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I have a confession

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I HATE technical SEO.

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Cool, right?

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But this is cooler!

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@jonoalderson | Yoast Or, maybe not...

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Round we go...

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So what?

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Is it just me?

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Is this a problem?

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But we’re optimisers, right?

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So, how optimal are we?

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There are between 40,000 & 380,000 “technical SEO” folks on LinkedIn

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Based on my survey, that’s 1-9 million hours

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The average US SEO salary is $46,466 ( )

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That’s somewhere between $20m & $200m of ‘waste’ every month

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But… why?

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Think about doctors

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They fix the root cause

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And it’s not just tech SEO...

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So we just run campaigns.

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Can we fix this?

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Except, our model is flawed

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Digital marketing Technical SEO

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Writing Digital marketing Technical SEO Web dev

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Digital marketing Technical SEO Web dev Writing Digital marketing

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Digital marketing Technical SEO Project Management Training Web dev Psychology Marketing Strategy Writing

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Digital marketing PWAs Technical SEO Project Management Training Web dev Psychology Javascript Performance Marketing Strategy Devops & Docs Writing Analytics

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Digital marketing PR Creative & Design PWAs Technical SEO Project Management Training Web dev Psychology Javascript Performance Marketing Strategy Devops & Docs Writing Analytics Outreach

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Digital marketing PR Creative & Design PWAs Technical SEO Project Management Training Web dev Psychology Javascript Performance Marketing Strategy Devops & Docs Writing Analytics Outreach Everything else

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We need a new model

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Let’s go back in time

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Today’s model

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No content

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Learn all of the things

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Rockstars don’t scale

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We’re not rockstars

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“Buy them beer.”

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...and nobody likes us, anyway!

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I HATE technical SEO.

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I’m a little ashamed to identify as an SEO.

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Maybe the problem is us

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Every time that...

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We build walls

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Control is not the answer

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It’s not just developers

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We’re clinging on

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Stop being rockstars

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Why now?

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So what?

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The problem with Schema...

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No content

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Isn’t this a bit of a tangent?

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Alex Shiels,

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Alex Shiels,

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Alex Shiels,

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For years, we’ve worked with individual [websites], one at a time, to help them [add schema], and never once did we think to ask them what CMS they were running “

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A new paradigm

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They’ll fix the root causes

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“But I do content”

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What happens when everybody’s website is fixed?

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No content

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Don’t react like an SEO

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Let’s be democratic

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Let’s be open source

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Here’s something scary...

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They’re going to mess it up.

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They don’t understand SEO

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But you do...

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So here’s the pitch...

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Let’s stop competing.

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I want you to get involved with open source

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I get that this sounds scary

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No content

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I get that’s not for everyone

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So I also want you to stop being “the SEO”

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When did you last...

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We can build bridges

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Stop fixing your problems.

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Start fixing our problems.

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Lets optimise us.

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