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Advanced TypeScript: How we made our router typesafe

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Mathieu Acthernoene @zoontek • Co-lead front-end developer at • Podcast host at Putain de Code • Maintainer of react-native-(permissions / localize / bootsplash) We're hiring!

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Context at Swan dashboard web-banking onboarding consent-app explorer 5 front-end applications

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What's routing in a SPA?

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What's routing in a SPA? 1. The server sends the same HTML file 2. The JS boots and reads the URL 3. You display content based on that URL 4. When navigating, JS "intercepts" events

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Our journey of using routers paratron/hookrouter kyeotic/raviger ? abandoned breaking changes

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React Router? const App = () => ( } /> );

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React Router? const App = () => ( } /> ); Weak link

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React Router? const Profile = () => { const { userId } = useParams(); return ( Books ); }; Untypable Can have any shape Possibly undefined

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404 fi ned/books

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Can we make routing typesafe?

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Union types Let's have a quick look at

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type Literal = string | number | boolean; Union types

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Union types const fn = (input: Literal) => { if (typeof input === "string") { return input.toLowerCase(); } if (typeof input === "number") { return Math.round(input); } return input; }; TS knows it's a string TS knows it's a number TS knows it's a boolean It's the only other possibility

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type Cat = { tag: "cat"; isVicious: boolean; }; type Dog = { tag: "dog"; isAGoodBoy: boolean; }; type Animal = Cat | Dog; Union types Value as type The type system can guard based on that key

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const fn = (animal: Animal) => { if (animal.tag === "cat") { animal.isVicious; animal.isAGoodBoy; } else { animal.isVicious; animal.isAGoodBoy; } }; Union types Error Error

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Wouldn't it be great to have this for routing?

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Wouldn't it be great to have this for routing?

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The dream API const routes = { Users: "/users", User: "/users/:userId ?: invitationCode", Books: "/users/:userId/books", Book: "/users/:userId/books/:bookId", };

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The dream typing type Route = | { name: "Users", params: {} } | { name: "User", params: { userId: string, invitationCode ?: string } } | { name: "Books", params: { userId: string } } | { name: "Book", params: { userId: string, bookId: string } };

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How do we get there?

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brace yourselves

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Disclaimer: We're using types like functions

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Feature #1 Template literal types

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Template literal types type User = { firstName: string; lastName: string; }; type GetFullName = `${T["firstName"]} ${T["lastName"]}`;

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Template literal types type MichelSaison = GetFullName<{ firstName: "Michel"; lastName: "Saison"; }>; "Michel Saison" The type is narrowed down to

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Feature #2 Conditional types

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Conditional types type IsInvited = User extends "Manuel Valls" ? "No" : "Yes";

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Conditional types IsInvited<"Manuel Valls">; IsInvited<"Thomas Pesquet">; "No" 😌 "Yes" Type: Type:

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Feature #3 The `infer` keyword

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The `infer` keyword type RemoveHashtag = Input extends `#${infer Text}` ? Text : Input; Infer value after #

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The `infer` keyword RemoveHashtag<"#FollowFriday">; RemoveHashtag<"TopChef">; "FollowFriday" "TopChef" Type: Type:

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Feature #4 Recursive type calls

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Recursive type calls type Person = { name: string; child ?: Person; }; type GetFamilyNames = [ T["name"], ... (T["child"] extends Person ? GetFamilyNames : []), ]; Calls itself

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Recursive type calls type Atreides = GetDescendants<{ name: "Paulus"; child: { name: "Leto"; child: { name: "Paul"; }; }; }>; ["Paulus", "Leto", "Paul"] Type:

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Now that we have the tools

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What a route can be "/users/zoontek" "/users/zoontek?invitationCode=1234" "/users/zoontek?invitationCode=1234#profile" "/users/zoontek#profile" path path + search path + search + hash path + hash

