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WO R D P R E S S A N D T H E E N T E R P R I S E D I S C O N N E C T O C TO B E R 3 1 S T, 2 0 1 5 @jeckman • #wcnyc

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@jeckman • #wcnyc @jeckman • #wcnyc

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@jeckman • #wcnyc

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@jeckman • #wcnyc

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@jeckman • #wcnyc Automattic appears significantly less than other vendors . . . where key scenarios require integration with other enterprise systems . . . some customers are cautious of the complexity — and quality — involved in employing . . . third party components. The downside of WordPress' usability and accessibility is . . . content sprawl and reduced governance. WordPress' simple elegance suits organizations with simple requirements, but the innovative aspirations of many enterprises . . . require more innovation and sophistication. WordPress lags behind . . . in areas such as context awareness.

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@jeckman • #wcnyc

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@jeckman • #wcnyc “Despite all these apparent strengths, very few organisations consider WordPress as an option when they go through a CMS selection exercise. Large and complex organisations seem to mostly ignore it.”

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W H O A R E E N T E R P R I S E C U S TO M E R S ? O R G T Y P E : • Large for-profit companies • Well Funded Non- Profits/NGOs • Government • Education B E H AV I O R : • Scaling Processes and technology • Multilingual / multisite / complex org structures • Significant infrastructure • Many integrations @jeckman • #wcnyc

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@jeckman • #wcnyc W H Y D O W E WA N T T H E M ?

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N O, R E A L LY • Impact • Innovation at scale • Long-term predictable relationships • Open Source value exchange • Customers with money but not time • Users with time but not money @jeckman • #wcnyc

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@jeckman • #wcnyc S E L L I N G TO E N T E R P R I S E C U S TO M E R S

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@jeckman • #wcnyc A N A LYS T S

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@jeckman • #wcnyc

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@jeckman • #wcnyc

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@jeckman • #wcnyc N E G OT I AT I N G W I T H B I G G E R C O.

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@jeckman • #wcnyc H OW C A N W E W I N I N T H E E N T E R P R I S E ?

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@jeckman • #wcnyc - T O N Y B Y R N E , R E A L S T O RY G R O U P ( 2 0 0 4 ) “Vendors often report little interest in usability among prospects and buyers beyond the basic authoring interface. We don't believe that. The problem remains that end-users are too often shut out of buying decisions.”

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@jeckman • #wcnyc L E T ’ S N OT LO S E W H AT M A K E S WO R D P R E S S G R E AT I N S E A R C H O F M A K I N G I T “ E N T E R P R I S E F R I E N D LY ”

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P H I LO S O P H Y- D R I V E N D E V E LO P M E N T • Out of the Box • Design for the Majority • Decisions, not Options • Clean, Lean, and Mean • Striving for Simplicity • Deadlines are not Arbitrary • The Vocal Minority • Our Bill of Rights @jeckman • #wcnyc

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@jeckman • #wcnyc

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A D D R E S S B U S I N E S S I M PAC T • Using the prospect’s language, not insider terms • Telling the business story • White papers, case studies, slide decks, videos • Outside the WordPress bubble @jeckman • #wcnyc

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I N F LU E N C E T H E A DV I S O R S @jeckman • #wcnyc

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I N F LU E N C E T H E A DV I S O R S @jeckman • #wcnyc

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No content

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[email protected] @jeckman

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@jeckman • #wcnyc