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Programming flying robots with node.js! Felix Geisendörfer, @felixge Sep 28, 2012 - LXJS

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Flying robots & node.js!

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Parrot AR Drone 2.0

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Parrot AR Drone 2.0 • Sold as a toy • Controlled via iPhone/Android

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Let’s fly it

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Parrot AR Drone 2.0 • 720p front facing camera (30 FPS) • 240p vertical camera (60 FPS) • 1 GHz 32Bit ARM Cortex A8 processor • 125 MB DDR2 Memory • Linux 2.6.32 that you can telnet into (running Busybox) • USB 2.0 connector • WiFi (b/g/n) Router

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Parrot AR Drone 2.0 • 3 axis gyroscope (2000°/second precision) • 3 axis accelerometer (+-50mg precision) • 3 axis magnetometer (6° precision) • Pressure sensor (+-10 Pa precision) • Ultrasound sensors • Fully reparable - all components can be replaced • costs 300 euros

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Parrot AR Drone 2.0 • Parrot wants people to make mobile game apps • Open / documented protocol • Firmware is closed source, but alternatives are available

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Let’s program it!

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But why? • Learn about debugging / running production systems • Artificial Intelligence, Image recognition • Example: PID Controllers

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NodeCopter.js October 5, Berlin

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Thank you! @felixge