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Spencer Gibb @spencerbgibb Olga Maciaszek-Sharma @olga_maciaszek Resilient and Adaptable Systems with Cloud Native APIs Copyright © 2020 VMware, Inc. or its affiliates. 1

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Cover w/ Image Agenda ● What is a Cloud-Native API? ● Protocols ● Gateways ● Architecture ● Demo ● Q+A 2

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What is a Cloud-Native API? 3

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The API is the product API First 4

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IoT devices API First: The API is the product WWW Mobile Apps Web apps 5

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API First: The API is the product 6

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API First: The API is the product Streaming Shopping Shipping 7

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Systems Driven by the API 8

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Systems Driven by the API Apps Instances & Networks Load Balancer 9

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Systems Driven by the API Resilience Fault Tolerance Rate Limiting 10

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The API is greater than the sum of its parts 11

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Serverless 12

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Server-side architecture run in stateless, event-triggered, ephemeral compute containers.* * 13

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Backend as a Service 14

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Function as a Service 15

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Event-Driven 16

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Infrastructure management handled by cloud providers 17

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Automatic scaling Built-in high availability Pay-for-use billing model 18

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Emphasis on short startup and low memory footprint 19

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Higher system complexity Complex monitoring and tracing Risk of vendor locks Last 10% trap 20

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Spring Cloud Function @SpringBootApplication public class Application { [...] @Bean public Function uppercase() { return value -> value.toUpperCase(); }} 21

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Tanzu Application Platform 22

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Efficiency/Speed 23

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Responsiveness is important Optimize for availability and speed 24

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Protocols 25

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Infrastructure is Important. Scaling and Resiliency 26

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Spring Ecosystem allows focus on core business. Speed to market matters. 27

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Evolving 28

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Intra-service communication as part of functionalities’ implementation 29

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APIs within systems 30

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Backward compatibility Addition only Tolerant consumers Deferred updates 31

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Consumer-Driven Contracts Collaborative Scenario-based Integration testing Backwards compatibility testing 32

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' Spring Cloud Contract request { method 'PUT' url '/fraudcheck' body([ "": $(regex('[0-9]{10}')), loanAmount : 99999 ]) headers { contentType('application/json') } } response { status OK() body([ fraudCheckStatus : "FRAUD", "rejection.reason": "Amount too high" ]) headers { contentType('application/json') } } 33

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Protocols 34

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Resource-oriented 36

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Simple and straightforward 37

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Client-Server/ Request-Response Synchronous Head-of-line blocking 38

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Text-based The internet is running in debug mode* * 39

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HTTP/2 Binary Multiplexed Headers compression Server Push 40

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Upcoming: HTTP/3 QUIC-based 41

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Messaging 42

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Rabbitmq & Kafka offer distributed message brokers and streaming semantics 43

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Topics & Queues 44

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Durable or Ephemeral 45

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Messaging allows separation of concerns at the API level 46

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Event Sourcing Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) 47

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RSocket 48

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Reactive Streams semantics on protocol level 49

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Message-driven Asynchronous 50

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Fire-and-Forget Request/Response Request/Stream Channel 51

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Flow Control Backpressure Leasing 52

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Binary 53

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TCP WebSockets Aeron Upcoming: HTTP/3 (QUIC) 54

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Gateways 55

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Discoverability 56

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Changing topology 57

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Service Registration and Discovery Service A Service Registry Service A Service A 1. Register Service B 2. Query for service A instances 3. Connect 58

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Spring Cloud Gateway 59

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Spring Cloud Gateway Spring Cloud Gateway Service 1 Service 2 Service 3 Service 4 Mobile App Web App 60

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Spring Cloud Gateway Load Balancing Fault Tolerance Rate Limiting Security 61

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RSocket Broker 62

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RSocket Broker Load Balancing Fault Tolerance Security Service Discovery 63

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RSocket Broker RSocket Broker Service 1 Service 3 Service 2 Service 3 RSocket Broker RSocket Broker Service 1 Service 2 64

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RSocket 💖 HTTP 65

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RSocketHttpBridge 66

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http POST host:port/serviceId/rsocketEndpointId < valid.json 67

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POST Service ID and RSocket endpoint from URI byte[] Tags passed as headers Interaction mode from URI or default WellKnownKey 68

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Architecture 69

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Greenfield 70

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Allows builders to choose the right tool for the job 71

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Constraints are: budget, personnel, time to market, functional requirements. 72

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Freedom of choice 73

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Legacy/Heritage 74

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Modernising architecture by areas/ components 75

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Legacy Service + RSocket ecosystem Legacy HTTP Service RSocket Broker RSocket Service RSocket Service RSocket Service RSocket Service 76

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Legacy Service + RSocket ecosystem Legacy HTTP Service RSocket Broker RSocket Service RSocket Service RSocket Service RSocket Service HTTP RSocket Bridge 77

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Demo 78

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Demo Flow HTTP Loan Service RSocket Broker RSocket Verification Service Gateway HTTP RSocket Bridge Verification Request Verification Response 79

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Resources ● ● ● ● ● ● ● 80

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Thank you @olga_maciaszek @spencerbgibb © 2020 Spring. A VMware-backed project. 81