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Cutting-edge Continuous Delivery: Automated Canary Analysis through Spinnaker October 7–10, 2019 Austin Convention Center

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Cover w/ Image Who’s this guy? ■ Andreas Evers - Senior Solutions Architect at Pivotal ■ Part of Application Transformation (AppTx) EMEA ■ Active in Pivotal’s Spinnaker team (collaboration between Spring & Cloud Foundry R&D) ■ @andreasevers on Twitter

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The ultimate goal of continuous delivery is to deploy software quickly & automatically. This can only be achieved if we’re able to push new code without fear.

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Speed Confidence

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App Engine Compute Engine

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Orca Front50 Spring Boot at the core Gate Clouddriver Rosco Fiat Deck Echo Igor Halyard Kayenta

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Spinnaker Ecosystem Cloud Providers App Engine Amazon Web Services Azure Cloud Foundry DC/OS Google Compute Engine Kubernetes Openstack Oracle CI Systems Jenkins Travis CI Wercker Concourse Artifact Support Docker GitHub HTTP S3 Artifactory Google Cloud Storage Nexus (coming soon) Monitoring Datadog Prometheus Stackdriver Atlas SignalFx (10+ more on roadmap) Notifications Email HipChat Slack SMS via Twilio

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Cloud Pipelines Manual Deployments? Different live versions across regions & clouds? Rollbacks? Spring Cloud Pipelines

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= Application Centric Control Plane

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Change Change Change Change SVC 1 SVC 2 SVC 3 Cloud Deployments are Complex

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Multi Cloud / Foundation / Account / Region View

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Easy Rollbacks are Important

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Deploy during the Right Timeframes

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Deployment Windows

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Deployment Windows

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Deployment Strategies

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Canary Birds

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Canary Birds

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Canary Analysis

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Canary Analysis

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Chaos Monkeys

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Go Fast - With Safety ■ Automated rollbacks ■ Deployment windows ■ Chaos monkeys ■ Deployment strategies ■ Automated canary analysis ■ Cluster locking ■ Traffic guards ■ Manual judgements ■ Conditional pipeline & stage execution ■ Notifications

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Halyard ■ Configuration & deployment lifecycle management tool ■ Install, upgrade, configure, validate your Spinnaker installation ■ Works with Bill of Materials (BOM)

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Rick And Morty

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Rick And Morty ■ Green protagonist ■ Rick turns himself into a pickle to avoid family therapy ■ Rolls into the sewer and has to fight rats and cockroaches ■ Comes out victorious ■ Very strong, predictable and stable green version

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Rick And Morty ■ Blue antagonist ■ Genie in a box who exists only to solve the task at hand ■ Will go to great lengths to solve that task ■ Gets aggressive if the task can’t be solved ■ Dangerous, chaotic and unstable blue version

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Rick And Morty

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Rick And Morty

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Rick And Morty

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Rick And Morty

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Rick And Morty

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Rick And Morty

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Demo spring one spring one

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Canary best practices ■ Apply fine-grained traffic splits & content-based routing with Istio or other sophisticated load-balancing technologies ■ Fine-tune the metrics you choose to reflect key service health indicators ■ Include business metrics such as pirate metrics

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Canary best practices ■ Run canaries long enough to gather enough data points ■ Use the metrics store explorer to figure out what metric expressions to use ■ Align the data points from both canary and baseline deployments using time series aggregators / reducers carefully ■ Take advantage of SpEL templating to avoid manifest hell

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Speed Confidence

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© Copyright 2019 Pivotal Software, Inc. All rights Reserved. Slides: Twitter: SO tag:spinnaker Cutting-edge Continuous Delivery: Automated Canary Analysis through Spinnaker Attributions: Doug Thompson ( U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 1st Class Eric Brown [Public domain] Rick and Morty by Adult Swim