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A sky full of streams Embracing compositionality of functional streams Jakub Kozłowski

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Streams around you

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Listening to events (UI, Queue, ...) Scanning paginated results (external APIs) Traversing a list multiple times class Traversing( findProject: ProjectId => IO[Project], findIssues: Project => IO[List[IssueId]], findIssue: IssueId => IO[Issue], allProjectIds: IO[List[ProjectId]], me: UserId ) { def allMyIssuesInProjectsWithExclusions( excludedProject: Project => Boolean, excludedIssue: Issue => Boolean ): IO[List[Issue] } = ???

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trait Projects { def getPage(afterProject: Option[ProjectId]): IO[List[Project]] } trait Issues { def getPage( projectId: ProjectId, afterIssue: Option[IssueId] ): IO[List[Issue]] } class Github(projects: Projects, issues: Issues) { def findFirstWithMatchingIssue( predicate: Issue => Boolean ): IO[Option[Project]] } Listening to events (UI, Queue, ...) Scanning paginated results (external APIs) Traversing a list multiple times = ???

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trait Listener { def create[A: Decoder]( handler: A => Unit ): Unit } Listening to events (UI, Queue, ...) Scanning paginated results (external APIs) Traversing a list multiple times = ???

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Many, many others - TCP connections - HTTP calls - Scheduled work - Files, binary data - Websockets

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Common core?

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Common core? Potentially making control flow decisions

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Common core? Potential parallelism at each step Potentially making control flow decisions

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Common core? Potential effects at each step Potential parallelism at each step Potentially making control flow decisions

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Common core? Handling multiple values Potential effects at each step Potential parallelism at each step Potentially making control flow decisions

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Common core? Handling multiple values Potential effects at each step Potential parallelism at each step Potentially making control flow decisions Resource safety

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Common core? Handling multiple values Potential effects at each step Potential parallelism at each step Potentially making control flow decisions Resource safety

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Common core? Handling multiple values Potential effects at each step Potential parallelism at each step Potentially making control flow decisions Resource safety

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fs2.Stream[F[_], O]

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fs2.Stream[F[_], O] An immutable, lazy value

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fs2.Stream[F[_], O] An immutable, lazy value Emits from 0 to ∞ values || Fails with a Throwable

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fs2.Stream[F[_], O] An immutable, lazy value Emits from 0 to ∞ values || Fails with a Throwable Can have effects of F

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fs2.Stream[F[_], O] An immutable, lazy value Emits from 0 to ∞ values || Fails with a Throwable Can have effects of F F[A] = usually IO[A]

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fs2.Stream[F[_], O] An immutable, lazy value Emits from 0 to ∞ values || Fails with a Throwable Can have effects of F F[A] = usually IO[A] Or, less formally...

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fs2.Stream[F[_], O] A description of: A sequence of effects potentially producing values

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fs2.Stream[F[_], O] A description of: A series of effects producing values

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fs2.Stream[F[_], O] A description of: A series of effectsproducing values

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fs2.Stream[F[_], O] A description of: A series of effects producing values

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fs2.Stream[F[_], O] A description of: A series of effects producing values

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Pure streams ✨ fs2.Stream[fs2.Pure, O] Can be evaluated to a list without effects

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Pure streams ✨ fs2.Stream[fs2.Pure, O] Thanks to a clever hack:

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Pure streams ✨ fs2.Stream[fs2.Pure, O] package object fs2 { type Pure[A] <: Nothing } Thanks to a clever hack:

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Pure streams ✨ fs2.Stream[fs2.Pure, O] package object fs2 { type Pure[A] <: Nothing } Thanks to a clever hack: And covariance:

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Pure streams ✨ fs2.Stream[fs2.Pure, O] package object fs2 { type Pure[A] <: Nothing } Thanks to a clever hack: And covariance: final class Stream[+F[_], +O]

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Pure streams ✨ fs2.Stream[fs2.Pure, O] package object fs2 { type Pure[A] <: Nothing } Thanks to a clever hack: And covariance: final class Stream[+F[_], +O] val pure: Stream[Pure, Int] = Stream(1, 2, 3) val io : Stream[F, Int] = p

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Pure streams ✨ fs2.Stream[fs2.Pure, O] package object fs2 { type Pure[A] <: Nothing } Thanks to a clever hack: And covariance: final class Stream[+F[_], +O] val pure: Stream[Pure, Int] = Stream(1, 2, 3) val io : Stream[F, Int] = p For any F[_]

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Building fs2 streams

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Lift a single value Building fs2 streams

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Lift a single value Stream.emit (_: A ) Building fs2 streams

