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IA FOR GOOD World IA Day - Raleigh

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Triangle UXPA Sponsors Gold-level Partners In-Kind Silver-level Nano-level

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World IA Day Study: http:// Takes 5-8 min. Ends 2/28/18

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AGENDA ➤ 10:00-10:15: Sign-in & Breakfast ➤ 10:15-10:30: Kickoff & Form Groups ➤ 10:30-12:30: Activities! ➤ User Interview Review + Personas (30 min) ➤ Content Ideas + Inventory (30 min) ➤ Card Sort (30 min) ➤ Content Layout + UI Design (30 min) ➤ 12:30-1:00: Share, Making deliverables + Form Post-WIAD Action Team + Giveaways! ➤ After 1:00: Join some of us for lunch at A Place at the Table (on your own, not sponsored)

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WORLD IA DAY THEME + OUR WORLD IA DAY ➤ IA for Good: How might we use information architecture (IA) to protect human civilization from misinformation?
 ➤ Today: Our goal is to create a skeletal structure for a website that teaches individuals: ➤ How to validate the credibility of information sources ➤ How they can teach others to validate, and ➤ How they can speak up when finding sources that aren’t credible.

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DISCLAIMER: THIS IS SUPER LEAN AND HACKY ➤ Activities are realistic and information based ➤ We’ll consider ourselves users and stakeholders for this activity
 ➤ But typically, we’d have: ➤ True users to validate your ideas ➤ More time to validate and refine ➤ Stakeholders to vet ideas against ➤ Old content to reference

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HOUSEKEEPING ➤ Bathrooms are toward the center of the office ➤ Breaks - on your own, as you need ➤ Wifi - “citrix guest”, no password needed ➤ Pens at the front ➤ Portfolio people - take photos!

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FORM GROUPS! ➤ Form a group ➤ Make sure you have mixed levels of experience!
 ➤ Get to know each other ➤ What’s your name? ➤ Where do you live? Where are you from? ➤ What’s a fun fact about you?

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USER INTERVIEWS ➤ What are user interviews?
 Interviewing users is a method to gain an understanding of a user’s needs, motivations, and experiences. ➤ Why are they important?
 They help us understand our users on a deeper level that can’t always be explained in more quantitative methods like surveys.

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PERSONAS ➤ What is a persona?
 Personas are fictional, but realistic representations of your main user types. ➤ How are they created?
 While fictional, they are created based on qualitative and quantitative data (e.g., web site analytics, surveys, user interviews). ➤ Why are they important?
 Personas help designers and other teammates think through challenges and solutions with focus on a general population than serving individual users.

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ACTIVITY: 10:30-11:00 ➤ Look at the skeleton personas ➤ Are these accurate to the interviews you conducted? ➤ Modify skeleton personas ➤ What did you learn in your interviews that might be missing from these skeleton personas?

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CONTENT INVENTORY ➤ What is a content inventory?
 A content inventory is a list of all the content on your site (including text, images, files, etc.). It’s usually done in a spreadsheet and organized by pages and sections. ➤ Why is it important?
 A content inventory provides a comprehensive understanding of the information that exists and its condition (e.g., is it out of date?). It can help identify missing or incomplete content. ➤ How do we fill in the gaps?
 Gaps in content are filled by obtaining information or assets from stakeholders and created by content writers based on current information or additional research. Reference:

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ACTIVITY: 11:00-11:30 ➤ What do we need to put on the site? ➤ Jot these ideas down on index cards - no idea is a bad one! ➤ Narrow the scope ➤ What’s most important for the first version of the site? Keep those ideas, set the rest aside.

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CARD SORTING 11:30-12:00

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CARD SORTING ➤ What is card sorting?
 Card sorting is a method to design or evaluate the information architecture of a site. Participants in card sorting sessions organize and categorize information in a way that makes sense to them. ➤ Why is it important?
 Card sorting helps you understand your user’s thought process and validate labels and information organization. ➤ How is it done?
 There are several different types like open, closed, and modified-Delphi. Reference:

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ACTIVITY: 11:30-12:00 ➤ Organize the information ➤ Using your index cards, start to organize them into categories ➤ Create categories as they could be organized on the site ➤ Label categories and content that would make sense to users

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 UI design includes how content is displayed on a screen. It brings together information architecture with visual design and interaction design. ➤ Why is it important?
 This is where we start to crystalize how information is presented on a screen (including hierarchy and visual affordances to help the user consume information). ➤ How is it done?
 Based on the previous activities, we sketch ideas for how to display the content on a page. Reference:

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ACTIVITY: 12:00-12:30 ➤ Sketch out ideas for content layout ➤ No ideas are bad! ➤ Is there enough hierarchy - headings, is the most important information prominent?

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REGROUP 12:30-1:00

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REGROUP ➤ Let’s share! ➤ Post-WIAD: Making deliverables ➤ Post-WIAD: Action Team

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Examples of deliverables you can create

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ACTION TEAM ➤ We’d like to make a WordPress site with this information! ➤ Timeframe - complete this over the next four weeks (for an MVP) ➤ Roles we’ll need: ➤ Visual designers ➤ UX designers ➤ Content creators ➤ Web developers (to help with any custom WordPress stuff) ➤ Let us know if you want to help - we’ll set up a kick off meeting!

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GIVEAWAYS - SWAG BAG! ➤ SWAG bag: ➤ Free 48-hour access to UIE’s all you can learn library ➤ 20% off any order at Rosenfeld Media ➤ $10 off membership to the IA Institute ➤ $50 discount to IA Summit ➤ Free 60-day full feature license of ➤ 20% discount on Cooper Professional Education

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GIVEAWAYS - 5 AMAZING DOOR PRIZES! ➤ 1 Free 30-day access to Optimal Workshop ➤ 1 Free Sketch license ➤ 1 Free Axure license ➤ 1 Free full digital library to ALL Rosenfeld Media books ➤ 1 Free 1-year freelancer plan to