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Don’t be scared - Practical security tips Psychological harm, paranoia, distrust in humanity, fear of toasters, mild language In Person Classified just like your porn… Imagine how much rubbish these folks watch *Warning this presentation hasn’t formally been classified by the BBFC or any organisation for age rating. It was however seen by my mother who said it was very pretty. She however wasn’t wearing her glasses.

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Practical Security Tips Twitter: @tnash A totally different talk

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WARNING This is not a GDPR talk or a talk on information governance. So relax!

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WordPress Platform Lead Former Pentester Ran a small dev agency Co run WPLeeds for 10 years Worked with PayPal, Cabinet Office, Orange and WFP Once nearly screwed up the British Soap Awards

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Estimated $2Trillion cost to business in 2019

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Relax everything will be fine...

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Bad Actors

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State Actors

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Fighting drive by hacks

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Installing a plugin

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User Roles/Permissions

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Password Manager

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Two Factor Authentication

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Limit Logins

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Update WordPress Core

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Update Plugins

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Update themes (meet a child theme)

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Buy from reputable sources

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Integrity Checking

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Logging and Audit trails

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Good hosting

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TRUST ME “I work in hosting”

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Have a disaster recovery plan

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Two-Factor Plugin What I use… PassPhrases Keepass (KeepassXC, Keepassdroid) Let’s Encrypt / Code Guard Visual Ping/CodeCeption WordPress Hosting WP Fingerprint

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Photo credits: Siobhan Hancock Daniel Foster David Goehring Found Art Photography Gratisography Negativespace unsplash Caio xkcd Christopher Geary
 Mary Alex

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Tim Nash @tnash @34SP Slides & bits:

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WordPress Hosting Experts 3 MONTHS FREE TIMNASHWP