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Let's extract the route types type ExtractRoute = Route extends `${infer Path}?${infer Search}#${infer Hash}` ? { path: Path; search: Search; hash: Hash } : Route extends `${infer Path}?${infer Search}` ? { path: Path; search: Search; hash: "" } : Route extends `${infer Path}#${infer Hash}` ? { path: Path; search: ""; hash: Hash } : { path: Route; search: ""; hash: "" };

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Let's extract the route types type ExtractRoute = Route extends `${infer Path}?${infer Search}#${infer Hash}` ? { path: Path; search: Search; hash: Hash } : Route extends `${infer Path}?${infer Search}` ? { path: Path; search: Search; hash: "" } : Route extends `${infer Path}#${infer Hash}` ? { path: Path; search: ""; hash: Hash } : { path: Route; search: ""; hash: "" };

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Let's extract the route types type ExtractRoute = Route extends `${infer Path}?${infer Search}#${infer Hash}` ? { path: Path; search: Search; hash: Hash } : Route extends `${infer Path}?${infer Search}` ? { path: Path; search: Search; hash: "" } : Route extends `${infer Path}#${infer Hash}` ? { path: Path; search: ""; hash: Hash } : { path: Route; search: ""; hash: "" }; path

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Let's extract the route types type ExtractRoute = Route extends `${infer Path}?${infer Search}#${infer Hash}` ? { path: Path; search: Search; hash: Hash } : Route extends `${infer Path}?${infer Search}` ? { path: Path; search: Search; hash: "" } : Route extends `${infer Path}#${infer Hash}` ? { path: Path; search: ""; hash: Hash } : { path: Route; search: ""; hash: "" }; path + hash

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Let's extract the route types type ExtractRoute = Route extends `${infer Path}?${infer Search}#${infer Hash}` ? { path: Path; search: Search; hash: Hash } : Route extends `${infer Path}?${infer Search}` ? { path: Path; search: Search; hash: ""} : Route extends `${infer Path}#${infer Hash}` ? { path: Path; search: ""; hash: Hash } : { path: Route; search: ""; hash: "" }; path + search

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Let's extract the route types type ExtractRoute = Route extends `${infer Path}?${infer Search}#${infer Hash}` ? { path: Path; search: Search; hash: Hash } : Route extends `${infer Path}?${infer Search}` ? { path: Path; search: Search; hash: ""} : Route extends `${infer Path}#${infer Hash}` ? { path: Path; search: ""; hash: Hash } : { path: Route; search: ""; hash: "" }; path + search + hash

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Let's extract the route types ExtractRoute<"/users/:userId ?: invitationCode">; { path: "/users/:userId"; search: ":invitationCode"; hash: ""; } Type: { path: "/books/:bookId"; search: ""; hash: ":title"; } Type: ExtractRoute<"/books/:bookId#:title">;

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Splitting our URL segments (or embracing all the madness) type Split< T extends string, Separator extends string, > = T extends `${infer Head}${Separator}${infer Tail}` ? [Head, ... Split] : [T]; Recursion Template literal type Infer Conditional type

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Splitting our URL segments (or embracing all the madness) Split<"/users/:userId", "/"> Split<":invitationCode&:token", "&"> ["", "users", ":userId"] [":invitationCode", ":token"] Type: Type:

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Building our params object type ExtractPathParams< Path extends string, Items = Split, > = Items extends [infer Head, ... infer Tail] ? Head extends `:${infer Name}` ? { [_ in Name]: string } & ExtractPathParams : ExtractPathParams : {};

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Building our params object type ExtractPathParams< Path extends string, Items = Split, > = Items extends [infer Head, ... infer Tail] ? Head extends `:${infer Name}` ? { [_ in Name]: string } & ExtractPathParams : ExtractPathParams : {}; Use default generic to split the path

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Building our params object type ExtractPathParams< Path extends string, Items = Split, > = Items extends [infer Head, ... infer Tail] ? Head extends `:${infer Name}` ? { [_ in Name]: string } & ExtractPathParams : ExtractPathParams : {}; Check if there's an item left in the split path

