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Easier interaction with the user from a Console application

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?hidden answer limited choices validator yes/no question autocompleter number of a﬙empts default value multiple values

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ask() select() askConfirmation() askAndValidate() askHiddenResponse() AskHiddenResponseAndValidate()

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select ask askConfirmation askHiddenResponse AskAndValidate askHiddenResponseAn dValidate a﬙empts Y Y Y Y hidden answer Y Y autocompleter Y Y validator Y Y Y default value Y Y Y Y yes/no Y choices Y

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AskAQuestionWithALimitedSe tOfChoicesButLetTheUserPro videAFreeTextAnswerIfHeWan tsToButOfCourseHideTheResp onseAndPleaseValidateTheAn swerInAWayThatEmptyReturns APredefinedDefaultValue()

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From the Dialog Helper to the Question Helper 2.5

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QuestionHelper::ask( OutputInterface $output, Question $question )

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use Symfony\Component\Console\Dialog\Question; $helper = $this->getHelper('question'); $question = new Question('Enter your full name: '); $name = $helper->ask($output, $question);

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$question = new Question('Enter your full name: ', 'me');

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$question->setAutocompleter(array('one', 'two', '...'));

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$question->setValidator(function ($value) { if (!empty($value)) { return $value; } throw new \InvalidArgumentException( 'You need to provide a non-empty value.'); });

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$question = new ChoiceQuestion('Choose a color', array('red', 'blue'), 'blue'); $question->setMultiselect(true); $question->setPrompt(' > '); $question->setErrorMessage("That's not a valid color!");

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new ConfirmationQuestion('Is it better?', true); 2.5

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Better feedback when running external processes from a Console application

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$process = new Process('ls -lsa'); $process->run(); $output->writeln($process->getOutput());

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$callback = function ($type, $buffer) use ($output) { $output->write($buffer); }; $process->run(OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_VERBOSE < $output- >getVerbosity() ? $callback : null);

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$callback = function ($type, $buffer) use ($output, &$startedOut, &$startedErr) { if ('err' === $type) { if (!$startedErr) { $output->write("\n ERR > "); $startedErr = true; $startedOut = false; } $output->write(str_replace("\n", "\n ERR > ", $buffer)); } else { if (!$startedOut) { $output->write("\n OUT > "); $startedOut = true; $startedErr = false; } $output->write(str_replace("\n", "\n OUT > ", $buffer)); } };

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$helper = $this->getHelper('process'); $process = $helper->run($output, 'ls -lsa'); $output->writeln($process->getOutput()); 2.5

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$helper->run($output, 'ls -lsa'); $helper->run($output, 'run foobar'); ./app/console ... -vv

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$helper->run($output, 'ls -lsa'); ./app/console ... -vvv

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./app/console ... -vvv $helper->run($output, 'run foobar');

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$helper = $this->getHelper('process'); $process = new Process('ls -lsa'); $helper->run($output, $process); $output->writeln($process->getOutput()); 2.5

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$callback = function ($type, $buffer) { error_log($buffer); }; $helper->run($output, $process, null, $callback); 2.5

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What about debugging HTTP requests?

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use Guzzle\Http\Client; $client->get('')->send();

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use Guzzle\Http\Client; $client = new Client(); $client->addSubscriber(new GuzzleConsolePlugin( $output, $this->getHelper('debug_formatter')) ); $client->get('')->send(); 2.5

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./app/console ... -vv $client->get('')->send(); $client->get('')->send();

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./app/console ... -vv $client->get('')->send();

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$formatter = $this->getHelperSet()->get('debug_formatter'); // start a session $start = $formatter->start($uuid, $cmd); $output->write($start); // give some feedback $progress = $formatter->progress($uuid, $buffer, $isError); $output->write($progress); // at the end $stop = $formatter->stop($uuid, $message, $isSuccessful); $output->write($stop); 2.5