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Webinar: How organisations are meeting the productivity challenge by applying Team Topologies Matthew Skelton and Ben Dodd 1

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Photo goes here Ben Dodd Co-founder & CTO, Armakuni 20 years in technology, product, & engineering in global & regulated organisations

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Photo goes here Matthew Skelton Founder, Conflux Co-author of Team Topologies

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How organisations are meeting the productivity challenge by applying Team Topologies: ➔ Stop obsessing over individual productivity and start thinking in terms of multi-team flow ➔ Switch from “managing dependencies” to “flow unblocking” and “boundary finding” ➔ Accelerate effective adoption via a partner like Armakuni or Conflux 4

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5 The actual productivity challenge Platforms for non-blocking flow The role of managers: finding flow Success patterns with TT

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Team Topologies Organizing business and technology teams for fast flow Matthew Skelton & Manuel Pais IT Revolution Press, September 2019 Order via stores worldwide: 6

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7 The actual productivity challenge

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Macro: There has been a productivity challenge since 2008 8

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Macro: The need to do more with the same people & cost base 9

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Macro -> Micro: There is a need to scale & the status quo doesn’t scale 10

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Micro: Bring creativity and joy to our customers and organisations 11

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Most business are fundamentally not designed for the fast flow of value 12

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Many organizations have pre-digital operating models that are not suited to fast flow. 13

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14 Platforms for non-blocking flow

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Team Topologies provides: ➔ Language for dealing with flow, boundaries, architecture, dynamics ➔ Heuristics (clues) for organizing teams and software ➔ A focus on fast flow as a key driver 15

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18 Flow of change “Platform grouping”

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The purpose of a platform* is to improve flow and reduce team cognitive load for teams using the platform. * in a Team Topologies sense 19

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Track dependencies and separate as “blocking” vs “non-blocking” 20

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⏳ ⏳ Blocking Non- Blocking 21

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Use the 4 Key Metrics from Accelerate and add “wait time” 22

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4 key metrics: ‘Accelerate’ lead time deployment frequency Mean Time To Restore change fail percentage

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24 Measure ‘wait time’

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Modern platforms should be obsessed by flow and wait times in teams consuming the platform. 25

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26 The role of managers with Team Topologies: finding flow

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27 Continuously ‘untangle’ business concepts

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28 Find and adjust team & system boundaries for flow

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29 Minimize hand-offs

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30 Avoid blocking dependencies

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31 Move some decision-making to teams

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32 🧠 Manager mindset shift: Coordinating to Flow-enabling or Flow-unblocking

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Managing for flow is more effective (and satisfying!) than managing for deadlines and dates. 34

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35 Success patterns for improving productivity with Team Topologies

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Invest in a culture of visualising flow & the blockers to it 36

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Start with Value Stream Mapping for alignment & data on flow & unblocking 37

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Invest in shared terminology and shared experiences 39

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Map and share your core areas of focus and what is “undifferentiated heavy lifting” 40

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41 Source:

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Organising for atomic teams & reduced context switching 42

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Connect your organisation to the existing communities that can support you 43

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Define a new way to engage partners who can enable you in realising fast flow 44

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➔ Visualise flow as a norm ➔ Build shared language ➔ Enable clarity of focus ➔ Invest in community ➔ Find flow-enabling partners 45

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46 The actual productivity challenge Platforms for non-blocking flow The role of managers: finding flow Success patterns with TT

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Many organizations have pre-digital operating models that are not suited to fast flow. 47

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Modern platforms should be obsessed by flow and wait times in teams consuming the platform. 48

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Managing for flow is more effective (and satisfying!) than managing for deadlines and dates. 49

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We need to visualise flow and, with flow-aligned support, retain new capabilities to unblock it 50

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How organisations are meeting the productivity challenge by applying Team Topologies: ➔ Stop obsessing over individual productivity and start thinking in terms of multi-team flow ➔ Switch from “managing dependencies” to “flow unblocking” and “boundary finding” ➔ Accelerate effective adoption via a partner like Armakuni or Conflux 51

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52 Thank You Copyright © 2023 Conflux group of companies & Armakuni Ltd. All RIghts Reserved.