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Lift a single value Lift a sequence Stream.emit (_: A ) Building fs2 streams

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Lift a single value Lift a sequence Stream.emit (_: A ) Stream.emits(_: Seq[A]) Building fs2 streams

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Lift a single value Lift a single effect Lift a sequence Stream.emit (_: A ) Stream.emits(_: Seq[A]) Building fs2 streams

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Stream.eval (_: F[A]) Lift a single value Lift a single effect Lift a sequence Stream.emit (_: A ) Stream.emits(_: Seq[A]) Building fs2 streams

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Infinite streams ∞ Stream.constant(42) Stream.awakeEvery[IO](1.second) Stream.iterate(1.0)(_ * 2)

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Infinite streams ∞ Out of time/memory? Try these:

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.drain Infinite streams ∞ Out of time/memory? Try these:

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.drain .head Infinite streams ∞ Out of time/memory? Try these:

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.drain .head .take(10) Infinite streams ∞ Out of time/memory? Try these:

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.drain .head .take(10) .interruptAfter(10.minutes) Infinite streams ∞ Out of time/memory? Try these:

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.drain .head .take(10) .interruptAfter(10.minutes) .interruptWhen(Stream.random[IO].map(_ % 10 == 0)) Infinite streams ∞ Out of time/memory? Try these:

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.drain .head .take(10) .interruptAfter(10.minutes) .interruptWhen(Stream.random[IO].map(_ % 10 == 0)) Infinite streams ∞ Out of time/memory? Try these: When this produces true

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Consuming streams val example: Stream[IO, Int] example.compile. Effectful streams need to be "compiled" to the effect

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Consuming streams val example: Stream[IO, Int] example.compile. Effectful streams need to be "compiled" to the effect

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Transforming streams numbers .map(_ % 10 + 1) .flatMap { until => Stream.range(0, until) } .evalMap(showOut) val numbers: Stream[IO, Int] = Stream.random[IO] def showOut(i: Int) = IO(println(i))

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Transforming streams numbers .map(_ % 10 + 1) .flatMap { until => Stream.range(0, until) } .evalMap(showOut) Transform each element Replace element with sub-stream and flatten Transform each element efectfully def showOut(i: Int) = IO(println(i))

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Transforming streams numbers .map(_ % 10 + 1) .flatMap { until => Stream.range(0, until) } .evalMap(showOut) def showOut(i: Int) = IO(println(i)) //[-467868903, 452477122, 1143039958, ...] //[-2, 3, 9, ...] //[0, 1, 2, // 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, ...]

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What actually happens numbers.debug("random") .map(_ % 10 + 1).debug("map") .flatMap { until => Stream.range(0, until) }.debug("flatMap") .evalMap(showOut)

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What actually happens numbers.debug("random") .map(_ % 10 + 1).debug("map") .flatMap { until => Stream.range(0, until) }.debug("flatMap") .evalMap(showOut) random: -467868903 map: -2 random: 452477122 map: 3 flatMap: 0 0 flatMap: 1 1 flatMap: 2 2 random: 1143039958 map: 9 flatMap: 0 0 flatMap: 1 1 flatMap: 2 2 flatMap: 3 3 flatMap: 4 4 flatMap: 5 5 flatMap: 6 6 flatMap: 7 7 flatMap: 8 8

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What actually happens numbers.debug("random") .map(_ % 10 + 1).debug("map") .flatMap { until => Stream.range(0, until) }.debug("flatMap") .evalMap(showOut) random: -467868903 map: -2 random: 452477122 map: 3 flatMap: 0 0 flatMap: 1 1 flatMap: 2 2 random: 1143039958 map: 9 flatMap: 0 0 flatMap: 1 1 flatMap: 2 2 flatMap: 3 3 flatMap: 4 4 flatMap: 5 5 flatMap: 6 6 flatMap: 7 7 flatMap: 8 8

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What actually happens random: -467868903 map: -2 random: 452477122 map: 3 flatMap: 0 0 flatMap: 1 1 flatMap: 2 2 random: 1143039958 map: 9 flatMap: 0 0 flatMap: 1 1 flatMap: 2 2 flatMap: 3 3 flatMap: 4 4 flatMap: 5 5 flatMap: 6 6 flatMap: 7 7 flatMap: 8 8 numbers.debug("random") .map(_ % 10 + 1).debug("map") .flatMap { until => Stream.range(0, until) }.debug("flatMap") .evalMap(showOut)

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Control flow Stream.bracket { IO { new BufferedReader(new FileReader(new File("./build.sbt"))) } }(f => IO(f.close())) val file: Stream[IO, BufferedReader] =

