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systemd: The Good Parts James Nugent Samsung Electronics @jen20

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Fedora 15 May 2011 openSUSE 12.2 September 2012 CentOS 7.14.04 April 2014 Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.0 June 2014 SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 October 2014 Debian 8 April 2015 Ubuntu 15.04 April 2015 systemd Adop+on

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Fedora 15 May 2011 openSUSE 12.2 September 2012 CentOS 7.14.04 April 2014 Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.0 June 2014 SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 October 2014 Debian 8 April 2015 Ubuntu 15.04 April 2015 systemd Adop+on

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Aspects of systemd • System and service manager • This is what we’ll focus on today • So2ware pla6orm for developing other applica9ons • We’ll touch on this too • “Glue” between the kernel and user applica9ons • Some references at the end

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Unit File Paths • /lib/systemd/system • For package-installed units • /etc/systemd/system • For Administrator-configured units • /run/systemd/system • For non-persistent run9me modifica9ons

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name.type consul.service

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name.type ssh.socket

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Service Units

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Service Unit Types • Simple (default) - for executables which run without daemonising - like Consul. • Forking - for executables which daemonise themselves • Oneshot - usually short-lived programs which run to comple9on and terminate • No+fy - for executables which will no9fy systemd when they are started and available for work. • Consul now supports this - more later!

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Unit Commands • systemctl enable consul.service • systemctl start consul.service • systemctl stop consul.service • systemctl restart consul.service • systemctl status consul.service

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systemctl status consul.service

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systemctl status consul.service Unit Name & Descrip9on

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systemctl status consul.service Unit Name & Descrip9on Enabled Status

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systemctl status consul.service Unit Name & Descrip9on Enabled Status Up9me

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systemctl status consul.service Unit Name & Descrip9on Enabled Status Up9me All processes

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systemctl status consul.service Unit Name & Descrip9on Enabled Status Up9me All processes Last 10 log lines

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“Drop-in” ConfiguraGon

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“Drop-in” Configura+on

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“Drop-in” Configura+on Per-Service Drop-In Configura9on Directory

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“Drop-in” Configura+on Loaded Drop-in Configura9on Files

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Common Bootstrapping PaGern • Install so2ware from a generic package • apt-get install consul • Install bootstrapping script and drop-in configura9on from an environment-specific package • apt-get install consul-bootstrap-aws • apt-get install consul-bootstrap-azure

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Working Example

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Target Units

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Socket Units

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If a service dies, its listening socket stays around, not losing a single message. After a restart of the crashed service it can continue right where it left off. If a service is upgraded we can restart the service while keeping around its sockets, thus ensuring the service is continously responsive. Not a single connection is lost during the upgrade. —Lennart Poettering

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If a service dies, its listening socket stays around, not losing a single message. After a restart of the crashed service it can continue right where it left off. If a service is upgraded we can restart the service while keeping around its sockets, thus ensuring the service is continously responsive. Not a single connection is lost during the upgrade.

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If a service dies, its listening socket stays around, not losing a single message. After a restart of the crashed service it can continue right where it left off. If a service is upgraded we can restart the service while keeping around its sockets, thus ensuring the service is continously responsive. Not a single connection is lost during the upgrade.

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Socket Ac+va+on in Go Credit: Vincent Bernat - “IntegraBon of a Go Service with systemd” - 2018

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Socket Ac+va+on in Go Credit: Vincent Bernat - “IntegraBon of a Go Service with systemd” - 2018

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$ go build 404.go $ systemd-socket-activate -l 8000 ./404 Listening on [::]:8000 as 3 $ curl '[::1]':8000 404 page not found $ curl '[::1]':8000 404 page not found

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Service Unit

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Socket Unit

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Graceful Shutdown

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Timer Units

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Timer Units

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This talk only scratches the surface of the capabiliGes of systemd

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References • • • • systemd-golang-socket-activation