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Unveiling Nano Stores for state management 1 @evilmartians or how we made front-end simpler

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Nina Torgunakova Frontend Engineer 2 @evilmartians

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3 @evilmartians What we had before

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4 What we have today * Source: @evilmartians

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The modern Web Development World is becoming more and more complex. Who suffers from it? 5 @evilmartians

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1. Developers 6 @evilmartians

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We need to do a lot of actions to make something simple. 7 @evilmartians

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2. Users 8 @evilmartians

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The average size of web pages is constantly growing up 9 * Source: @evilmartians

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3. Business 10 @evilmartians

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11 Often, to do the same amount of work, more programmers are needed. Now Before @evilmartians

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12 Result: the growing complexity of Web Development makes everyone frustrated Users Developers Business @evilmartians

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13 Let's try to find inspiration! @evilmartians

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Fold knowledge into data, so program logic can be stupid and robust. 14 Eric Raymond, “Rule of Representation” @evilmartians

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15 Framework Logic UI Features Data @evilmartians

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But what if we made a mistake? 16 @evilmartians

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No content

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19 Data Logic UI Features @evilmartians Framework Logic UI Features Data Framework

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State Management 20 Application Data State @evilmartians

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21 Use stores to move logic outside of components @evilmartians Component Component Component Store Store

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OK, any other ideas about the ideal process of state management? 22 @evilmartians

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Bad programmers worry about the code. Good programmers worry about data structures and their relationships. 23 Linus Torvalds @evilmartians

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24 Global State Any State Change All Components Call the selector function Popular global state approach: @evilmartians

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25 How about improving data structure and making it faster? @evilmartians

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26 Reactive programming approach: @evilmartians

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27 Applying to State Management: Component Component Component Subscriber 1 Subscriber 2 Subscriber 3 @evilmartians Small Store Small Store Small Store

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28 But what if some data depends on other data? @evilmartians

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29 Solution: Relationships between stores Store Store Store Store @evilmartians Component Component

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Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away. 30 Antoine de Saint-Exupéry @evilmartians

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31 @evilmartians State Management in modern frameworks

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32 Smart Store Set value Get value @evilmartians

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Everything should be made as simple as possible, but no simpler. 33 Albert Einstein @evilmartians

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We want some simple way; but not oversimplified. 34 @evilmartians

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We need to consider many different challenges: - Synchronizing changes between browser tabs - Implementing SPA navigation - Automatic translation of content - CRDT conflict resolution …and more… 35 @evilmartians

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36 Let's summarize! @evilmartians

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1. Move logic to stores outside of components. 37 Component Component Component Store Store @evilmartians

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2. Provide minimalism and simplicity. 38 Store One-line operations: ● Create store ● Get value ● Set value @evilmartians Get value Set value

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3. Make stores smart. 39 Store Store Store Store @evilmartians Store Component Component

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4. Consider developer challenges. 40 SPA Navigation Smart data fetching Automatic Translations Conflict resolution Synchronizing @evilmartians

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41 ??? What state manager will solve all the problems? @evilmartians

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42 Nano Stores @evilmartians

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Let's build a simple online catalog: 43 @evilmartians

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44 @evilmartians

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Creating atom store for products in catalog: // core/state.ts import { atom } from 'nanostores'; export const $products = atom([ { name: 'Nano Phone', price: 30 }, { name: 'Nano TV', price: 75 }, { name: 'Nano Laptop', price: 75 } ]); 45 @evilmartians

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Using atom store: // components/Catalog.tsx import { useStore } from '@nanostores/react'; import { $products } from 'core/state'; const Catalog = () => { const products = useStore($products); return <>{ => )}>; }; 46 @evilmartians

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47 @evilmartians

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Adding filtering using search input 48 @evilmartians

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Creating atom store for search input: // core/state.ts import { atom } from 'nanostores'; export const $searchInput = atom(''); 49 @evilmartians

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Using atom store for search input: // components/SearchBar.tsx import { useStore } from '@nanostores/react'; import { $searchInput } from 'core/state'; const SearchBar = () => { const searchInput = useStore($searchInput); return $searchInput.set(} value={searchInput} />; }; 50 @evilmartians

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Adding computed store to filter catalog: // core/state.ts import { computed } from 'nanostores'; export const $filteredProducts = computed( [$searchInput, $products], (searchInput, products) => { return products.filter(product =>; } ); 51 @evilmartians

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Using computed store in components: // components/Catalog.tsx import { useStore } from '@nanostores/react'; import { $filteredProducts } from 'core/state'; // Usage is exactly the same: const Catalog = () => { const filteredProducts = useStore($filteredProducts); return <>{ => )}>; }; 52 @evilmartians

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53 @evilmartians

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So, what is next? 1. Try out a new approach to state management in your own project. 2. See the power of simplicity! 54 @evilmartians

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ninaTorgunakova 55 @evilmartians Questions?