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Intro To Quarkus

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Eric Deandrea Who’s on stage today? 🤘 23+ years software development experience 🤘 Contributor to Open Source projects 🤘 Quarkus 🤘 Spring Boot 🤘 Spring Framework 🤘 Spring Security 🤘 Spring Session 🤘 Build & deliver cloud-native development training programs 🤘 Published author

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● How Quarkus enables modern Java development & the Kubernetes-native experience ● Introduce familiar Spring concepts, constructs, & conventions and how they map to Quarkus ● Emphasis on testing patterns & practices

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The Warmup Issue with Java (Simon Ritter - Azul Systems - first 13 minutes)

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Build Time Runtime Packaging (maven, etc) gradle…) Load config file from file system Parse it Classpath scanning to find annotated classes Attempt to load class to enable/disable features Build its model of the world. Start the management (thread, pool…) @ @ > How Does a Framework Start?

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Build Time Runtime @ @ > The Quarkus Way Runtime Build Time @ @ > Package model Build Time Runtime @ @ >

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The Quarkus Way enables Native Compilation JVM Build Time @ @ > Package model Native

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Unification of Imperative & Reactive Unification of Imperative and Reactive

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🤘 Zero-config Live coding 🤘 Auto-provision services 🤘 Continuous testing 🤘 Dev UI 🤘 CLI Enhancing Developer Joy

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AOT/Native-image vs VM mode

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Command Line Job Github App Cloud / Container Native Serverless & Functions Micro services EDA Kube Operator Traditional Apps CRUD Monoliths GitHub Actions Admin Tools Reactive Systems

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Jam Time!

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Slide 15 text Setup / Assumptions 🤘 AWS (us-east-1) 🤘 SLA > 99% 🤘 800 req/sec over 20 days 🤘 50% load The Cost / Carbon Impact

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Kubernetes Native Java with Quarkus Deployment Developer Joy ● Quickly & easily build Kubernetes-Native Java applications ● Industry leader in startup time and memory utilization for native and JVM applications ● One step native executable generation ● Leverage existing Java, Jakarta, MicroProfile, & Spring expertise ● Imperative & reactive APIs side-by-side ● Live coding with zero config

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