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Kubernetes Security Challenges

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Kops Kubernetes Operations

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Kops - templating - default cluster template

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Kops - templating - default values

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Kops - templating - cluster specific values

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Kops - templating - make Targets!

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Kops - vpc / subnet management Why not use kops defaults? Routing Tables - VPC Peering - Direct Connections - Egress control

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Terraform tags!

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Kops - templating - cluster specific values

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Kops - clusterSpec

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Kops - Edge Nodes Why? - Compliance requirements (WAF) How? - Dedicated nodePool / instanceGroup - AWS LB limited to edge nodes

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Kops - Edge Nodes Dedicated nodePool / instanceGroup:

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Kops - Edge Nodes AWS LB limited to edge nodes: Problem: - Kubernetes service type LoadBalancer (targets all worker nodes) Solution: - CUSTOM_FILTERS

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Kops - Edge Nodes AWS LB limited to edge nodes:

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Kops - Edge Nodes AWS LB limited to edge nodes:

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Prevent misuse of privileges Use Authentication and Authorization - Authentication: SSO (onboarding / offboarding / consistency ) - OpenID Connect (Google / Dex / … ) - Exec (Heptio Authenticator) - Authorization & Logs - RBAC is mandatory - Audit Event Logging (k8s 1.9+) - Audit2rbac: Generates RBAC role and binding objects based on audit log of API requests made by a user - Admission Controls (webhooks after Auth{n,z}) - Image Whitelisting - Workload mutation

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SSO: AWS Authenticator Kops bootstrapping Overview: - IAM Role - TLS (self-signed CA) - kube-apiserver webhook configuration - Authenticator daemonset on masters How? Terraform + Kops hooks and addons

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Kops bootstrapping: AWS Authenticator - IAM role (Terraform)

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Kops bootstrapping: AWS Authenticator - TLS (Terraform)

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Kops bootstrapping: AWS Authenticator - kube-apiserver webhook configuration file (Terraform)

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Kops bootstrapping: AWS Authenticator - Node bootstrapping hooks (kops clusterSpec.hooks) (host = CoreOS) Copy webhook config and TLS

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Kops bootstrapping: AWS Authenticator - Kube Addon bootstrapping (kops clusterSpec.addons)

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Kops bootstrapping: AWS Authenticator - kops channels manifest:

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Kops bootstrapping: AWS Authenticator - Templated addons (Terraform)

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Kubernetes Components Isolate from external access … - API server - Kubelet - Etcd - Firewall between master and worker nodes - Overlay network (Flannel / Calico / Romana / … ) & Etcd And use TLS (etcd / kubelet bootstrapping / …)

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When to Opt for Custom Deployment? - Responsibility of maintaining the clusters lies solely with the customer - Master symmetric keys need to be manually rotated - Etcd isolation & TLS configuration - Node bootstrapping & TLS configuration - Trade-offs - Bleeding edge - Choice (Machine Configuration, Operating Systems, Storage Backends, Network Plugins and HA configuration)

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Application Lifecycle (containers) ● Security shift Left ● Container Image security ● Container Registry Management ● Immutability Image credit: Aquasec “One of the characteristics of containers is that they’re very predictable, or they should be, This allows you to do security in a more predictable, automated way.” - John Morello CTO Twistlock

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Feature re-cap (container orchestrators) - Image scanning - Registry scanning - Admission hooks to only run allowed images - Process whitelisting in containers - Binary whitelisting - Node protection - RBAC with least privilege approach

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Security Platforms ● Aqua Sec ● Twistlock ● Sysdig Secure ● ... Image credit: Aquasec

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Thank you Questions? More extensive overview: