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Handling File Uploads For a modern developer

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2007 Paperclip 2008 CarrierWave 2014 Refile 2018 ActiveStorage 2009 Dragonfly 2015 ! Shrine

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Janko Marohnic • from Croatia ", living in Czechia # • Ruby off Rails developer • creator of Shrine @janko @jankomarohnic

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Active Storage?

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Active Storage Shrine Rails & Active Record only Rails, Hanami, Sinatra, Roda... Active Record, Sequel, ROM... framework library integrated experience more control more opinionated more features

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Metadata & Validation

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class PhotosController < AC::Base def create photo = if photo.valid? # ... else # ... end end end

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class ImageUploader < Shrine TYPES = %w[image/jpeg image/png ...] EXTENSIONS = %w[jpg jpeg png ...] Attacher.validate do validate_max_size 10*1024*1024 validate_mime_type TYPES validate_extension EXTENSIONS end end

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\377\330\377························· (JPEG) \211PNG······························ (PNG) ········WEBP························· (WebP) MIME Type `file --mime-type -b #{file.path}` #=> "image/jpeg" MimeMagic.by_magic(file).type #=> "image/jpeg" Marcel::MimeType.for(file) #=> "image/jpeg"

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class PhotosController < AC::Base def create file = params[:photo][:image] #=> "" file.filename #=> "nature.jpg" file.content_type #=> "image/jpeg" photo = file) photo.image.mime_type #=> "text/x-php" photo.valid? #=> false end end MIME Type

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Slide 11 text $ identify spark.png ... 225000x225000 ... 6.1MB Attacher.validate do # ... if validate_mime_type IMAGE_TYPES validate_max_dimensions [5000, 5000] end end Image Dimensions

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class VideoUploader < Shrine add_metadata :duration do |file| end Attacher.validate do if file.duration > 5*60*60 errors << "is too long (max is 5h)" end end end Custom Metadata

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{ "id": "b93777246f10e509a553.mp4", "storage": "store", "metadata": { "size": 234837, "filename": "matrix.mp4", "mime_type": "video/mp4", "duration": 9000, ... } } SELECT video_data FROM movies;

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image = image.resize("500x500") image.path #=> "/path/to/resized.jpg" $ gem install mini_magick

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Resize to fit Resize to limit Resize to fill

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magick = ImageProcessing::MiniMagick
 magick = magick.source(image) magick.resize_to_limit! 500, 500 magick.resize_to_fit! 500, 500 magick.resize_to_fill! 500, 500 magick.resize_and_pad! 500, 500 $ gem install image_processing

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thumbnail = ImageProcessing::MiniMagick
 .source(image) .resize_to_limit!(500, 500) $ gem install image_processing $ convert source.jpg -auto-orient -resize 500x500> -sharpen 0x1 destination.jpg

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thumbnail = ImageProcessing::MiniMagick
 .source(image) .resize_to_limit!(500, 500) $ gem install image_processing $ convert source.jpg -auto-orient -resize 500x500> -sharpen 0x1 destination.jpg

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 .source(image) .resize_to_limit!(500, 500) $ brew install imagemagick

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 .source(image) .resize_to_limit!(500, 500) $ brew install vips

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THUMBNAILS = { xs: [200, 200], s: [400, 400], m: [600, 600], l: [800, 800], xl: [1200, 1200], } THUMBNAILS.each do |name, (width, height)| ImageProcessing::Backend .source(original) .resize_to_limit!(width, height) end

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0,47s 2,15s ImageMagick libvips

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Rails 6.0

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Processing On-the-fly

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Active Storage https://...//... photo.image.variant( resize_to_limit: [600, 400], strip: true, quality: 85, interlace: "JPEG", )

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Shrine https://.../thumbnail/600/400/... photo.image.derivation_url( :thumbnail, # <-- name 600, 400 # <-- args ) Shrine.derivation :thumbnail do |file, w, h| ImageProcessing::Vips.source(file) .strip .saver(quality: 85, interlace: "JPEG") .resize_to_limit!(w.to_i, h.to_i) end

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Processing on attachment

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class ImageUploader < Shrine derivatives_processor :thumbs do |file| vips = ImageProcessing::Vips.source(file) { large: vips.resize_to_fit!(800, 800), medium: vips.resize_to_fit!(500, 500), small: vips.resize_to_fit!(300, 300) } end end photo = file) photo.image_derivatives!(:thumbs) photo.image_derivatives #=> # { large: #, # medium: #, # small: # }

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class VideoUploader < Shrine derivatives_processor :transcode do |file| movie = transcoded =["", ".mp4"]) screenshot =["", ".jpg"]) movie.transcode(transcoded.path) movie.screenshot(screenshot.path) { transcoded: transcoded, screenshot: screenshot } end end

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Direct Uploads

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refile.js activestorage.js shrine.js ? ❌

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jQuery-File-Upload Dropzone.js FineUploader ❌ ❌ ❌

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Uppy() .use(Dashboard, { /* ... */ })

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Uppy() .use(DragDrop, { /* ... */ }) .use(StatusBar, { /* ... */ })

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Uppy() .use(FileInput, { /* ... */ }) .use(ProgressBar, { /* ... */ })

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{ "id": "xyz.jpg", ... } submit { "id": "xyz.jpg", ... } POST /upload App S3

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mount Shrine.upload_endpoint(:cache), to: "/upload" POST /upload uppy.use(Uppy.XHRUpload, { endpoint: '/upload' })

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{ "url": "...", "fields": "..." } submit { "id": "xyz.jpg", ... } App S3 GET /s3/params POST

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mount Shrine.presign_endpoint(:cache), to: "/s3/params" GET /s3/params uppy.use(Uppy.AwsS3, { companionUrl: '/' })

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Resumable Uploads

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0% ❌ 80% 80%

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0% 0% 0% 0% 0%

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0% 0% 0% 0% 0%

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100% 80% ✅ ❌

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App S3 S3 Multipart Upload

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$ gem install uppy-s3_multipart uppy.use(Uppy.AwsS3Multipart, { companionUrl: '/' }) mount Shrine.uppy_s3_multipart(:cache), to: "/s3/multipart"

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Slide 51 text • HTTP protocol for resumable uploads • Numerous implementations: • Client – JavaScript, iOS, Android, ... • Server – Ruby, Node, Go, Python, Java, PHP, ...

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S3 tus protocol storage API tus server tus client App

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$ gem install tus-ruby-server uppy.use(Uppy.Tus, { endpoint: '/files' }) mount Tus::Server, to: "/files"

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Recap • Validate and persist metadata • Processing "on attachment" or "on-the-fly" ImageProcessing – ImageMagick & libvips • Direct uploads Uppy simple uploads (to your app or to cloud) resumable uploads (S3 multipart upload or

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