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wercker on CoreOS @wercker

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Wercker: automation driven development • Wercker is an automation platform • ci/cd not ambitious enough • continuous is assumed

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Interface • wercker.yml • Describe job environment • Describe a work pipeline • Describe required services

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Interface • wercker.yml • Describe job environment • Describe a work pipeline • Describe required services box:  tcnksm/[email protected]

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Interface • wercker.yml • Describe job environment • Describe a work pipeline • Describe required services steps:              -­‐  script:                      name:  install                      code:  go  get  -­‐v  -­‐d  ./...              -­‐  golint

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Interface • wercker.yml • Describe job environment • Describe a work pipeline • Describe required services services:          -­‐  mongodb

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Output • Pipeline outputs container image • Hugely beneficial • Immutable, tested object linked to commit • Repeatability

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Under the hood • Standalone process dispatches work to fleet • Called “kiddie-pool”

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mhook • Needed simple package manager • downloads packages from S3 • indexed by project, branch, and commit • similar to Kelsey Hightower’s `pm`

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kiddie-pool uses mhook [Unit]   Description=Wercker  Kiddie-­‐Pool  %i   After=install-­‐mhook.service   [Service]   ExecStartPre=/tmp/mhook  -­‐-­‐bucket    \\          —project  kiddie-­‐pool  \\   —branch  master  \\   —commit  latest  \\   /opt/bin/kiddie-­‐pool-­‐%i   ExecStartPre=/usr/bin/chmod  +x  /tmp/kiddie-­‐pool-­‐%i  ...   [Install]   WantedBy=multi-­‐   [X-­‐Fleet]   Global=true

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kiddie-pool • Sits between work queue and fleet • Constructs Unit from job metadata • Unit invokes `wercker` cli tool • Sends to fleet over http API

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wercker cli • Understands how to actually run the job • You can download and run wercker locally • rapid iteration • don’t even need us • wow

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What’s next • Smart job assignment • Fleet naively allocates work • Need a job scheduler that’s smarter • Colocate jobs, data, and services • Help us build this

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What’s next • mhook • Push behavior • Signing packages • Wercker step

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Logging • Logging • Use Graylog because they have a working docker image • `journalhook` sends application data to journal • `journal2gelf` container streams journal to graylog • persists journal cursor

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Provisioning • Vagrant for development • AWS/Cloud Formation for user-facing • Single script to send application units to fleet • Separation of concerns, no duplication

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etcd • Used to publish service information • In the application to signal job aborts • Best way to run is as cluster of its own • should get easier with 2.0 with proxies • need to configure many things to have correct etcd url

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References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. journal2gelf/ 6. coreos

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Thank you Matt Hooker wercker Software Engineer [email protected] @mwhooker Grab a shirt and/or sticker! wercker