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Getting Started with WebVR Contents Creation for Oculus Quest

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Please Download Sample Data

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What’s A-Frame  JS library to create VR apps which work on web browser.  3D objects can be placed by writing HTML tags.  VR apps work on web browser. (ex. Chrome, Firefox)  Also available on WinMR, HTC Vive and Oculus Quest.

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Experience Access to the official site of A-Frame (

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Experience Sample demos are shown on the left column. サンプル

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Experience Let’s see the most primitive sample Hello WebVR. Hello WebVR

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Experience See around VR environment by mouse/key controll. Click inside the screen Rotation:drag & move a mouse Left/Right:[←][→] key Forward/Back:[↑][↓] key

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Another Example 360°Images also work with A-Frame easily. 360°Image RICOH Theta

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Of course you can play on Oculus Quest

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The Goal of This Tutorial

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Let’s Experience on Oculus Quest!

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You can See Also... Primitive sample of getting input from controllers Quest-Input-Sample Source code of the goal of today’s tutorial. Quest-Interaction-Sample

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Today’s Tutorial Step1: Learning basic usage of A-Frame Step2: Making the simple VR environment. Step3: Writing script to achieve interaction.

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Today’s Tutorial Step1: Learning basic usage of A-Frame Step2: Making the simple VR environment. Step3: Writing script to achieve interaction.

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Please log in your account of Glitch

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Getting Sample Code Click the link shown as GET STARTED GET STARTED

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Remixing the Sample Code Description of Hello WebVR Hello WebVR

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Remixing the Sample Code Click remix the starter example on Glitch Click

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Remixing the Sample Code Click “Remix your own” button shown on the right bottom of preview image. Click

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Click index.html to view the sample code. Click

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Explanation of the Sample Code Hello, WebVR! - A-Frame Description of 3D contents are written here.  A-Frame library is imported between  Description of 3D objects are written between

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Explanation of the Sample Code  Primitive objects are defined as a-xxx /a-box.html (ex. Detail of a-box)

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Run ①Show ②Next to The Code

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How to Modify Objects? You can change parameters of components. For example...  position: x y z are used to modify the position of a CG. (0 1.25 -5)

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How to Modify Objects? Examples of components  position:x y z are used to modify the position.  rotation:x y z means rotation of each axis.  color:color code are used to define the color.  There are some parameters for each primitive object. X Z Y (0 1.25 -5) 【Others】 radius width height depth src (image file) 原点

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Let’s Try to Edit Components #AAAAAA position="-1 0.5 -2" rotation="0 0 0" position="0 1.25 -4" radius="0.7" position="1 0.75 -2 height="0.7" position="0 0 0" width="10" height="10"

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Today’s Tutorial Step1: Learning basic usage of A-Frame Step2: Making the simple VR environment. Step3: Writing script to achieve interaction.

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Today’s Tutorial Step1: Learning basic usage of A-Frame Step2: Making the simple VR environment. Step3: Writing script to achieve interaction.

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Applying Texture Image

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Applying Texture Image ①assets ②Add Asset → Upload

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Applying Texture Image ①back.png ②Open

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Applying Texture Image Click

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Applying Texture Image ①Click ②Click out of the dialog

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Applying Texture Image index.html

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Applying Texture Image  Replace the a-sphere’s material to src instead color. To be continued to the next page... Delete color

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Applying Texture Image Paste the URL Add src  Change the a-sphere’s material to src instead color.  Paste the URL of the texture image on the right side of src.

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Duplication of Textured Plane Copy & Paste

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Duplication of Textured Plane Make 4 walls with the same procedure.

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Modify URL of Your VR Content Click Text Modify a name

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Modify URL of Your VR Content

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Test on Oculus Quest You will be immersed in the VR space you created.

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Adding Controller Entity enables us to define original entity instead pre-defined primitive entities.

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Before Test on Oculus Quest... Reload!

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Test on Oculus Quest Oculus Touch’s controller, not Quest’s, will appear.

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Today’s Tutorial Step1: Learning basic usage of A-Frame Step2: Making the simple VR environment. Step3: Writing script to achieve interaction.

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Today’s Tutorial Step1: Learning basic usage of A-Frame Step2: Making the simple VR environment. Step3: Writing script to achieve interaction.

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Definition of Input Behavior Add input-listen component to describe behavior when input of controller is received. From next page, source code of input-listen is explained.

