + 2.0i; // C99 Spec #include ... float _Complex x = 1.0 + 2.0 * _Complex_I; Ref

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Perl Ruby OCaml Haskell etc... Need to include std lib (complex is not builtin type)

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Go package main import ( "fmt" ) func main() { z := 1 + 2i fmt.Printf("%T", z) } // output: complex128

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Retrieved from

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You, the people have the power - the power to create machines. The power to create happiness! You, the people, have the power to make this life free and beautiful, to make this life a wonderful adventure. Retrieved from “The Great Dictator” (1940)

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You, the people have the power - the power to create machines. The power to create happiness! You, the people, have the power to make this life free and beautiful, to make this life a wonderful adventure. Retrieved from “The Great Dictator” (1940)

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Let’s Make Your Life Beautiful

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Beautiful Life ≈ Creative, Imaginary Life

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Beautiful Life ≈ Creative, Imaginary Life

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Usage of Complex Number ● Quaternion ● Quantum Information Science → Let’s aGo !

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Quaternion 4元数

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Quaternion This needs 3 independent complex space, so it will be lil hard to express in Go…

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Quaternion is used for 3D Graphics rotation, like Games. Another methods: - Euler angles (オイラー角) - Rotation Matrix (回転行列) FYI

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Euler angles (オイラー角) Euler angles needs only 3 params. ...BUT, - the computation is heavy - The problem of Gimbal Lock FYI

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FYI Rotation Matrix (回転行列) Rotation Matrix needs 9 params ← soooo many not good for memory resources

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Quaternion (4元数) Quaternion needs 4 params. - No Gimbal Lock - Balanced for memory & computating resources FYI

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Quantum Information 量子情報学

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量子情報学入門 石坂 智 (著) 小川 朋宏 (著) 河内 亮周 (著) 木村 元 (著) 林 正人 (著) 共立出版 2012 References Retrieved from 85%A5%E9%96%80-%E7%9F%B3%E5%9D%82-%E6%99%BA/dp/4320122992

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Quantum Physics Raymer, G. M. Oxford Univ. Press 2017 References Retrieved from

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In classic Computer… A Long Time Ago, in the Galaxy Far Away...

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0 1 &

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In Quantum World,

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0 1

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Quantum Superposition 重ね合わせの状態

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If all the inputs are superposition, then…?

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- Dirac Notation - Bra-ket notation

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Bra-ket Notation (Equation Editor++ does not support braket notation, so insteadly used \langle and \rangle.)

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Unit Vector This is the corresponding 0, 1 to classic computing in qubit

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Intermissions x can be anything are ugly

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Bloch Sphere & Bloch Vector Retrieved from sphere

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Unitary Evolution & Unitary Matrix * : Adjoint Matrix (随伴行列) This shows that |ψ> changes with time to |ψ>’

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Significant Unitary Matrix ● Identity Matrix ● Pauli Matricies

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Significant Unitary Matrix (cont.) ● Hadamard Matrix ● Also called “Hadamard Transform” when used as an operator ● Particularly make the basis superposition which the probability of |0> and |1> is the same

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Hadamard Transform

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Hadamard Transform

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Deutsch- Jozsa Algorithm ● Multiply n+1’th bit by Pauli’s \sigma_x ● Multiply all the bits by Hadamard Operator ● Multiply all the bits by U_f ● Multiply first n bits by Hadamard Operator ● If the observed classical first n bit array is 0...0, then it is constant function, otherwise balanced function.

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Deutsch- Jozsa Algorithm (cont.) ● f is Oracle, it is like black box ● So in classical computing, 2/n + 1 inputs must be evaluated. → must be asked 2^(n-1) + 1 times ● Deutsch-Jozsa needs 1 time ask

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Deutsch- Jozsa Algorithm (cont.)

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Retrieved from

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Deutsch- Jozsa Impl package main import ( "fmt" qsim "" )

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Deutsch- Jozsa Impl // deutschjozsa return is given f is constant, returns true. Otherwise retuens false. func deutschjozsa(size int, f func(_ *qsim.Q, _ ...qsim.Qubit)) string { q := qsim.New() is := make([]qsim.Qubit, size) for i := range is { is[i] = q.Zero() } o := q.One() // equivalent to `o := q.Zero(); q.X(o);` q.H(is...) q.H(o) // Apply func as Oracle Uf f(q, is...) q.H(is...) q.Measure(is...) return q.Binary() }

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Deutsch- Jozsa Impl func constant(_ *qsim.Q, _ ...qsim.Qubit) { }

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func balanced(space *qsim.Q, qs ...qsim.Qubit) { cnt := 0 for _, q := range qs { if cnt%2 == 0 { space.Z(q) } cnt++ } } Deutsch- Jozsa Impl

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Deutsch- Jozsa Impl func main() { fmt.Println("balanced: ", deutschjozsa(8, balanced)) fmt.Println("constant: ", deutschjozsa(8, constant)) }

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Deutsch- Jozsa Impl deutsch-jozsa $ make go run main.go balanced: 101010101 constant: 000000000

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Introduction to Imaginary World NEW DEBUG!! ~ 転職してプログラマーになったら 一切エラーがでないんだが ~ // たふみ, DE LIKER // 2020·05·17 Follow me on Twitter → @CreatorQsF