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Building our params object type ExtractPathParams< Path extends string, Items = Split, > = Items extends [infer Head, ... infer Tail] ? Head extends `:${infer Name}` ? { [_ in Name]: string } & ExtractPathParams : ExtractPathParams : {}; Check if the segment is a path param (starting with ":")

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Building our params object type ExtractPathParams< Path extends string, Items = Split, > = Items extends [infer Head, ... infer Tail] ? Head extends `:${infer Name}` ? { [_ in Name]: string } & ExtractPathParams : ExtractPathParams : {}; If so, a the param to our params object

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Building our params object type ExtractPathParams< Path extends string, Items = Split, > = Items extends [infer Head, ... infer Tail] ? Head extends `:${infer Name}` ? { [_ in Name]: string } & ExtractPathParams : ExtractPathParams : {}; And continue with the rest of the path

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Building our params object type ExtractPathParams< Path extends string, Items = Split, > = Items extends [infer Head, ... infer Tail] ? Head extends `:${infer Name}` ? { [_ in Name]: string } & ExtractPathParams : ExtractPathParams : {}; If it doesn't look like a param, continue with the rest of the path

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Building our params object type ExtractPathParams< Path extends string, Items = Split, > = Items extends [infer Head, ... infer Tail] ? Head extends `:${infer Name}` ? { [_ in Name]: string } & ExtractPathParams : ExtractPathParams : {}; If we reached the end of the split path, return an empty object

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Building our params object ExtractPathParams<"/users/:userId/books/:bookId"> { userId: string; bookId: string } Type:

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Building our search object type ExtractSearchParams< Search extends string, Items = Split, > = Items extends [infer Head, ... infer Tail] ? Head extends `:${infer Name}[]` ? { [_ in Name] ?: string[] } & ExtractSearchParams : Head extends `:${infer Name}` ? { [_ in Name] ?: string } & ExtractSearchParams : ExtractSearchParams : {};

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type ExtractSearchParams< Search extends string, Items = Split, > = Items extends [infer Head, ... infer Tail] ? Head extends `:${infer Name}[]` ? { [_ in Name] ?: string[] } & ExtractSearchParams : Head extends `:${infer Name}` ? { [_ in Name] ?: string } & ExtractSearchParams : ExtractSearchParams : {}; Building our search object More or less the same thing

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type ExtractSearchParams< Search extends string, Items = Split, > = Items extends [infer Head, ... infer Tail] ? Head extends `:${infer Name}[]` ? { [_ in Name] ?: string[] } & ExtractSearchParams : Head extends `:${infer Name}` ? { [_ in Name] ?: string } & ExtractSearchParams : ExtractSearchParams : {}; Building our search object Only a special case for the :param[] syntax, indicating we expect an array "?type=cat&type=dog" { type: ["cat", "dog"] }

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Building our hash object type ExtractHashParams = Hash extends `:${infer Name}` ? { [_ in Name] ?: string } : {};

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Building our hash object type ExtractHashParams = Hash extends `:${infer Name}` ? { [_ in Name] ?: string } : {}; I think you get the idea now

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Merging everything type ExtractRouteParams< Route extends string, ExtractedRoute extends RouteObject = ExtractRoute, > = ExtractPathParams & ExtractSearchParams & ExtractHashParams;

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Merging everything { userId: string, bookId: string, foo ?: string, bar ?: string[], baz ?: string, }; ExtractRouteParams<"/users/:userId/books/:bookId ?: foo&:bar[]#:baz">; Type:

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And that's how you get a fully typesafe Router (don't do it in your app code) (I mean it)

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But thankfully we've made a library out of that! Demo time!

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Other features • Safe link creation • Keyboard focus reset ♿ • Navigation blocking • Server-side rendering • …

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No content

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Thank you! Questions? ✋ Mathieu Acthernoene @zoontek Co-lead front-end developer at