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GoGig Validation
"As a data scientist, I am deeply impressed
by GoGig’s forward-thinking approach to
hiring, which is at the bleeding edge
of Recruitment Technology. Their team’s A.I.
approach to assessing cultural and career
desire fit is something that will have the rest
of the industry playing catch up. This is the
future of the industry, but GoGig is already
Elan Barenholtz, Ph.D., Associate Professor,
Dept. of Psychology at Center for Complex
Systems, Florida Atlantic University - Brain
Sciences Director for Visual Mind Lab/Machine
Perception and Cognitive Robotics Lab
"I've seen a number of recruitment technology
solutions. GoGig offers a solution that focuses on
results. This is a unique value proposition that most
companies in this market miss and enterprise clients
badly need."
Hank Stringer, Founder of
"GoGig completely changed the way I thought
about hiring for my business. I never thought that
I'd be able to get access to passively seeking
candidates that already had jobs so efficiently
based on cultural fit without paying through the
nose to staffing agencies. Culture and diversity
defines our organization; and GoGig brings those
right to my fingertips on a mobile platform that I
cannot get through LinkedIn,, or any
other technology. In addition, the team at GoGig
was super-responsive to our questions about
targeting and audiences. Their support and
response to inquiries is refreshing"
Remington Begg, Founder & CEO of Impulse Creative
“As a leader in Human Resources, I’ve seen and
utilized numerous software platforms to help with
hiring. GoGig’s automated platform is the only one
that combines anonymity, low barrier-to-entry, and
cultural fit to prevent unconscious bias in hiring and
protects the identities for passive talent. GoGig
Management has created the first technology like this
that is scalable with very low overhead—something the
competition will not be able to keep up with.”
Bill Allen, Top HR Technology investor, Chief HR Officer at
Macy’s, former Chief HR Officer at Pepsico