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Working with RabbitMQ and PHP with PHP-AmqpLib 7th July 2021 ORGANISERS

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Web Developer and Software Engineer since 2011. Brazilian living in Ireland. Data Science and DevOps student. Member of PHP DF and PHP Dublin community. Speaker, Father and Guitar player WHO AM I? @Bruno_HSouza

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● Context of the Use Case ● Concepts for Message Systems ● Use Case Scenario ● PHP-AMQP-LIB ● Conclusion

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Initial Architecture

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Architecture After Some Time

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With an ESB Architecture

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Sync Vs Async

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● Is a technology that enables a communication with: ○ High-speed; ○ Synchronous and/or asynchronous approach; ○ Point-to-point (P2P); ○ Messages (packs of data) between applications; Messaging System

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● Is an messaging open-source protocol that enables applications to communicate with messaging brokers; ● Defines both the network layer protocol and a high-level architecture for message brokers AMQP - Advanced Message Queuing Protocol

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● Acts as a buffer that stores messages that are consumed later; ○ Name; ○ Durable; ○ Exclusive; ○ Auto-delete; ○ Arguments (TTL, length limit) Queues

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● Entities where messages are sent; ● Take a message and route it into zero or more queues; ● Can have some types like: ○ Direct; ○ Fanout; ○ Topic; ○ Headers; Exchanges

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● is a relation between a queue and an exchange consisting of a set of rules that the exchange uses to route messages to queues; Bindings (routes)

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● Is a virtual connection inside a connection, between two AMQP peers. ● Message publishing or consuming to or from a queue is performed over a channel (AMQP). ● A channel is multiplexed, one single connection can have multiple channels. Channel

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Use Case Scenario How was the application before implementing the PHP-AMQPLIB

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PHP Native AMQP and STOMP PHP Native Driver Stomp Driver

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● Faster than any other library due to its native extension written in C; ● Already implemented in the application; ● Do not offer support to consume messages in a non-blocking way; ● Can not listen to posix signals while consuming; Native AMQP Driver

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● Simple (or Streaming) Text Orientated Messaging Protocol; ● Simple and easy to implement; ● Provides an interoperable wire format to communicate with any message broker; ● Frame based protocol, with frames modelled on HTTP; ● Do not offer support to consume messages in a non-blocking way; Stomp Driver

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● Consume messages in a non-blocking way on our ESB; ● Implement a driver with support to Posix signals; A new challenge

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Blocking Process PDF Creation Request Producer Publish Process Consume Process Publish Worker

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Non-blocking Process Consume Process Worker Event Loop Callback

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● To find a way to implement a non-blocking consume() function with the native driver ● Implement a new driver with support to Posix signals; ● Work with Symfony Messenger and change our architecture; Possible Solutions

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It worths to adapt the library PHP-AMQPLIB into the framework even with a lot of work and creation of a second version of the app Decision

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● This library is a pure PHP implementation of the AMQP 0-9-1 protocol. ● It's been tested and used for examples by RabbitMQ; ● Offers the possibility to consume messages in a non-blocking way; ● Signals can be dispatched to the worker even if it's consuming messages; ● Offers other options like: heartbeats, channels, respect POSIX signals, and multiple hosts PHP-AMQPLIB

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Multiple Connections

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Using a channel

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Using queues

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Sending a message

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Async Consume Callback 1st step 2nd step 3rd step 4th step

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Benchmark Milliseconds taken by request

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References ● RabbitMQ Documentation ● CloudAMQP blog ● Smartbox - Medium ● PHP-AMQPLIB

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