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The journey to 70:20:10

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What change can you make today, that will impact tomorrow?” - Jeff Kortenbosch “ #OEB16

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Stop being a course factory!

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Achievements Re-introduce 70:20:10 Introduce 5 Moments of need Introduce performance support Run POC of EPSS Run workshop: Future skills of L&D Assess current L&D skills Selection of EPSS*

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Educate yourself #702010 #5mon

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Educate customers …Why …then How …Bite size …In their language ...Don’t overwhelm them!

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Educate your team …Share a coffee …Share articles …Team meetings …Host workshops …Assess and reskill

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Educate your management …Be persistent …Have a narrative …Make it meaningful …Make it tangible …Solutions not problems

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Action! Facilitate: - Workshops - Information sessions - Tools - Platforms * Think long term but don’t let it stop you from starting…

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“Learn. Show. Repeat!” - Matthew Guyan

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Let’s connect @elearningjeff