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Another type of data science group Leonardo Collado Torres 2020-08-19

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LIEBER INSTITUTE for BRAIN DEVELOPMENT What is the role of a data science group? Perform analyses: answer data related questions Stay updated on new methods / software

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LIEBER INSTITUTE for BRAIN DEVELOPMENT There is increasingly more data & tools - Greater demand for data skills: wrangling, visualization, analysis - LIBD itself generates results that are large data collections - Greater demand across LIBD scientists to learn how to work with data powered-materials-database-unleashes-data-deluge … and many more

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LIEBER INSTITUTE for BRAIN DEVELOPMENT What can be the role of a data science group? Perform analyses: answer data related questions Stay updated on new methods / software Provide guidance to others when navigating the world of DS Collaborate as a part of the scientific team - understand the data generation process - work as a team with biologists

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LIEBER INSTITUTE for BRAIN DEVELOPMENT Proposals for what I want my team to do (you can join us) - Individual data science guidance sessions - General training

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LIEBER INSTITUTE for BRAIN DEVELOPMENT Proposals for what I want my team to do (you can join us) - Individual data science guidance sessions - Based on my 3 yr experience as an MPH capstone TA - Give ideas and feedback, but don’t do the analysis: different from a consultant or service unit - ~25 min session with ~15 min prep prior and ~10 min post - Build an internal session log (only for those helping) - General training - LIBD rstats club - Public facing knowledge base website

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LIEBER INSTITUTE for BRAIN DEVELOPMENT Sessions workflow 1. First time: explain your question then meet with me ~25 min 2. Meet with an assigned team member for ~25/50 min 3. Loop back if needed Internally: (session guidance training +) - Slack - Weekly meeting to discuss requests - Access to private session logs Louise Josh Arta Nick You?

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LIEBER INSTITUTE for BRAIN DEVELOPMENT Some anticipated session topics - Access to & understanding a given dataset - Visualizations: how to make one, alternatives, … - Statistical modeling - Setup & reproducibility in DS: RStudio, Git/GitHub, JHPCE, … - Help learning R/Bioconductor & debugging code - Understanding R objects: SummarizedExperiment, SCE, … - Help with Linux, SGE (JHPCE), software (modules) - Bioinformatics file formats - Data science / bioinformatics concepts & jargon

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LIEBER INSTITUTE for BRAIN DEVELOPMENT Side effects - To teach, you need to learn (learning has to be included) - You learn differently if you know you’ll teach later - Can identify internal R package / software needs - Break silos: hopefully improve environment - Lead by convincing early on in the life of a project - There is more room for change early on that after a project has been completed

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LIEBER INSTITUTE for BRAIN DEVELOPMENT Benefits from this group setup & protected time (20%) - Identify projects we want to work on as collaborators - Can help train current group members: level up our DS capacity - Enables delegating more DS tasks & training - Enables building nicer tools/websites/training materials - Reduces bottlenecks by reducing concentration - Provides critical mass to have an effect institute-wide - Can help recruit talent to LIBD & increase exposure - Improve environment &/or productivity?

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LIEBER INSTITUTE for BRAIN DEVELOPMENT Protected time goes both ways - You need protected time to learn, guide, build training material - You need time also for collaborating - It’s important to respect both and plan accordingly 2 20% 80% research

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LIEBER INSTITUTE for BRAIN DEVELOPMENT Might help with some of these points raised by Giulio Pergola et al Slide shared with permission

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LIEBER INSTITUTE for BRAIN DEVELOPMENT With feedback from Louise Huuki Joshua M Stolz Arta Seyedian Nicholas J Eagles Kristen R Maynard Keri Martinowich Stephanie C Page