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Working in Japan as A Woman Yukiko Kumagai (Hiramatsu) / BTC Corporation, part of Capgemini

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Agenda My profile 01 My career and private events 02 03 The challenge which I will probably face in the future and advice to young stars 04 The Japanese system available to women who have babies and want to have babies

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My profile

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Profile Yukiko Kumagai @KumaMatsu_san • Cloud CoE @ BTC Corporation • Cloud CoE @ MAFF (Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries) • Taking Childcare leave from August 2023 to May 2024 the picture AWS made for me, which explains my career I failed job hunting when I was a university student. I studied AWS hard at BTC. Then, I became an AWS Ambassador

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I GAVE BIRTH TO MY FIRST BABY this September Ambassador Summit My baby was born! I gave birth in Japan while Ambassadors were gathering in Seattle for the Ambassador Summit.

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My career and private events

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My Career 2023 2017 2018 2019 2021 2022 Developed infrastructure using AWS Supported clients as a Cloud CoE Joined Cloud CoE Became an AWS Architect On-premises system operations and maintenance Maternity and childcare leave till May 2024 MY TURNING POINT

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Why could I become an AWS Ambassador? Became a trainer at my company Joined JAWS as a speaker Taught customers as a Cloud CoE Happened to Become an AWS Ambassador IT evangelist in the near future? Practiced speaking in front of people Organized Cloud CoE and taught AWS to my clients Activities during the past year were evaluated Studied more and taught AWS to my co-workers What my boss said became A TURNING POINT • In 2021, I was so worried about my career • I couldn’t imagine becoming a super IT specialist or great manager • My boss said “You have great ability to teach and encourage your co-workers” • THEN I committed myself to become an IT evangelist

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I didn't become an Ambassador because I worked hard at my job. I would not have become an Ambassador had it not been for my illness and my transfer to Sendai.

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My Private Event 2023 2017 2018 2019 2021 2022 Developing AWS infrastructure at first Becoming a Cloud CoE member of several clients and AWS Ambassador Starting new carrier as a Cloud CoE in charge of training employees and PR of my company Starting new carrier as an AWS Architect Starting studying AWS On-premises system operation and maintenance Maternity leave and Childcare leave My Career 2020.1.1 I got married to my husband It took more than three years for my first child to be born. I movd to Sendai

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What occurred to me, that I didn’t expect before I found I had an illness, called PCOS(多嚢胞性卵巣症候 群), which made it difficult for me to have a baby for three years. If I didn't have the disease, I might have had a baby in 2020 or 2021 and I couldn’t have started a career as an AWS engineer and an AWS Ambassador. 01 02 I was sick of PCOS treatment and was thinking of leaving BTC in 2022 to refresh and clear my mind. However, my husband got transferred to Sendai which reduced my options for changing jobs and gave me a chance to talk with my president at BTC which changed my mind.

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Whatever will be, will be Que Sera, Sera. 人間万事塞翁が馬

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Japanese system for women who have babies and want to have babies

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Maternity and childcare leave 6 weeks before the date of birth Maternity leave 24 months at most after taking maternity leave Childcare leave 8 weeks after the date of birth Leave available for women who are pregnant or have given birth Leave available for men whose wives are pregnant or have given birth 8 weeks after the date of birth Up to 4 weeks of leave in 2 installments 24 months at most after taking maternity leave Childcare leave It’s common for Japanese to take childcare leave until April 1st, when the new fiscal year begins.

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Subsidiary aid for people having babies 67% of the salary they would have received during maternity leave $3,300 (50万円) ※Childbirth costs $2,675 ~ $6,700 (40万~100万円) Subsidiary aid for maternity leave System Childbirth allowance Cost 67% of the salary they would have received during childbirth leave Subsidiary aid for childbirth leave ※First 6 months of childbirth leave 50% of the salary they would have received during childbirth leave Subsidiary aid for childbirth leave ※Within 2 years after childbirth Table for subsidiary aid

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Fertility treatment is common among Japanese One out of 11 babies is born through in vitro fertilization (体外受精) in Japan. Percentage of children born by IVF methods Children born through IVF Children born by methods other than IVF 9% 498,140 cases in 2021 498,140 case Number of IVF treatments and number of births 69,797 babies in 2021 babies year cases treatments (right scale) number of birth through IVF (left scale)

