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Anonymous Whistleblowing with SecureDrop Jennifer Helsby (@redshiftzero) SecureDrop Lead Developer Mozilla Festival 2017 SecureDrop Release Signing Key Fingerprint: 2224 5C81 E3BA EB41 38B3 6061 310F 5612 00F4 AD77

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What you’ll leave with • An understanding of the challenges journalists face keeping sources safe • A high-level view of the SecureDrop architecture • You’ll have leaked your first document • An understanding of how you can contribute your skills to SecureDrop if you wish • Discussion and questions

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Some of the most important stories in investigative journalism have come from whistleblowers.

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picture of all the presidents men In the past, journalists could protect their sources by simply not revealing their identities when asked Still from “All the Presidents Men”, a film adaptation of Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward’s reporting on the Watergate break-in

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GCHQ surveillance base in Bude, UK. Image credit: Trevor Paglen “SecureDrop restores the effectiveness of a reporter’s privilege to protect their sources through principled non-cooperation—such as refusing to testify in court—whereas pervasive digital surveillance has made this gesture effectively moot over the last decade.” - Charles Berret, Tow Center for Digital Journalism Report on SecureDrop

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SecureDrop • No third parties: Each organization using SecureDrop operates its own independent instance • Encrypts data in transit and in rest • Minimizes metadata trail between sources and journalists • System hardening to protect against hackers • Free and open-source

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Current SecureDrop Team our Ford-Mozilla Open Web Fellow! + contributors prototyping next generation SecureDrop workstation

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… more at

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How do sources find out about SecureDrop?

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You should download and use Tor Browser to stay anonymous online and provide cover for those that rely on Tor to stay safe.

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How does SecureDrop work?

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SecureDrop server Source A source submits documents to an organization’s SecureDrop server

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“Source interface”: Web application running on a Tor onion service (*.onion) advertised by the news organization

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SecureDrop server Source They are stored encrypted on the SecureDrop server.

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SecureDrop server Journalist A journalist logs in to SecureDrop to look at recent submissions.

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“Journalist interface”: Web application running on an authenticated Tor onion service kept secret

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SecureDrop server Journalist She downloads the encrypted documents.

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SecureDrop server Journalist She downloads the encrypted documents.

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Journalist Secure Viewing Station She moves the encrypted documents to a special computer used for viewing SecureDrop submissions.

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Journalist Secure Viewing Station This air-gapped computer contains the decryption key for the documents.

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Journalist Secure Viewing Station The journalist decrypts the documents.

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Journalist Secure Viewing Station She reads them and can publish stories based on their content!

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Now it’s your turn 1. Download Tor Browser from: 2. Go to pu7yqpfi5cn6sow7.onion and submit a document or message!

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How you can help

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Help us translate SecureDrop! • Get started translating SecureDrop: • Join our community forum:

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Internet-connected VM Disposable VM not connected to the internet Journalist Workstation

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Help us write code or documentation for SecureDrop! • Install SecureDrop: • Help us develop SecureDrop: • Developer documentation: getting_started.html • Server code and documentation: • Journalist Workstation: workstation • Developer mailing list: [email protected]

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Thanks • Please come and talk to one of us after if you are interested in helping out! • Translation: • Code and documentation: and • Chat with us: • (forum) • (team chat) • [email protected] • Donate: • Follow: @SecureDrop and @FreedomOfPress