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Stream.bracket { IO { new BufferedReader(new FileReader(new File("./build.sbt"))) } }(f => IO(f.close())) val file: Stream[IO, BufferedReader] = ... val process = file.flatMap { reader => Stream .eval(IO(Option(reader.readLine()))) .repeat .unNoneTerminate }.map(_.length) Stream.sleep_[IO](200.millis) ++ Stream.random[IO].flatMap(Stream.range(0, _)).take(5) ++ Stream(1, 3, 5) ++ Control flow

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Stream(1, 3, 5) ++ file.flatMap { reader => Stream .eval(IO(Option(reader.readLine()))) .repeat .unNoneTerminate }.map(_.length) Stream.sleep_[IO](200.millis) ++ Stream.random[IO].flatMap(Stream.range(0, _)).take(5) ++ 3 known elements 5 ~random elements No elements, 200ms wait Lots of elements (1 per file line) Control flow

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def slowDownEveryNTicks( resets: Stream[IO, Unit], n: Int ): Stream[IO, FiniteDuration] - emit n values every 1 millisecond - emit n values every 2 milliseconds - emit n values every 4 milliseconds - ... Reset delay every time something is emitted by `resets`

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def slowDownEveryNTicks( resets: Stream[IO, Unit], n: Int ): Stream[IO, FiniteDuration] = { val showSlowingDown = Stream.eval_(IO(println("---------- Slowing down! ----------"))) val showResetting = IO(println("---------- Resetting delays! ----------")) val delaysExponential: Stream[IO, FiniteDuration] = Stream .iterate(1.millisecond)(_ * 2) .flatMap { Stream.awakeDelay[IO](_).take(n.toLong) ++ showSlowingDown } Stream.eval(MVar.empty[IO, Unit]).flatMap { restart => val delaysUntilReset = delaysExponential.interruptWhen(restart.take.attempt) delaysUntilReset.repeat concurrently resets.evalMap(_ => restart.put(()) *> showResetting) } }

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def slowDownEveryNTicks( resets: Stream[IO, Unit], n: Int ): Stream[IO, FiniteDuration] = { val showSlowingDown = Stream.eval_(IO(println("---------- Slowing down! ----------"))) val showResetting = IO(println("---------- Resetting delays! ----------")) val delaysExponential: Stream[IO, FiniteDuration] = Stream .iterate(1.millisecond)(_ * 2) .flatMap { Stream.awakeDelay[IO](_).take(n.toLong) ++ showSlowingDown } Stream.eval(MVar.empty[IO, Unit]).flatMap { restart => val delaysUntilReset = delaysExponential.interruptWhen(restart.take.attempt) delaysUntilReset.repeat concurrently resets.evalMap(_ => restart.put(()) *> showResetting) } }

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def slowDownEveryNTicks( resets: Stream[IO, Unit], n: Int ): Stream[IO, FiniteDuration] = { val showSlowingDown = Stream.eval_(IO(println("---------- Slowing down! ----------"))) val showResetting = IO(println("---------- Resetting delays! ----------")) val delaysExponential: Stream[IO, FiniteDuration] = Stream .iterate(1.millisecond)(_ * 2) .flatMap { Stream.awakeDelay[IO](_).take(n.toLong) ++ showSlowingDown } Stream.eval(MVar.empty[IO, Unit]).flatMap { restart => val delaysUntilReset = delaysExponential.interruptWhen(restart.take.attempt) delaysUntilReset.repeat concurrently ... resets.evalMap(_ => restart.put(()) *> showResetting) } }

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def slowDownEveryNTicks( resets: Stream[IO, Unit], n: Int ): Stream[IO, FiniteDuration] = { val showSlowingDown = Stream.eval_(IO(println("---------- Slowing down! ----------"))) val showResetting = IO(println("---------- Resetting delays! ----------")) val delaysExponential: Stream[IO, FiniteDuration] = Stream .iterate(1.millisecond)(_ * 2) .flatMap { Stream.awakeDelay[IO](_).take(n.toLong) ++ showSlowingDown } Stream.eval(MVar.empty[IO, Unit]).flatMap { restart => val delaysUntilReset = delaysExponential.interruptWhen(restart.take.attempt) delaysUntilReset.repeat concurrently resets.evalMap(_ => restart.put(()) *> showResetting) } }