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Cost of fertility treatment artificial insemination (人工受精) System in vitro fertilization (体外受精) Cost without national insurance Japanese salarymen who work for their companies are covered by National Health Insurance. We pay only 30% of the cost for most treatments; 70% is paid for by insurance. National insurance began covering artificial insemination and IVF on April 1, 2022 thanks to former Prime Minister, Suga! Suga Yoshihide, Former Prime Minister $ 130 $ 3,300 ※ ※1 the cost depends on the hospital Cost with national insurance $ 40 $ 990 30% 30% (% of) achievement to become pregnant 5 ~ 10 % 50 % Cost of fertility treatment ※

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Japan’s nursery school and kindergarten conditions Many women who want to get back to work as soon as possible choose to leave their children in nursery school during daytime. Nursery school Kindergarten Age of children 0 ~ 5 age 3 ~ 5 age Nursing time 7:30 ~ 18:00 or 19:00 9:00 ~ 14:00 Fee depends on the local government and parents’ salary depends on the local government more than 8 hours normally 4 hours The difference between nursery school and kindergarten

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Nursery school fee Nursery Fee per month Ota-ku in Tokyo $370 (5万5500円) The fee for nursery school is TOTALLY different depending on the parents' total income and the local city where parents live. Local government the monthly fee for nursery school in each local city when parents‘ total income is more than $7,300 (1,100万円) Osaka City $440 (6万5900円) Yokohama City $515 (7万7000円) Kyoto City $540 (8万1000円) PlayStation 5 costs $400 (6万円) by the way Up to approximately $10,200 difference if you send your child to nursery school for 5 years.

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Free nursery school Nursery school fee for the second child is half price. The third child is free until the first child enters elementary school. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 nursery school 7 age third child second child first child free half price full price elementary school If you want to save money, you should give birth to 3 children within 5 years!

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Other systems related to childcare ✓ free health checkup : You can get 14 tickets free for checking your health during pregnancy ✓ child-care allowance:You can get $100(※) per child on a monthly basis ✓ .paid volunteer: You can use the paid-volunteer system in Sendai City in which volunteers help you with whatever you want them to do. It costs $6 every hour. Nursery school fees are quite expensive. The Japanese system which you can utilize to take care of your baby is made affordable. ※ depending on the amount of salary which parents earn in total

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Demerits which Japanese salarymen face The higher the salary you receive, the higher the taxes you have to pay. If the total salary the company pays to each person is $80,000 he has to pay 30% of salary as tax He gets 70% of the salary eventually $50,000 25% of salary as tax He gets 75% of the salary eventually

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The challenges which I will probably face in the future

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What I am strongly worried about now is… when to give birth to the second and third baby

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Made family plan with my partner ( half-jokingly ) Excel table of my family plan which I made with my husband blue space means when I will take leave for giving birth and childcare In our present plan, we want to have three children. Within the coming six or seven years, I could be away from work for 27 months to raise my children.

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How will I overcome this challenge? ✓ “Bloom where God has planted you” Embrace my decision and my life. I shouldn’t envy men or women who decide not to have children. ✓ Automate tasks and use whatever type of system and machine you can use Use system or machine which helps you do the daily chores: for example; washing machine and dish washer with automatic dry function, healthy food delivery and so on. : :

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Childcare is so hard and you can’t live your life like before. After making a life plan and considering risks you will probably face, just do what you can do every day. Don’t think about “yesterday” and “tomorrow” too much! How will I overcome this challenge? ✓ Live in “Day-tight Compartments” : ✓ Set small goals and praise yourself when you achieve them. Set a small goal every day, no matter what it is; doing chores, studying English, stretching your body for 5 minutes, etc. Be proud of yourself and praise yourself! : I took some English test one week before giving birth.

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What I want to strongly recommend for young women is … find a super nice husband who will help you do everything before and after giving birth.

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Cooking Giving milk Playing with our baby Bathing

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Let's walk through childcare and life with courage! END