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Definition of Input Behavior AFRAME.registerComponent('input-listen', { init:function () { //Initialization } , tick: function () { //Update } }); 1.txt

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Definition of Input Behavior init:function () { //Initialization //Called when x button begin to be pressed (for Left Hand) this.el.addEventListener('xbuttondown', function (e) { /*Do something*/ }); //Called when x button is released (for Left Hand) this.el.addEventListener('xbuttonup', function (e) { }); //Called when grip button begin to be pressed (for Both Hand) this.el.addEventListener('gripdown', function (e) { }); //Called when grip button released. (for Both Hand) this.el.addEventListener('gripup', function (e) { }); } , 2.txt

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Visualization of Input Info with Text 3.txt

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Visualization of Input Info with Text const txt = document.getElementById("txt"); //Called when x button begin to be pressed (for Left Hand) this.el.addEventListener('xbuttondown', function (e) { txt.setAttribute("value", "x pressed"); }); //Called when x button is released (for Left Hand) this.el.addEventListener('xbuttonup', function (e) { txt.setAttribute("value", "x released"); }); //Called when grip button begin to be pressed (for Both Hand) this.el.addEventListener('gripdown', function (e) { txt.setAttribute("value", "grip pressed"); }); //Called when grip button released. (for Both Hand) this.el.addEventListener('gripup', function (e) { txt.setAttribute("value", "grip released"); }); 4.txt

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Before the Test on Oculus Quest Reload!!

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Test on Oculus Quest Each action of grip or a-button will appear.

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Reference ①Oculus-touch-controls ②Events Info of events are explained in the official reference in detail.

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Duplication of the Project Remix Project I recommend to preserve this code as the primitive project. Click the content name

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Modification of URL of the New Content Click the content name Replace the name as you like

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Delete Lines of Visualization of Input const txt = document.getElementById("txt"); //Called when x button begin to be pressed (for Left Hand) this.el.addEventListener('xbuttondown', function (e) { txt.setAttribute("value", "x pressed"); }); //Called when x button is released (for Left Hand) this.el.addEventListener('xbuttonup', function (e) { txt.setAttribute("value", "x released"); }); //Called when grip button begin to be pressed (for Both Hand) this.el.addEventListener('gripdown', function (e) { txt.setAttribute("value", "grip pressed"); }); //Called when grip button released. (for Both Hand) this.el.addEventListener('gripup', function (e) { txt.setAttribute("value", "grip released"); });

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Enabling Teleportation to the Content Hello, WebVR! • A-Frame 5.txt

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Enabling Teleportation to the Content Append camera and controller as children of to get them to be allowed jumping together to th destination.

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Enabling Teleportation to the Content Next, teleportation function will be added to left-hand controller.

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Enabling Teleportation to the Content Add teleport-controls component to left-hand controller. 6.txt

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Supplementation 1 It means to allow jumpping #CameraRig and its children from #head

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Supplementation 2 teleportstart is called to start pointing destination. teleportend is called to jump to pointed position.

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Enabling Teleportation to the Content init:function () { const txt = document.getElementById("txt"); ////Called when x button begin to be pressed this.el.addEventListener('xbuttondown', function (e) { //Start to point destination this.emit('teleportstart'); }); // //Called when x button is released this.el.addEventListener('xbuttonup', function (e) { //Jump to pointed position. this.emit('teleportend'); }); /*Following code is omitted in this slide.*/ }

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Check the URL Before Starting Test Remember the project name

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Test on Oculus Quest Teleportation will be available.

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Text Step: Manipulation raycaster Checking intersection intersect Gripdown Manipulate!

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Adding Raycaster Component Find controllers

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Adding Raycaster Component Raycaster will interact with collidable entity.(see next page) It just works when distance between controller & object is in 1.2m

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Adding Raycaster Component Raycaster will interact with collidable entity.(see next page) It just works when distance between controller & object is in 1.2m

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Setting Entities as Collidable Object Checking intersection with raycaster is ON Floor and walls are not checked intersection

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Condition of Manipulation (1/2) init:function () { const txt = document.getElementById("txt"); this.el.grip=false; this.el.addEventListener('xbuttondown', function (e) { this.emit('teleportstart'); }); this.el.addEventListener('xbuttonup', function (e) { this.emit('teleportend'); }); this.el.addEventListener('gripdown', function (e) { this.grip=true; }); this.el.addEventListener('gripup', function (e) { this.grip=false; }); } , Holding grip is pressed or not.

