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,05-*/$0/' *4#"$, BGUFSUIFQBSUZ 박 용 권

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੗೐݂֙ର ௏೐݂ѐਘର commit 543f02d23 Date: Sun Oct 10 19:34:30 2021 +0900 Add generated projects with spring and kotlin commit 226a51966 Date: Wed Oct 13 16:31:57 2021 +0900 Add Dockerfile and deploy manifest file commit 1d0525b88 Date: Wed Oct 13 18:31:41 2021 +0900 Make github actions commit 7476a1192 Date: Sat Oct 23 20:13:09 2021 +0900 Add servlet-filter based authentication processing commit 6390a5935 Date: Sat Oct 23 20:44:12 2021 +0900 Add meetup creation process and web-api ߅ਊӂ.apply { ࣗࣘ = "׼Ӕ݃௄" ౠ૚ = "݈ ݆਺, nߓࣘ ੤ࢤ" }

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যցف ঠաف Github projects use Kotlin as their primary language Increase in Multiplatform libraries in 2002 of Android users are satisfied with Kotlin of the top 1,000 Android apps use Jetpack Compose of all kotlin users are satisfied with Kotlin of the top 1,000 Android apps are in Kotlin 1M 86 95 60 97 23 of the all daangn projects use Multiplatform 1 of the all daangn projects use Kotlin 10

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فߓ؊ࡅܲ,ஹ౵ੌ۞о ,PUMJOਵ۽ য়Ҋ੓যਃ

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,ஹ౵ੌ۞ܳ݅ա۰ݶCVJMEHSBEMFLUTܳ଺ইоࣁਃ // 1.8.20 ੉࢚ kotlin { sourceSets.all { languageSettings { languageVersion = "2.0" } } } // 1.8.0 ੉ೞ tasks.compileKotlin { kotlinOptions { useK2 = true } } tasks.compileTestKotlin { kotlinOptions { useK2 = true } } tasks.withType { kotlinOptions { ... } } tasks.named("compileKotlin", { kotlinOptions { ... } } 4BNFBT

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؊਌׳௓ೞҊ߄࢏ೠ࢜۽਍ޙߨ4ZOUBY ੉ળ࠺غҊ੓ؘਃ Explicit Fields Context Receivers Name Based Destructuring Collection Literals Static Extensions

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4UBUJD&YUFOTJPOT,5 val courses = File.readCSV(pathname = "inflearn/courses.csv")

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4UBUJD&YUFOTJPOT,5 val courses = File.readCSV(pathname = "inflearn/courses.csv") fun File.Companion.readCSV(pathname: String): File { // processing }

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4UBUJD&YUFOTJPOT,5 val courses = File.readCSV(pathname = "inflearn/courses.csv") fun File.Companion.readCSV(pathname: String): File { // processing }

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4UBUJD&YUFOTJPOT,5 val courses = File.readCSV(pathname = "inflearn/courses.csv") fun File.Companion.readCSV(pathname: String): File { // processing } fun File.static.readCSV(pathname: String): File { // processing }

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&YQMJDJU'JFMET,5 class Meetup { val members: Set get() = _members.toSet() private val _members = mutableSetOf() fun join(member: Member): Meetup { _members.add(member) return this } // methods }

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&YQMJDJU'JFMET,5 class Meetup { val members: Set get() = _members.toSet() private val _members = mutableSetOf() fun join(member: Member): Meetup { _members.add(member) return this } // methods } class Meetup { val member: Set field = mutableSetOf() // methods }

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$POUFYU3FDFJWFST,5 fun processRequest(context: ServiceContext, request: ServiceRequest) { val payload = request.loadPayload(context) // processing } context(ServiceContext) fun processRequest(request: ServiceRequest) { val payload = request.loadPayload() // processing } context(ServiceContext) fun ServiceRequest.loadPayload(): Payload { // returning payload }

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/BNF#BTFE%FTUSVDUVSJOH,5 data class Person( val firstName: String, val lastName: String ) val (firstName, lastName) = Person("Brie", "Park")

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/BNF#BTFE%FTUSVDUVSJOH,5 data class Person( val firstName: String, val lastName: String ) val (firstName, lastName) = Person("Brie", "Park") val (lastName, firstName) = Person("Heidi", "Oh")

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$PMMFDUJPO-JUFSBMT,5 val courses = listOf("੗߄ ѐߊ੗ܳ ਤೠ ௏ౣܽ ੑޙ", "Jetpack Compose ੑޙ")

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$PMMFDUJPO-JUFSBMT,5 val courses = listOf("੗߄ ѐߊ੗ܳ ਤೠ ௏ౣܽ ੑޙ", "Jetpack Compose ੑޙ") val courses = ["੗߄ ѐߊ੗ܳ ਤೠ ௏ౣܽ ੑޙ", "Jetpack Compose ੑޙ"] val scores = MutableSet [5.0, 4.8]