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def slowDownEveryNTicks( resets: Stream[IO, Unit], n: Int ): Stream[IO, FiniteDuration] = { val showSlowingDown = Stream.eval_(IO(println("---------- Slowing down! ----------"))) val showResetting = IO(println("---------- Resetting delays! ----------")) val delaysExponential: Stream[IO, FiniteDuration] = Stream .iterate(1.millisecond)(_ * 2) .flatMap { Stream.awakeDelay[IO](_).take(n.toLong) ++ showSlowingDown } Stream.eval(MVar.empty[IO, Unit]).flatMap { restart => val delaysUntilReset = delaysExponential.interruptWhen(restart.take.attempt) delaysUntilReset.repeat concurrently resets.evalMap(_ => restart.put(()) *> showResetting) } }

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val slowDown = slowDownEveryNTicks( resets = Stream.awakeEvery[IO](3.seconds).void, n = 5 ) clientMessages.zipLeft(slowDown) Demo time!

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Inversion of flow control def allMyIssuesInProjectsWithExclusions( excludedProject: Project => Boolean, excludedIssue: Issue => Boolean ): IO[List[Issue]]

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Inversion of flow control def allMyIssuesInProjectsWithExclusions( excludedProject: Project => Boolean, excludedIssue: Issue => Boolean ): IO[List[Issue]] def firstIssue( inProject: Project => Boolean, ): IO[Option[Issue]]

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Inversion of flow control def allMyIssuesInProjectsWithExclusions( excludedProject: Project => Boolean, excludedIssue: Issue => Boolean ): IO[List[Issue]] def firstIssue( inProject: Project => Boolean, ): IO[Option[Issue]]

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Inversion of flow control def allMyIssuesInProjectsWithExclusions( excludedProject: Project => Boolean, excludedIssue: Issue => Boolean ): IO[List[Issue]] val projects: Stream[IO, Project] val issues: Pipe[IO, Project, Issue] def firstIssue( inProject: Project => Boolean, ): IO[Option[Issue]]

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Inversion of flow control def allMyIssuesInProjectsWithExclusions( excludedProject: Project => Boolean, excludedIssue: Issue => Boolean ): IO[List[Issue]] val projects: Stream[IO, Project] val issues: Pipe[IO, Project, Issue] = projects .filter(!excludedProject(_)) .through(issues) .filter(!excludedIssue(_)) .filter(_.creator === me) .compile .toList def firstIssue( inProject: Project => Boolean, ): IO[Option[Issue]]

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Inversion of flow control def allMyIssuesInProjectsWithExclusions( excludedProject: Project => Boolean, excludedIssue: Issue => Boolean ): IO[List[Issue]] val projects: Stream[IO, Project] val issues: Pipe[IO, Project, Issue] = projects .find(inProject) .through(issues) .head.compile.last = projects .filter(!excludedProject(_)) .through(issues) .filter(!excludedIssue(_)) .filter(_.creator === me) .compile .toList def firstIssue( inProject: Project => Boolean, ): IO[Option[Issue]]

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Inversion of flow control def allMyIssuesInProjectsWithExclusions( excludedProject: Project => Boolean, excludedIssue: Issue => Boolean ): IO[List[Issue] val projects: Stream[IO, Project] val issues: Pipe[IO, Project, Issue] = projects .find(inProject) .through(issues) .head.compile.last = projects .filter(!excludedProject(_)) .through(issues) .filter(!excludedIssue(_)) .filter(_.creator === me) .compile .toList def firstIssue( inProject: Project => Boolean, ): IO[Option[Issue] type Pipe[F[_], -I, +O] = Stream[F, I] => Stream[F, O]

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Reusable transformations val filterText: Pipe[IO, Message, TextMessage] = _.evalMap { case msg: TextMessage => msg.some.pure[IO] case msg => logger.error(s"Not a text message: $msg").as(none) }.unNone def decode[A: Decoder]: Pipe[IO, String, A] =[A](_)).evalMap { case Right(v) => v.some.pure[IO] case Left(e) => logger.error(e)("Decoding error").as(none) }.unNone consumerMessages .through(filterText) .map(_.getText) .through(decode[UserEvent])

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Compositionality and streams

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Compositionality principle The meaning of an expression is the meaning of its parts and the way they are combined together.

