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Dana Bauer @geography76 Idan Gazit @idangazit

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JavaScript Ruby Java Python Shell PHP C C++ Perl Obj-C mapping meaning onto data

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oh hello there!

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? data questions

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acquire parse filter mine represent refine interact

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acquire parse filter mine represent refine interact

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Dana Bauer @geography76 Part I @idangazit Data to Information Idan Gazit

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Dana Bauer @geography76 Idan Gazit @idangazit Part II Information to Meaning

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Acquiring the data STEP 1

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!."million users

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#.$million repos

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subset a meaningful of

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API Whitelist Repo Cloning

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cloud amazon web services

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????GB on disk

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%&GB on disk

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'&&GB on disk #& %#

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&.mb min '(.)mb median "(.*mb average 7,)'*mb max 100gb of repositories (webkit/WebKit)

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Connection reset by peer

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EC2 instance size RAM & CPU

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100ms 200ms

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100– 200ms from us 2ms from EC! yay internet.

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Tooling ~100gb EBS volume bootstrapping instances running commands

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user-data scripts bare metal → ready to work

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# setup python and pip requirements curl -O python easy_install pip pip install ipython tornado pyzmq pip install -r requirements.txt

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run “git clone” two thousand times make sure the directories exist load the list of top repos

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def clone_lang(lang, repos): """ Clone the most-watched repos for a given language """ print('*** Cloning {} repositories...'.format(lang)) langpath = REPOS_PATH.child(lang) local('mkdir -p {}'.format(langpath)) for r in repos: user, reponame = r.split('/') userpath = langpath.child(user) repopath = userpath.child(reponame) if repopath.exists(): print('Skipping {}...'.format(r)) continue print('Cloning {}'.format(r)) local('mkdir -p {}'.format(userpath)) with lcd(userpath): local('git clone{}.git'.format(r))

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fab clone

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Parsing and Filtering STEP 2

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Say Cheese! data → snapshot

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snap-!b"#$%#% thank you for shopping at Dana & Idan’s data emporium! We appreciate your business.

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Data snapshot → EBS volume

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working with the data Playtime! collaboration

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~7k miles

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fab launch_ec2

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exposed to the outside IPython notebook http://:8000

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“oops I closed the browser tab” long-running stuff “oops I shut my laptop lid”

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we hear you are flush. can haz a pony? — kthxbai. Dear IPython devs

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terminal multiplexer tmux

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s h e l l s i n s i d e y o u r s h e l l s INCEPTION

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see output reattach to the tmux session pick up where we left off

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ghetto pair programming in the cloud Double your REPL, Double your fun attach to the same tmux session

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storing results

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(haters gonna hate.)

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no JOINs no problem! no schema

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Tell me more about your octocats. Cool story, bro sister!

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git != github network authors != github users

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an asynchronous task queue celery with nifty features

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@celery.task(rate_limit='5,000/h') rate limiting gotchas! pay attention to X-RateLimit-Remaining

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Heroku’s first dyno is free celery in the cloud nobody says it has to be a web dyno…

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redis for broker, result store batteries included* “heroku run bash” to get a shell

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There’s no storage on Heroku, by design so why not...?

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Mining for Understanding STEP 3

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#,)!$,*%* commits

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*!,'"* authors

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"",!)* contributors

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yeah good luck with that. everybody please stand still?

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Do Repeat Yourself Idempotency (without shooting your own feet)

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Idempotency help others replicate your results peace of mind

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Break time! sudo go have a sandwich. Part II: Information to Meaning up next Idan Gazit, 3:15p

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Part II: Information to Meaning up now Idan Gazit, 3:15p Hi.

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co i oo !

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Dana Bauer @geography76 Part I @idangazit Data to Information Idan Gazit

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Dana Bauer @geography76 Idan Gazit @idangazit Part II Information to Meaning

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Constraints design is

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acquire parse filter mine represent refine interact

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Given the complexity of data, using it to provide a meaningful solution requires insights from diverse fields: statistics, data mining, graphic design, and information visualization. Ben Fry from “Visualizing Data”

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Choosing a Visual Representation STEP 5

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Meaning requires context

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JavaScript Ruby Java Python Shell PHP C C++ Perl Obj-C 873y40817 234 098 14092 309812 39182742 48714209 81239 84127498023 873y408

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One size fits nobody.

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know about github passing familiarity with code and development curious about our community

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Know thine audience.....

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The Eye Candy Trap .............. beautiful noise is still just noise

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on the Web For Geeks

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on the Web For Geeks using ?

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Logo for the modern computer. see also: processing.js

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A data visualization toolkit for the web. D3 is…

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data mapping onto meaningful visuals

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data mapping onto the DOM

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scales linear logarithmic quantile ordinal time

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// linear scale x = d3.scale.linear() .domain([0, 1.0]) .range([0, 255]); x(0); // == 0 x(0.5); // == 127.5 x(1); // == 255

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interpolation dimension position color orientation ... everything

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0 25 50 75 100 2007 2008 2009 2010 Apples Bananas

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SVG not just an image

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Intermediate Representations

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JSON easy to serialize to structured preserves datatypes bloated for tabular data

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CSV mostly easy to serialize to* structured comes out the other side like a dict everything comes back as a string *unicode, meh

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name user rank watchers commits size earliest commit

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[ { "type": "string", "name": "name" }, { "type": "int", "name": "rank" "extents": [ 0, 199 ], }, ...

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on the Web For Geeks using D$.js

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What do we want to know? um, we don’t know that yet.

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Frustration. “Plan to throw one away.” some

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People Languages Repositories

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Live Demo

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Letting the Data Speak for Itself

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Responsive Visualizations

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People Languages Repositories

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visualization localization internationalization v##n l#&n i#%n totally a thing from now on

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Dana Bauer @geography76 Idan Gazit @idangazit