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Ӿݣ౭೒ۖಬ੉ҍউ੿ചػؘਃ 2020 2021 2023 2024 2022

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@Composable internal fun GalleryScreen( galleryPage: GalleryPage, photoGallery: PhotoGallery, dependencies: Dependencies, onClickPreviewPicture: (PictureData) -> Unit, onMakeNewMemory: () -> Unit ) { val pictures = var selected: PictureData by remember { mutableStateOf(pictures.first()) } LaunchedEffect(Unit) { ... } Column(modifier = Modifier.background(MaterialTheme.colorScheme.background)) { ... } ... } @Composable private fun SquaresGalleryView( images: List, selectedImage: PictureData, onSelect: (PictureData) -> Unit, ) { LazyVerticalGrid( modifier = Modifier.padding(top = 4.dp), columns = GridCells.Adaptive(minSize = 130.dp), verticalArrangement = Arrangement.spacedBy(1.dp), horizontalArrangement = Arrangement.spacedBy(1.dp) ) { ... } } ... $PNQPTF.VMUJQMBUGPSN6*೐ۨ੐ਕ௼ܳࣗѐೡѱਃ

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8FC"TTFNCMZоޤջҳਃ C , C or Kotlin, Rust...

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ؘݽܳળ࠺೮૑݅അ੢ৈѤ੉ৈ੄஖ঋই੢಴৬৔࢚ਵ۽ࠁৈ٘۰ਃ ਫ਼द௏٘ખࠁ۞оपѱਃ

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HSBEMFQSPQFSUJFT # Kotlin # MPP kotlin.mpp.stability.nowarn=true kotlin.mpp.enableCInteropCommonization=true kotlin.mpp.androidSourceSetLayoutVersion=2 # Native kotlin.native.cacheKind=none kotlin.native.useEmbeddableCompilerJar=true kotlin.native.cocoapods.generate.wrapper=true kotlin.native.binary.memoryModel=experimental # Compose org.jetbrains.compose.experimental.uikit.enabled=true org.jetbrains.compose.experimental.macos.enabled=true org.jetbrains.compose.experimental.jscanvas.enabled=true # Android android.useAndroidX=true android.compileSdk=33 android.targetSdk=33 android.minSdk=24 # Versions jdk.version=11 kotlin.version=1.8.20 compose.version=1.4.0-dev-wasm06 ktor.version=2.3.0 agp.version=7.4.2

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DPNNPOCVJMEHSBEMFLUT plugins { kotlin("multiplatform") kotlin("native.cocoapods") id("") id("org.jetbrains.compose") } kotlin { android() iosX64() iosArm64() iosSimulatorArm64() jvm("desktop") { ... } js(IR) { ... } wasm { ... } cocoapods { ... } sourceSets { val commonMain by getting { dependencies { implementation(compose.runtime) ... implementation("io.ktor:ktor-client-core:$ktorVersion") } } val commonTest by getting { ... } val androidMain by getting val androidInstrumentedTest by getting val iosMain by creating val desktopMain by getting val desktopTest by getting val wasmMain by getting val wasmTest by getting ... } } android { ... }

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DPNNPOBQQMJDBUJPO(SFFUJOH0QFSBUJPOTLU package kotlinconf.application import import import interface GreetingOperations { fun greeting(username: String): String } class LocalGreetingOperations : GreetingOperations { override fun greeting(username: String): String { return "Hello, $username" } } class RemoteGreetingOperations( private val clientHttpRequestFactory: ClientHttpRequestFactory, private val serverSchema: String = "http", private val serverHost: String = "localhost", private val serverPort: Int = 8080, ) : GreetingOperations { override fun greeting(username: String): String { val request = clientHttpRequestFactory.createRequest( uri = URI.parse("$s..Schema://$s..Host:$s..Port$PATH?username=$username"), httpMethod = HttpMethod.GET() ) return request.execute().body.decodeToString() } companion object { private const val PATH = "/greeting" } }

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DPNNPOVJ(SFFUJOH$PNQPTF"QQLU package kotlinconf.ui import androidx.compose..* import kotlinconf.application.GreetingOperations import kotlinconf.getPlatformName @Composable fun GreetingComposeApp( greetingOperations: GreetingOperations, modifier: Modifier ) { val platformName = getPlatformName() Box(modifier = modifier, contentAlignment = Alignment.Center) { Column(modifier = Modifier.wrapContentSize()) { val greetingText = remember { mutableStateOf("Welcome...") } WriteBox( onSearchClicked = { username -> greetingText.value = try { greetingOperations.greeting(username = username) } catch (error: Throwable) { if (error.message == null) { "An unknown error occurred" } else { "Error: ${error.message?.lowercase()}" } } } ) TextPanel(text = greetingText) } } } @Composable private fun WriteBox(onSearchClicked: (String) -> Unit) { ... } @Composable private fun TextPanel(text: MutableState) { ... }