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Compositionality and referential transparency val program: IO[Unit] = createFork.bracket(commit(a))(closeFork(_)) >> sendEvent(commitSuccessful(data))

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Compositionality and referential transparency val program: IO[Unit] = { val prog1 = createFork.bracket(commit(data))(closeFork(_)) val prog2 = sendEvent(commitSuccessful(data)) prog1 >> prog2 } val program: IO[Unit] = createFork.bracket(commit(a))(closeFork(_)) >> sendEvent(commitSuccessful(data))

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Referential transparency is not always enough val program: IO[Unit] = { val prog1 = createFork.bracket(commit(data))(closeFork(_)) val prog2 = sendEvent(commitSuccessful(data)) prog1 >> prog2 }

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Referential transparency is not always enough def program(use: Repository => IO[A]): IO[A] = { val prog1 = createFork.bracket(use)(closeFork(_)) val prog2 = sendEvent(commitSuccessful(data)) prog1 <* prog2 }

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Referential transparency is not always enough def program(use: Repository => IO[A]): IO[A] = { val prog1 = createFork.bracket(use)(closeFork(_)) val prog2 = sendEvent(commitSuccessful(data)) prog1 <* prog2 }

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Referential transparency is not always enough def program(use: Repository => IO[A]): IO[A] = { val prog1 = createFork.bracket(use)(closeFork(_)) val prog2 = sendEvent(commitSuccessful(data)) prog1 <* prog2 } program(quiteLongStream(_).compile.toList):

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Referential transparency is not always enough def program(use: Repository => IO[A]): IO[A] = { val prog1 = createFork.bracket(use)(closeFork(_)) val prog2 = sendEvent(commitSuccessful(data)) prog1 <* prog2 } program(quiteLongStream(_).compile.toList):

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Streams are self-contained val program: Stream[IO, Repository] = Stream.bracket(createFork)(closeFork(_)) ++ Stream.eval_(sendEvent(commitSuccessful(data))) program.flatMap(quiteLongStream)

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def tupleWith42[A](fa: IO[A]): IO[(A, Int)] = => (a, 42)) How can we test this function?

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val mostUsefulIssues = issueSource.filter(_.upvotes > 100) How can we test this stream?

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def mostUsefulIssues[F[_]](issueSource: Stream[F, Issue]) = issueSource.filter(_.upvotes > 100) How can we test this stream?

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def mostUsefulIssues[F[_]](issueSource: Stream[F, Issue]) = issueSource.filter(_.upvotes > 100) How can we test this stream? mostUsefulIssues( Stream(Issue("#1", "/u/root", 90), Issue("#2", "/u/root", 110)) ).toList === List(Issue("#2", "/u/root", 110))

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fs2 is truly compositional

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fs2 is truly compositional - No matter where the data comes from, it's always the same abstraction

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fs2 is truly compositional - No matter where the data comes from, it's always the same abstraction - All combinators work on all the streams of compatible types

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fs2 is truly compositional - No matter where the data comes from, it's always the same abstraction - All combinators work on all the streams of compatible types - Stream scales from pure streams to complex processes with lots of resources and concurrency

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fs2 is truly compositional - No matter where the data comes from, it's always the same abstraction - All combinators work on all the streams of compatible types - Stream scales from pure streams to complex processes with lots of resources and concurrency - List + IO on superpowers with far less responsibility for you

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val converter: Stream[IO, Unit] = Stream.resource(Blocker[IO]).flatMap { blocker => def fahrenheitToCelsius(f: Double): Double = (f - 32.0) * (5.0/9.0) io.file.readAll[IO](Paths.get("testdata/fahrenheit.txt"), blocker, 4096) .through(text.utf8Decode) .through(text.lines) .filter(s => !s.trim.isEmpty && !s.startsWith("//")) .map(line => fahrenheitToCelsius(line.toDouble).toString) .intersperse("\n") .through(text.utf8Encode) .through(io.file.writeAll(Paths.get("testdata/celsius.txt"), blocker)) }

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def server( blocker: Blocker ): Stream[IO, Resource[IO,[IO]]] = Stream.resource([IO](blocker)).flatMap { group => group.server[IO]( new InetSocketAddress("", 8080) ) } val clientMessages = Stream .resource(Blocker[IO]) .flatMap(server) .map { Stream .resource(_) .flatMap(_.reads(1024)) .through(fs2.text.utf8Decode) .through(fs2.text.lines) .map("Message: " + _) } .parJoin(maxOpen = 10)

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No content

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"co.fs2" %% "fs2-core" % "2.1.0" Give it a try!

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Acknowledgements Thanks to Fabio Labella for help with this talk! Thanks to Michael Pilquist, Paul Chiusano, Pavel Chlupacek, Fabio and all the contributors of fs2 and cats-effect/cats Massively inspired by: - Declarative control flow with fs2 streams by Fabio Labella: - Compositional Programming by Runar Bjarnason:

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Thank you @kubukoz Slides: Code:

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Thank you @kubukoz Slides: Code: Find me on YouTube! (