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Closing the Gaps w/ Digital Design Systems @livmadsen

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@livmadsen I’m Liv.
 Nice to meet you. Hello,

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@livmadsen Life was simpler in the olden days, amirite? (not really better, tho)

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coding is designing; design must consider code 4 @livmadsen Conten Desig Development

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edenspiekermann_ @livmadsen enter digital design systems

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edenspiekermann_ @livmadsen A documented, unified set of design/UX rules and patterns – for scalable design

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edenspiekermann_ @livmadsen a structured approach to optimising your digital workflows +

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Design System Brand Digital Design Systems 9 @livmadsen Anatomy of a Design System, as illustrated by Nate Baldwin Visual Design Language Design Principles Design Assets UI Kit (Living) Style Guide Content Strategy Voice & Tone UI Presentation Layer Documentation Processes Components Dev Standards deliberate & managed in a digital realm & format

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edenspiekermann_ @livmadsen design system maturity

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edenspiekermann_ @livmadsen design systems are everywhere … and many more at

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Digital Design Systems clear design principles, clear goals, shared vocabulary 12 @livmadsen http://yayasan1m

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edenspiekermann_ @livmadsen Patterns Breaking your UI into reusable components

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edenspiekermann_ @livmadsen avoid reinventing the wheel consistency faster development

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edenspiekermann_ @livmadsen What introducing patterns doesn’t mean…

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Digital Design Systems June 2017 Day 1: we shall need these 10 things 16 @livmadsen Gallery Fact card Video Branded header Text w/ image Product Header Large image Text w/o image Brief

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Digital Design Systems June 2017 and never shall we stray… 17 @livmadsen Feature story Series Short formats Quote of the day Current atmosphere Questions on Love My salvation Brief 99 Questions Brief Roger Willemsen Brief Politics and society Top x lists Martenstein Großes Bild Deutschland karte Großes Bild Ich habe einen Traum Großes Bild Großes Bild Der Moment Image exploration Großes Bild Großes Bild Großes Bild Großes Bild Mega BU Brief Großes Bild Janosch Text w/ image Text w/ image Text w/ image Text w/ image Text w/ image Branded header Branded header Branded header Branded header Branded header Branded header Branded header Branded header Branded header Branded header Header Header Header Header Header Text w/o image Text w/o image Text w/o image Text w/o image Text w/o image Text w/o image Gallery Text w/ image Product Product Product Product Fact card Video Fact card Fact card Video

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edenspiekermann_ @livmadsen Patterns are discovered rather than made

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edenspiekermann_ @livmadsen “Patterns are not dogma, they can change and adapt” — Claudina Sarahe

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edenspiekermann_ @livmadsen → supplement as needed

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edenspiekermann_ @livmadsen Patterns make you better at handling purposeful complexity and give you more…

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edenspiekermann_ @livmadsen start with a UI inventory gather & describe build vocabulary practice:

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@livmadsen functional, relatable names – by the team, for the team a design system is not for the product, it’s for the people who build the product

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@livmadsen beyond simple UI patterns…

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Digital Design Systems 26 @livmadsen

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Digital Design Systems 27 @livmadsen Make the title massive!

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edenspiekermann_ @livmadsen → make the right choice the easiest choice

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edenspiekermann_ @livmadsen Libraries document your reusable UI parts. Good documentation enables timely and correct reuse

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edenspiekermann_ @livmadsen maintenance overhead selecting good tools

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edenspiekermann_ @livmadsen

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edenspiekermann_ @livmadsen … add gem & use this To get this …

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Digital Design Systems 33 @livmadsen

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Digital Design Systems 34 @livmadsen

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Digital Design Systems 35 @livmadsen but wait… there’s more

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36 @livmadsen The One Source of Truth focus on what hits the user’s screen, the fruit of the whole team’s work: the coded interface

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…presenting fully baked Photoshop comps “is the most effective way to show your clients what their website will never look like.” – Stephen Hay (who clearly knows what he’s talking about) Digital Design Systems 37 @livmadsen

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Digital Design Systems 38 @livmadsen take the fastest route to get the idea across ?

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Digital Design Systems 39 @livmadsen from me to future me with love from: me to: future me with love

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edenspiekermann_ @livmadsen Not bad… not bad at all

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edenspiekermann_ @livmadsen

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@livmadsen SHOW ROOM WORK SPACE(S) TOOLBOX Bits and pieces you’ll need for building. Supplies the team. Present, convince and guide to use system. Guides the team. Setups to facilitate good workflows. Organises the team. loosely based on

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@livmadsen Different teams can leverage different parts of the system to produce websites, apps, prototypes, campaigns, etc. all following the guidelines

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@livmadsen Introduces basics, design principles, best practices

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@livmadsen Design Playbook when and why to use Patterns Library how to use workspace: show room:

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Digital Design Systems 48 @livmadsen

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Digital Design Systems 49 @livmadsen

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Thank you! @livmadsen @livmadsen