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TFSWFS4FSWFS"QQMJDBUJPOLU package kotlinconf import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.SpringBootApplication import org.springframework.boot.runApplication import import org.springframework.web.servlet.config.annotation.CorsRegistry import org.springframework.web.servlet.config.annotation.WebMvcConfigurer @SpringBootApplication class ServerApplication fun main(args: Array) { val applicationBeans = beans { } val webBeans = beans { bean { object : WebMvcConfigurer { override fun addCorsMappings(registry: CorsRegistry) { registry .addMapping("/**") .allowedOrigins("*") .allowedMethods("*") .allowedHeaders("*") } } } } runApplication(*args) { addInitializers(applicationBeans, webBeans) } }

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TFSWFSXFC(SFFUJOH3FTU$POUSPMMFSLU package kotlinconf.web import kotlinconf.application.GreetingOperations import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.GetMapping import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestParam import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController @RestController class GreetingRestController : GreetingOperations { @GetMapping("/greeting") override fun greeting(@RequestParam("username") username: String): String { return "Hello, $username" } }

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BOESPJE"OESPJE"QQMJDBUJPOLU package kotlinconf import android.os.Bundle import androidx.activity.compose.setContent import import import androidx.compose.material.MaterialTheme import androidx.compose.ui.Modifier import kotlinconf.application.RemoteGreetingOperations import import kotlinconf.ui.GreetingComposeApp class AndroidApplication : AppCompatActivity() { override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) setContent { MaterialTheme { GreetingComposeApp( greetingOperations = RemoteGreetingOperations( clientHttpRequestFactory = DefaultClientHttpRequestFactory(), serverHost = "" ), modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize() ) } } } }

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EFTLUPQ%FTLUPQ"QQMJDBUJPOLU package kotlinconf import import androidx.compose.ui.Modifier import androidx.compose.ui.window.Window import androidx.compose.ui.window.application import kotlinconf.application.RemoteGreetingOperations import import kotlinconf.ui.GreetingComposeApp fun main() = application { Window(title = "Compose for Desktop", onCloseRequest = ::exitApplication) { GreetingComposeApp( greetingOperations = RemoteGreetingOperations( clientHttpRequestFactory = DefaultClientHttpRequestFactory() ), modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize() ) } }

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XFC8FC"QQMJDBUJPOLU package kotlinconf import import androidx.compose.ui.ExperimentalComposeUiApi import androidx.compose.ui.Modifier import androidx.compose.ui.window.CanvasBasedWindow import kotlinconf.application.RemoteGreetingOperations import import kotlinconf.ui.GreetingComposeApp @OptIn(ExperimentalComposeUiApi::class) fun main() { CanvasBasedWindow { GreetingComposeApp( greetingOperations = RemoteGreetingOperations( clientHttpRequestFactory = DefaultClientHttpRequestFactory() ), modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize() ) } }

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XFCJOEFYIUNM Compose for Web with WebAssembly --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # load.mjs import { instantiate } from './kotlinconf-is-back-web-wasm.uninstantiated.mjs'; await wasmSetup; instantiate({ skia: Module['asm'] });

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J04 ૑ӘࠗఠJ04

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DPNNPOJPTNBJOJPTLU import import androidx.compose.ui.Modifier import androidx.compose.ui.window.ComposeUIViewController import kotlinconf.application.RemoteGreetingOperations import import kotlinconf.ui.GreetingComposeApp import platform.UIKit.UIViewController fun MainViewController() : UIViewController = ComposeUIViewController { GreetingComposeApp( greetingOperations = RemoteGreetingOperations( clientHttpRequestFactory = DefaultClientHttpRequestFactory(), serverHost = "" ), modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize() ) }

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DPNNPOCVJMEHSBEMFLUT plugins { kotlin("multiplatform") kotlin("native.cocoapods") id("") id("org.jetbrains.compose") } kotlin { android() iosX64() iosArm64() iosSimulatorArm64() jvm("desktop") { ... } js(IR) { ... } wasm { ... } cocoapods { version = "1.0.0" summary = "common module for kotlinconf multiplatform apps" homepage = "" ios.deploymentTarget = "14.1" podfile = project.file("../ios/Podfile") framework { baseName = "common" isStatic = true } extraSpecAttributes["resources"] = "['src/commonMain/resources/**']" } sourceSets { ... val iosMain by creating ... } } android { ... }

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(PPHMFß⃛ ,PUMJO 70 Google apps built and counting

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ଵҊ੗ܐ KotlinConf 23 Keynote KotlinConf 2023 A Look at the Opening Keynote