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Condition of Manipulation (2/2) init:function () { /*Source code is omitted in this slide.*/ this.el.addEventListener('gripup', function (e) { this.grip=false; }); //called when raycaster intersected with something this.el.addEventListener('raycaster-intersection', function (e) { //Holding 1st object of detected entity as selected object. this.selectedObj = e.detail.els[0]; }); //called when raycaster intersection is cleared. this.el.addEventListener('raycaster-intersection-cleared', function (e) { //Reset selected object. this.selectedObj = null; }); } , Checking raycaster is intersected with CG or not 7.txt

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Manipulation init:function () { /* Omitted in this slide */ this.el.addEventListener('raycaster-intersection', function (e) { this.selectedObj = event.detail.els[0]; }); this.el.addEventListener('raycaster-intersection-cleared', function (e) { this.selectedObj = null; }); }, //Update tick: function () { if (!this.el.selectedObj) { return; } if (!this.el.grip) { return; } //Make selected object to follow the tip of raycaster when //raycaster intersected object and grip is pressed. }

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Manipulation //update tick: function () { if (!this.el.selectedObj) { return; } if (this.el.grip == false) { return; } //Getting direction of raycaster attached on this controller. var ray = this.el.getAttribute("raycaster").direction; //Calculate 1.2m forward position relative to controller var p = new THREE.Vector3(ray.x, ray.y, ray.z); p.normalize(); p.multiplyScalar(1.2); //Convert local position to world position. this.el.object3D.localToWorld(p); //put the selected object on the tip of the raycaster this.el.selectedObj.object3D.position.set(p.x, p.y, p.z); } 8.txt

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Test on Oculus Quest 3D objects will become manipulatable

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Reference of raycaster mponents/ You can read more detail of raycaster below.

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Next Step:Shooting Bullet(ball) Press Trigger

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Import Library of Physics Hello, WebVR! • A-Frame All script is omitted in this slide. /*Omitted*/ 9.txt physics="gravity: 0; restitution: 0.9;"

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Adding Event of Trigger Down init:function () { /*Source code is omitted in this slide.*/ //Raycaster intersected with something. this.el.addEventListener('raycaster-intersection', function (e) { this.selectedObj = event.detail.els[0]; }); //Raycaster intersection is finished. this.el.addEventListener('raycaster-intersection-cleared', function (e) { this.selectedObj = null; }); //Calles when the trigger button begin to be pressed. this.el.addEventListener('triggerdown', function (e) { }); }

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Instantiation of Ball this.el.addEventListener('triggerdown', function (e) { //Getting the current position of the controller. var point = this.object3D.getWorldPosition(); //Instantiation of ball entity. var ball = document.createElement('a-sphere'); ball.setAttribute('class', 'ball'); ball.setAttribute('scale', '0.2 0.2 0.2'); ball.setAttribute('position', point); //Adding dynamic-body and its property to enable physics. ball.setAttribute('dynamic-body', 'shape: sphere; sphereRadius:0.2; '); //Generate ball entity in a-scene var scene = document.querySelector('a-scene'); scene.appendChild(ball); }); 10.txt

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Test on Oculus Quest Ball will appear on the hand position but not be shot yet.

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Calculation of Shooting Vector this.el.addEventListener('triggerdown', function (e) { /*Source code is omitted in this slide.*/ //Generating ball entity in a-scene var scene = document.querySelector('a-scene'); scene.appendChild(ball); //Getting direction of raycaster component of the controller. var dir = this.getAttribute("raycaster").direction; //Setting direction and magnitude of shoot vector. var force = new THREE.Vector3(); force.set(dir.x, dir.y, dir.z); force.multiplyScalar(2000); //Declare and set force vecter. ball.force = this.object3D.localToWorld(force); }); 11.txt

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Shooting Bullet this.el.addEventListener('triggerdown', function (e) { /*Source code is omitted in this slide.*/ ball.force = this.object3D.localToWorld(force); //Shoot after finishing to load physics on ball ball.addEventListener('body-loaded', function (e) { //Getting position of ball var p = this.object3D.position; //Add force var f = this.force; this.body.applyForce( new CANNON.Vec3(f.x, f.y, f.z), new CANNON.Vec3(p.x, p.y, p.z) ); }); }); 12.txt

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Test on Oculus Quest Balls are shot but through the wall.

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Enabling Collision Detection --omitted-- box, sphere, cylinder, planeにstatic-bodyを追加

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Remove Balls by Pressing A-Button init:function () { /*Source code is omitted in this slide.*/ //called when trigger button is started to be pressed this.el.addEventListener('triggerdown', function (e) { /*Source code is omitted in this slide.*/ }); //Called when pressing a-button is began. this.el.addEventListener('abuttondown', function (e) { //Obtain all entity of being ball class var els = document.querySelectorAll('.ball'); //Remove each balls from a-scene. for (var i = 0; i < els.length; i++) { els[i].parentNode.removeChild(els[i]); } }); } , 13.txt

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No content