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WELCOME #PyConUS @[email protected]

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WELCOME #PyConUS @[email protected]

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Mariatta PyCon US 2023 Conference Chair @[email protected] #PyConUS @[email protected]

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Thank You #PyConUS @[email protected]

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Thank You #PyConUS @[email protected]

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First time here? #PyConUS @[email protected]

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#IceCreamSelfie @[email protected] #PyConUS

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PyCon US #PyConUS @[email protected]

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#PyConUS April 19 Tutorials Language Summit April 20 Sponsor Workshops Tutorials Typing Summit Education Summit Web Assembly Summit Newcomer Orientation Opening Reception April 21 Keynote: Ned Batchelder Talks Charlas Maintainer Summit Packaging Summit Lightning Talks Startup Row Open Spaces April 22 Keynote: James Powell Talks Charlas Python Steering Council D&I Panel Mentored Sprint Lighting Talks PyLadies Auction Startup Row Open Spaces April 23 Keynotes: Margaret Mitchell & Carol Willing Talks PyLadies Luncheon Job Fair Posters Lightning talks Open Spaces CSA & PSF Update Guido van Rossum April 24-27 Sprints PyCon US @[email protected]

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Keynotes #PyConUS Today Tomorrow Sunday Closing Keynote @[email protected]

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Special Guests #PyConUS Tomorrow Sunday @[email protected]

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Special Guests #PyConUS Diversity & Inclusion Panel (Tomorrow) Deb Nicholson Community Service Awards Python Software Foundation Updates (Sunday) @[email protected]

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Lightning Talks #PyConUS April 21 5:45 PM - 6:45 PM April 22 8:00 AM - 8:50 AM 5:45 PM - 6:45 PM April 23 8:00 AM - 8:50 AM Sign up at the poster board next to the registration desk @[email protected]

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#PyConUS Expo Hall April 21-23 Breakfast Lunch April 21-22 Sponsor Booths Community Booths Startup Rows April 23 Job Fair Posters @[email protected]

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#PyConUS Charlas Charlas Room 250 @[email protected]

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#PyConUS Talks @[email protected]

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#PyConUS Talks Talks 255 - 355 ABCDEF @[email protected]

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#PyConUS Talks 89 talks 5 tracks All livestreamed @[email protected]

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#PyConUS Quiet Room 🤫🥱😴 @[email protected]

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#PyConUS Lactation rooms @[email protected]

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#PyConUS All gender Restroom @[email protected]

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#PyConUS Accessibility @[email protected]

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#PyConUS Lost and found @[email protected] Info desk by registration or Salt Palace's lost & found at Guest Services Offices (around the corner from Room 151)

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#PyConUS Captioning @[email protected]

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#PyConUS Hallway track @[email protected]

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#PyConUS Hallway track The Pac-Man rule When standing as a group of people, always leave room for 1 person to join your group. - Eric Holscher - @[email protected]

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#PyConUS SWAG pickup Lower concourse: outside Expo Hall CDE April 21 7:00 AM - 3:00 PM April 22 7:00 AM - 12:00 PM April 23 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM Leftovers will be for sale April 23: 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM @[email protected]

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#PyConUS PyLadies Auction Saturday, April 21, 2023 6:30pm Room 151DEFG @[email protected]

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#PyConUS Open spaces 1 hour self-organized meet-up Sign up at boards across from Staff Office (Room 150 ABC) @[email protected]

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#PyConUS Mobile app (Apache 2-licensed) @[email protected]

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#PyConUS Engage with us! #PyConUS | auto-boost:[email protected] @[email protected]

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#PyConUS Health & Safety @[email protected]

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#PyConUS Health & Safety “Do we really need to be masking at PyCon US in the year 2023?” @[email protected]

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#PyConUS Health & Safety “Do we really need to be masking at PyCon US in the year 2023?” >>> F”Yes!” @[email protected]

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#PyConUS Health & Safety KN95-equivalent mask @[email protected]

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#PyConUS Health & Safety We will scan your badge No warnings 1 scan = 1 strike 3 strikes = out @[email protected]

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#PyConUS Code of conduct @[email protected]

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#PyConUS Code of conduct [email protected] Room 150 A @[email protected]

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#PyConUS Give yourself 1 point for each thing you have done during PyCon US you see features from Python 3.11+ in presentation slide submit a PR to an open source Python project take a selfie at the PSF booth say thanks to an open source maintainer give a lightning talk wear a swag from sponsor contemplate the Zen of Python in the quiet room volunteer at the conference host / attend an open space you see f-string with uppercased F in presentation slide introduced yourself to a first time attendee tell someone that you follow them on social media high five a conference staff/volunteer submit a PR to fix a typo your social media post contains typo and #PyConUS hashtag become a new PSF member learned something new from a lightning talk write a thank you note to someone at the conference you see a typo in presentation slide do an #IceCreamSelfie propose a new PEP have a PR merged got someone else to volunteer at PyCon US agree to speak at a local meetup become a new voting member of PSF Bonus: 5 points each #PyConUSChallenge @[email protected]

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And to all of you for attending and celebrating 20 years of PyCon US with us Thank you Mariatta PyCon US 2023 Conference Chair